
January 10th, 2007

Via: CinemaBlend:

Mike Judge’s first movie since 1999’s massive cult hit Office Space rolls out in eight cities this weekend, almost as an afterthought. Actually, afterthought isn’t the word. Idiocracy is being treated like a red-headed step-child. Fox is intentionally and inexplicably trying to kill it. Idiocracy arrives without a movie trailer or even an official poster. 20th Century Fox hasn’t bothered to let anyone review it, and in fact until about a week ago when some executive decided to change his mind, the movie wasn’t going to be released at all. Usually when a movie gets this kind of treatment it’s because it’s a piece of crap, but Idiocracy is one of the best movies of the year.

Judge is a brilliant satirist, and anyone who thought “Beavis and Butt-Head” was glorifying the stupidity of America’s teenagers probably shouldn’t bother seeing this. Or maybe you should, since this movie is aimed squarely at all of you.

Modern science fiction usually portrays the future world as a shiny utopia of science and advanced learning. Either that, or it’s a post-apocalyptic wasteland ravaged by science gone amok or man’s own arrogance. Idiocracy takes a look at where the world’s headed right now and says forget it. None of that’s going to happen, we’re just going to get really stupid.

More: Watch Clips from Idiocracy on YouTube

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6 Responses to “Idiocracy”

  1. Eileen says:

    This is a “reality” flick if I’ve ever seen one.
    Its the real deal d’ya think. Hilarious.

  2. Kevin says:

    It’s right on. You would learn more about politics from watching this than you would ever get from a university.

  3. Mark says:

    I downloaded this from Bit Torrent, this movie was hilarious. I highly recommend it to anyone

  4. […] If you thought Idiocracy was just a bit of satire, brace for impact: […]

  5. […] I hate to keep coming back to that Idiocracy film, but that thing is probably the clearest expression, not of where we’re headed, but where we are already. I know that many of us were making Martrix comments a few years ago. Nope. The Matrix is the wrong analogy. Idiocracy is more on target. On target, get it? […]

  6. George Kenney says:

    In the future, all movies will be 5 seconds long.

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