Smart TVs a ‘Vast System of Digital Surveillance’ That Targets Everyone, Especially Kids

October 17th, 2024

Via: The Defender:

The streaming television industry has morphed into a vast data-driven viewer surveillance apparatus, transforming people’s TVs into tools for monitoring, tracking and targeting, according to a new report from the nonprofit Center for Digital Democracy.

The 48-page report, “How TV Watches Us: Commercial Surveillance in the Streaming Era,” charts the evolution from broadcast, cable and satellite television to connected TV (CTV), a term that encompasses the wide range of content delivered through the internet to smart TVs.

CTV includes popular apps like YouTube TV, Free Advertiser-Supported TV (FAST) channels, and streaming services like Disney +, Netflix and Amazon Prime. It also includes Roku, smart TVs and smart TV devices themselves.

The report documents how CTV, whose surge in viewership is largely driven by young audiences, harvests user data through a “sophisticated and expansive commercial surveillance system” that privacy advocates argue undermines existing consumer protections.

“CTV has become a privacy nightmare for viewers,” said Jeff Chester, report co-author and executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, in a press release. “It is now a core asset for the vast system of digital surveillance that shapes most of our online experiences … as it gathers and uses sensitive data about health, children, race and political interests.”

Over the past five years, CTV corporations have teamed up with data brokers like Experian and TransUnion to create new data-mining tools that capture and aggregate everything an individual user does on their smart TV. This information can be integrated with data captured from other devices and real-world activities.


October 17th, 2024

Via: The Conspiracy Files:

The Pentagon Wants to Use AI to Create Deepfake Internet Users

October 17th, 2024

Via: The Intercept:

The United States’ secretive Special Operations Command is looking for companies to help create deepfake internet users so convincing that neither humans nor computers will be able to detect they are fake, according to a procurement document reviewed by The Intercept.

The plan, mentioned in a new 76-page wish list by the Department of Defense’s Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC, outlines advanced technologies desired for country’s most elite, clandestine military efforts. “Special Operations Forces (SOF) are interested in technologies that can generate convincing online personas for use on social media platforms, social networking sites, and other online content,” the entry reads.

The document specifies that JSOC wants the ability to create online user profiles that “appear to be a unique individual that is recognizable as human but does not exist in the real world,” with each featuring “multiple expressions” and “Government Identification quality photos.”

In addition to still images of faked people, the document notes that “the solution should include facial & background imagery, facial & background video, and audio layers,” and JSOC hopes to be able to generate “selfie video” from these fabricated humans. These videos will feature more than fake people: Each deepfake selfie will come with a matching faked background, “to create a virtual environment undetectable by social media algorithms.”

U.S. Air Force Strikes Houthi Underground Weapons Storage Facilities with B-2 Bombers

October 17th, 2024

Via: The War Zone:

The Pentagon is stating that B-2 Spirit stealth bombers, along with other U.S. forces, conducted a strike on Houthi underground weapon storage sites in Yemen. This it the first operational strike mission for the Spirit in years and the first into Yemen. It sends a very specific and powerful message that only the B-2 can to the Houthis’ benefactor, Iran.

The DoD’s description of the targets is very important. “Hardened underground weapons storage locations,” followed by declaring “the United States’ ability to target facilities that our adversaries seek to keep out of reach, no matter how deeply buried underground, hardened, or fortified.” This directly highlights the B-2’s special ability to carry out unique penetrating ‘bunker buster’ strikes, specifically via its ability to carry the GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrator, better known as the MOP. Although it isn’t clear if this weapon was used, it’s certainly possible for a number of reasons, and that is really all that matters.

The MOP, weighing in around 30,000lbs, can only be carried by the B-2. Two can be lugged aloft by each of the stealth bombers at a time. These are highly specialized and prized weapons only available in relatively tiny numbers. MOP is able to penetrate deeper than any other conventional bomb on earth and is specifically designed and has been repeatedly upgraded to go after deeply buried, high-value targets, especially those in Iran.

Senior Meta Engineer Reveals Anti-Kamala Posts Are “Automatically Demoted,” Admits Shadowbanning Tactics

October 17th, 2024

Related: Kamala.exe Bluescreens

NYC Neighborhood Calls On Army… As Migrant Gang Invades Queens

October 16th, 2024

Via: Cash Jordan:

More: Hochul Urged to Send State Troopers to NYC ‘Urban Crime Zone’ Roosevelt Avenue: ‘More Brothels than Bodegas’

Amazon Goes Nuclear, to Invest More than $500 Million to Develop Small Modular Reactors

October 16th, 2024

Via: CNBC:

Amazon Web Services is investing more than $500 million in nuclear power, announcing three projects from Virginia to Washington state. AWS, Amazon’s subsidiary in cloud computing, has a massive and increasing need for clean energy as it expands its services into generative AI. It’s also a part of Amazon’s path to net-zero carbon emissions.

AWS announced it has signed an agreement with Dominion Energy, Virginia’s utility company, to explore the development of a small modular nuclear reactor, or SMR, near Dominion’s existing North Anna nuclear power station. Nuclear reactors produce no carbon emissions.

An SMR is an advanced type of nuclear reactor with a smaller footprint that allows it to be built closer to the grid. They also have faster construction times than traditional reactors, allowing them to come online sooner.

55 Undeclared Chemical Elements – Including Heavy Metals – Found in COVID Vaccines

October 16th, 2024

Via: The Defender:

A group of Argentine scientists identified 55 chemical elements — not listed on package inserts — in the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccines, according to a study published last week in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

The chemical elements include 11 heavy metals — such as chromium, arsenic, nickel, aluminum, cobalt and copper — which scientists consider systemic toxicants known to be carcinogenic and to induce organ damage, even at low exposure levels.

The samples also contained 11 of the 15 lanthanides, or rare earth elements, that are heavier, silvery metals often used in manufacturing. These chemical elements, which include lanthanum, cerium and gadolinium, are lesser known to the general public than heavy metals but have also been shown to be highly toxic.

“The detection of multiple undeclared toxic elements, including heavy metals and lanthanides, in COVID-19 vaccines raises a dual and multiplied concern for human health,” James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., a member of the journal’s editorial board who was not involved in the research, told The Defender. “Individually, these chemicals are known to cause neurological, cardiovascular and immunological damage.”

“Together, their synergistic toxicity could exacerbate these risks far beyond what regulators and manufacturers have disclosed or studied,” Lyons-Weiler added.

TD Bank Hit with Record US$3 Billion Fine Over Drug Cartel Money Laundering

October 16th, 2024

Just another day at the office.

Via: CTV News:

TD Bank will pay US$3 billion to settle charges that it failed to properly monitor money laundering by drug cartels, regulators announced Thursday.

The fine includes a US$1.3 billion penalty that will be paid to the U.S. Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, a record fine for a bank. TD also intends to pay US$1.8 billion to the U.S. Justice Department and plead guilty to resolve the U.S. government’s investigation that the bank violated the Bank Secrecy Act and allowed money laundering.

The U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement that TD Bank had “long-term, pervasive, and systemic deficiencies” in its procedures of monitoring transactions. The Wall Street Journal first reported the news late Wednesday.

And Now… Chris Mellon Claims Drone Swarms Targeting U.S. Military Bases Are Operated by ‘Mother Ships’

October 15th, 2024

Tell us another one, Chris.

Better yet, can we just get to the main event???

Via: Daily Mail:

A retired, senior Pentagon official has confirmed that UFO ‘mother ships’ were spotted ‘releasing swarms of smaller craft’ — adding further mystery to the still-unexplained intrusions over multiple US military bases.

His statements come amid the release of 50 pages of Air Force records related to provocative ‘drone’ incursions, that one general calls ‘Close Encounters at Langley.’

For at least 17 nights last December, swarms of noisy, small UFOs were seen at dusk ‘moving at rapid speeds’ and displaying ‘flashing red, green, and white lights’ penetrating the highly restricted airspace above Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.

Senior ex-Pentagon security official Chris Mellon told that the episode was ‘part of a much larger pattern affecting numerous national security installations.’

‘Two of the notable aspects,’ he said, ‘are the fact our drone signal-jamming devices have proven ineffective and these craft are making no effort to remain concealed.’

‘In fact, in some instances,’ as Mellon took pains to emphasize, ‘it is clear they want to be seen as though taunting us.’

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