The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want to Let You Go

September 27th, 2024

Via: Truthstream Media:

2 Responses to “The Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want to Let You Go”

  1. Snowman says:

    “A scientist says,”Scientists lean left because they care about the facts.”

    She tells us this shortly after mentioning that scientists are building AI.

    That raises a concern I mention every time the topic of AI comes up: that the info that is being programmed into it is limited to what lefties like to believe. It is not necessarily the whole truth or any part of it. AI only knows the facts as its leftist owners and builders have told it they are. It will make decisions according to their leftist values, which embrace corruption, anti-white racism, perversity, dishonesty, etc, etc. We catch the leftists distorting the truth and lying all the time; we see their values in action disrupting our society and destroying our culture. How can anyone not be concerned about the coming of machines much smarter than any one leftist leader or group of leaders whose goal is to fully control us?

    At present we have info alternatives: old dictionaries, old encyclopedias, old art, stored video, and old people who remember what they saw or heard or read years ago. When the left has hidden or destroyed it all, there will be no alternatives, no proof that the lefty view isn’t the only view, much less the truth.

    I sure hope somebody out there who understands the value of recording reality is working on an independent version of AI that will know the difference between fact, misinfo, disinfo and fantasy.

  2. Kevin says:

    Your concerns are absolutely valid. I just want to briefly clarify something. I hope it doesn’t seem too pedantic. The large AI models have been fed pretty much all published information. It’s not that they don’t know certain things. The problem is with the parameters and weights. Think of these as dials on a control panel. The companies can selectively identify what to turn up and turn down. Promote some things, hide others. (Search engines are now broken because of this.)

    They can also force the AI’s responses to conform to biases. It will then create outputs based on those biases. The most incredible/insane example of this is Google Gemini:

    That’s the bad news.

    The good news is that there are, at this point, countless efforts underway to create open source AI systems. The problem is that the compute requirements are… not trivial. It might be that, in the next few years, you will be able to run something locally that’s an expert in some domain or another. It will be contained on your computer and not require external compute, like most of what is available now.

    For example, I run keyboard on my phone that includes voice input but runs totally locally. No network access required. No copies of what I say stored on any company’s servers forever, etc. It’s open source and works great. It’s called Futo Keyboard.

    Here’s a video about it:

    But there’s more bad news, of course. My guess is that the free (as in freedom) / user tunable models will not be widely used. Most people are brain damaged beyond repair and enjoy their prisons and prison wardens.

    And then, with the handful of people who understand what is happening, how many of them have the technical ability to do anything about it?

    Not many.

    After decades of seeing how laypeople interact with technology, I can tell you how it’s going to go: The swipetarted masses will take whatever defaults the big companies present to them.

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