Scientists Develop Powerful ‘Pulses’ that Can Induce Immediate ‘Hibernation’

August 12th, 2024

This is from 2023.

Via: Independent:

Scientists have developed new ultrasound technology that can induce immediate “hibernation”, they say.

The system can be aimed at the head and bring on “torpor” a state similar to hibernation where mammals suppress their metabolism, reduce their body temperature and slow down other processes.

The researchers behind the new system successfully brought it on in mice and rats, after pointing the ultrasound pulses at the animals’ heads.

The scientists found that directing ultrasound pulses at mice’s heads for around 10 seconds brought on the same conditions as torpor, with their heart rate slowing, their body temperature cooling and their metabolism slowing.

They also built a special system that was able to measure that body temperature and send more of those pulses if a mouse appeared to be coming back to normal.

Without that, however, the mice would wake back up again, returning to normal metabolism and body temperature.

There are still a host of dangers, however. Experiments have shown that it is dangerous to bring animals back from those deep “torpid” states, and that they might not recover.

If the mice were in cold environments, for instance, they did not spontaneously wake up. And any experiments in humans would be at risk of repeating those safety issues for people.

3 Responses to “Scientists Develop Powerful ‘Pulses’ that Can Induce Immediate ‘Hibernation’”

  1. Snowman says:

    I’m wondering if wrapping my head in aluminum foil will keep out some of these pulses and rays and waves. Does anybody know?

  2. Kevin says:

    The tin foil hat is one of the oldest memes of all to make fun of, “conspiracy theorists.”

    And then, “Scientists Develop Powerful ‘Pulses’ that Can Induce Immediate ‘Hibernation.”

  3. dale says:

    Externally triggered hibernation has been proven both harmless and effective for most mammals. Generally Regarded as Safe. Do not use if the subject is standing or has any responsibilities. Batteries not included. Your mileage…

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