Cheatle Was with Cheney on 9/11

July 24th, 2024

5 Responses to “Cheatle Was with Cheney on 9/11”

  1. pookie says:

    The firm that shorted Trump’s media stock just before the assassination attempt — ties to Dick Cheney.

  2. Snowman says:

    Around the time 9/11 occurred, there was a short news clip of Cheney walking to a bunker, apparently in Washington, with a few others around the time 9/11 occurred. A young, frightened-looking man in military uniform hurried after him and asked, “Do your orders still stand, sir?” Cheney snapped back, “Did I tell you otherwise? Yes, they still stand!” The man’s face fell and he turned back.

  3. NH says:

    She smiles a lot, recounting 9/11 and how “it’s like it’s a choreographed moment”. I recall reading Michael Ruppert’s excellent 2004 book Crossing The Rubicon when it came out, which detailed so much about the 6+ pre-planned, simultaneous war games that were being run with our air force and civilian air traffic control while the actual attack was taking place.

    There is a lot in the book about the CIA’s drug running, 9/11 insider trading and many other things, but very prominent is Rupert’s argument for Dick Cheney being the “maestro” on 9/11.

    So, from the video Cheatle was with Cheney all day on 9/11, and from Pookie’s link Dick Cheney’s son-in-law is the CEO of the firm that shorted Trump’s company, and his daughter is the managing director—my God.

  4. Kevin says:

    I tried to get to the bottom of Austin Private Wealth supposedly buying puts on DJT. It’s a weird situation. They didn’t buy any puts on July 12th. That is their form 13F filing date, and then they claimed, “Clerical error.”

    Yes, really. haha

    This explains it:

    I went to ZeroHedge with it:


    Have you seen this?

    People are freaking out, thinking it happened on 12 July, but that’s the filing date, not the execution date.

    Do you have the ability to see when Austin Private Wealth bought the puts and the strikes and expirations???

    Thank you,


    “It happened before June 30 which is the as of date, and which was before trump had ever announced his PA rally. Spending time on this idiocy is a total waste”


    Austin Private Wealth is saying clerical error on their site:


    Which makes sense because if anyone looked at the actual 13F there is a discrepancy between the shares and value.

    Both are irrelevant however, since the position is as of June 30, which collapses the whole conspiracy theory.

    I don’t know. My guess is that a firm like that would not have clerical errors involving their options positions, but, so it goes…

  5. Snowman says:

    NH, Yep, they’re just one big extended family. The tv news back then also had a clip of Rumsfeld talking to an interviewer about the damage to the Pentagon and smirking the whole time. He was a brilliant liar, the opposite of today’s word salad/talking heads.

    Kevin & Tyler, The entire Trump schedule from Biden’s 2020 election to the next election could have been sketched out years ago, with or without T’s knowledge. The details could have been adjusted or filled in as time passed and situations evolved. They could have choices of venues for various events lined up way ahead of time and publicly named the actual sites long after they had been decided upon so that their planning would look spontaneous to the public. They could have had Plans B and C and D, too, in case there were any major failures along the course. At some point, T would have been informed and been made an offer he couldn’t refuse for his cooperation, perhaps even before his first election. Maybe he was informed of a fake assassination attempt, or maybe not informed of a real one, or both.

    In addition to the public not wanting to believe their most powerful official and behind-the-scenes bosses could be so evil, we don’t recognize how many of them there are. We don’t attribute such brilliant minds to them as they possess. We don’t think in the wider, longer-range scope that they think in. And we don’t understand why so many of their followers and supporters go along with them. If we can’t grasp these realities and start second-guessing the bad guys from their own points of view and mindsets, they’ll go on out-smarting us till doomsday.

    It’s hard to think like them because it is unnatural to us. We don’t have the requisite psychopathic mind. We have to imagine that we desire bad things and plan to do them even though we know and feel they are wrong. We have to understand that they think and feel that those things are right, according to their definition of right, which is quite different from ours. To them, ours is laughably stupid.

    We don’t know which of those guys is really in charge and which is just putting on a good act, or who the behind-the-scenes controllers even are, so we don’t know who to watch most closely. But if we can’t figure out where they are coming from, so to speak, and if we can’t at least spot and follow the tracks they leave, we won’t be able to head them off, much less stop them.

    I did read somewhere that the firm that made the clerical error had never in its existence made one like it. I only saw that on one site, which may have been Zero Hedge.

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