First 2024 U.S. Presidential Debate: Do You Want To Discuss It?

June 28th, 2024

I usually ignore U.S. Presidential Debates. I broke with tradition this time and tried to watch, but I only lasted about ten minutes. I mainly had morbid curiosity, similar to how one feels drawn to look at a traffic accident. I found it hard to believe that Biden would be able to participate at all. As we all know, he has been gone for a long time.

But there he was.

Millions basked in the warm glow of the blazing Biden dumpster fire. He was sputtering and malfunctioning as per routine.

Watching his mouth hanging open and his baffled gaze, I found myself moving from contempt to pity.

I looked at some crackpot globalist media and there was no attempt to prop up the Biden disaster anymore. They seem to have have collectively decided to throw Biden under the bus.

Here are some examples:


Some Democrats call for Biden to step aside and ‘throw in the towel’ on 2024

Debate takeaways: Biden confirms some voter fears as Trump leans into grievances

After a devastating debate performance, Biden aides try to reassure panicky Democrats

New York Times:

President Biden’s shaky, halting debate performance has Democrats talking about replacing him on the ticket.

‘It’s Frightening’: Democratic Voters Worried by Biden’s Struggles in Debate

Joe Biden Is a Good Man and a Good President. He Must Bow Out of the Race.

Washington Post:

Democrats panic over Biden’s debate performance, doubt his future

Biden’s performance: halting, meandering — and unnerving for Democrats

Biden stumbles in fiery debate as Trump spreads falsehoods

So, what do you think? Will Biden even make it to the election? Will the Democrats run someone else?

11 Responses to “First 2024 U.S. Presidential Debate: Do You Want To Discuss It?”

  1. Snowman says:

    I didn’t watch. Too insulting to my country and its proportion of sane people. Looks pretty bad that Trump happily participated in the charade.

    My guess: Biden steps down or dies. (A state funeral would be a great distraction.) Kamala becomes substitute but maybe somehow not actually sworn in. Killary gets nomination and ‘wins’ election. Maybe Gavin Gruesome is her VP to lead up to his presidency later. WWIII-related events prevent ballot investigations.

    C’mon, you guys, make your predictions!

  2. Kevin says:

    I don’t know. We’re so far into uncharted territory, I really have no idea what’s going to happen.

  3. brandon says:

    It looks like they’re going to replace him. Or, they’re just continuing to demoralize us.

    I also think Trump has gotten the talk and accepted his fate.

  4. Loveandlight says:

    We really are the Western Roman Empire in the fourth century, at this point.

  5. Loveandlight says:

    Yesterday, I saw a Tweet from Barack Obama saying that Biden should continue running against despite the fact that even the Kool-Aid drinkers in the media are saying “WTF” about Biden’s debate performance. As you might imagine, the bulk of the responses lambasted him for suggesting something so manifestly ridiculous.

    But whatever you might think of Obama, he really isn’t that stupid, and I think it’s becoming clear what the plan is going to be. Obama will replace Harris as Biden’s running mate. And even though it will at that point be obvious what’s going on, namely Obama becoming the one who takes the Oath of Office on Inauguration Day, Trump is a sufficiently polarizing national figure that even if they have to blatantly cheat to secure the necessary Biden-Obama victory, enough people in the political class and the electorate will accept this to pull it off. Either Biden will step down voluntarily after the election, or the 25th Amendment will be invoked. And yes, I am one of those people who thinks that Obama is very likely directing or at least influencing the Biden White House behind the scenes.

  6. Loveandlight says:

    Alternately, if running Obama as new VP doesn’t work as a legal dodge to the Amendment only allowing two terms (I will defer to anyone who has more certainty on that matter than I do), someone else could replace Harris as VP before the election.

  7. Kevin says:

    I’m open to any ideas, of course, but I think the 12th Amendment makes the Barack Obama scenario a no-go:

    “But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.”

  8. Kevin says:

    Newsom insisting it’s not going to be him, for whatever that’s worth.

    California Governor Gavin Newsom, acting as a surrogate for President Biden following Thursday night’s debate, once again deflected questions over whether he might potentially replace Biden on the Democratic ticket.

    “No, our nominee is Joe Biden,” Newsom told reporters. “I’m looking forward to voting for him in November.”

  9. williamspd says:

    Surely this is just another part of the plan to get Trump into office at all costs, because that’s the fast track to getting all sorts of checks and balances in the executive either dismantled or brought under the authority of the POTUS? Trump is the one person who will make the establishment even more authoritarian by enacting huge centralising changes to all branches of each one of the Estates.

  10. dale says:

    At this point, I have no idea how this will play out. The only notion I trust, is that energy and money will drive a great contraction. Decades in the making – we drift into the energy gyre as we enter the financial storm.

    Biden, and just about anyone currently in a position of power, are simply fall guys for a higher power.

    Unmoored, floundering, and entering the gyre. Definitely uncharted territory. Anything and everything could happen next.

    For every deserved insult you can heap on the mainstream media, one poignant fact stands out. It is obsolete (CNN vs Rogan). Kennedy could sweep the presidential election. Likewise, the gates of hell could get blown off their hinges.

    “The hour is much later than you think…on multiple fronts: Financial, political, medical and geopolitical.” — Edward Dowd

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