CDC-Funded Study of 99 Million COVID-Vaccinated People Finds ‘Very Rare Adverse Events’

February 22nd, 2024

Via: The Defender:

A global study of over 99 million people found increased risks of several serious adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination. However, the researchers concluded the conditions were very rare and the benefits of vaccination still outweigh the risks.

Researchers from the New Zealand-based Global COVID Vaccine Safety project conducted the study, published Feb. 12 in the journal Vaccine, with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The observational study pooled data on people who received the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines or the Oxford AstraZeneca adenovirus vector vaccine across 10 sites in eight countries in Europe, the Americas, Australia and Asia.

Scientists calculated post-vaccination rates of neurological, cardiovascular and other outcomes occurring up to 42 days after the shots and compared them to background rates before the pandemic.

The researchers found increased risks for myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), noting this confirmed similar findings in previous research. The study also identified other safety signals of concern.

4 Responses to “CDC-Funded Study of 99 Million COVID-Vaccinated People Finds ‘Very Rare Adverse Events’”

  1. dhaab says:

    Now do a study of those same people after they’ve gotten their booster shots. My 85 year old mom & dad both got cancer after their 3rd Covid booster shot. Dad’s was diagnosed as a type of skin cancer. He went thru radiation & recovered, but aged about 10 years in the process. Mom was diagnosed with “turbo cancer”, tried to do chemo, but died 3 months after her diagnosis. Neither of my parents had any history of cancer in their families.

  2. Kevin says:

    The toll on my family has been unbelievable and the tragedy is ongoing. If I listed every case, you simply wouldn’t believe it.

    And a friend just announced that his wife died of complications from Guillain-Barre syndrome…

    All of them are vaxxed and boosted and think that the deaths and near deaths are just bad luck.

  3. Snowman says:

    My heart goes out to all of you who have lost loved ones or the loving relationships you used to have due to the success of the Covid psyop. My adult son is alive but avoids me because I tried to talk him out of his psyoped state. I live in fear that he’ll also vax his little kids whenever the govt tells him to.

    People who have lost loved ones or become sick themselves yet are still pandemic believers often see the Covid facts as indictments of their own intelligence and decision-making. They strongly resist the guilt of ‘allowing themselves’ to be fooled, so they cope by denying the facts, or even denying that they are denying the facts. Until their psyches have another framework for understanding what happened to them, one that does not blame them for being susceptible to the psyop and having cooperated with it as they did, they will have to deny it or freak out, lose their integrity of mind.

    Plus they know the level of rejection by others, esp near and dear ones, they’d have to face if they admitted they were wrong.

    Plus their anger at those who fooled them could be so intense that they’d do something impermissible to the perps or to themselves.

    I don’t know how to reframe the psyop part of Covid so that victims can understand that it was like a poison slipped into their minds, not anything they consciously or knowingly accepted. I don’t know how to help them get past the horror that comes from realizing you can be so deeply tricked.

    But, towards that end: Tom Woods (history PhD) covers the entire Covid psyop in detail and suggests which facts may be most eye-opening to people still under the evil spell in his book, Diary of a Psychosis, and his interview with Kim Iversen,

    I haven’t read the book yet but found the interview encouraging as well as informative.

  4. prov6yahoo says:

    @Snowman – Very thoughtful comment. It looks like a good description of “doublethink.”
    A lot of people, maybe most of us, can’t bring ourselves to admit the possibility of being wrong, and very many times more we can’t stand to admit to possibly being fooled.

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