New Restrictions on U.S. Climate and Ocean Scientists: Any Scientific Statements “Of Official Interest” Must be Pre-Approved

April 6th, 2007


Federal climate, weather and marine scientists will be subject to new restrictions as to what they can say to the media or in public, according to agency documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER). Under rules posted last week, these federal scientists must obtain agency pre-approval to speak or write, whether on or off-duty, concerning any scientific topic deemed “of official interest.”

21 Responses to “New Restrictions on U.S. Climate and Ocean Scientists: Any Scientific Statements “Of Official Interest” Must be Pre-Approved”

  1. George Kenney says:

    Hi Kevin, relating to climate, do you have any opinion on Chemtrails? Is it a red-herring like UFO’s or are people trying to change the climate this way?

  2. BG says:

    All Official Government mass media propaganda must be properly edited before release to the general public…slowly but surely it would seem we are treading the same path as 1930’s era Germany…

  3. Doug Mitchell says:

    I imagine Kevin is seeing far fewer lines of secret spew in his new digs than back in SoCal, having departed the area myself a few years earlier sporting a similar style of “awareness” of the scary unadvertised games so obviously afoot in, on, above (and below) our world.

    Color me curious as well, George.

    Here in the vicinity of Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg, I must sadly report “skywriting” efforts of incredible magnitude. Yesterday, for example, the heavens above were a veritable crossword puzzle of criss-crossing forms, sans the blatantly obvious four-plane circles we’ve seen towards Trier to the south.

    What kills me is how on one clear day, despite the presence of overflying aircraft all day long, they’ll carry only standard hot-engine/condensate contrails, then the next (like yesterday) the sky is filled with horizon-to-horizon stripes slowly feathering together until the sun becomes a fuzzy, poorly defined glare of white light.

    Am I the ONLY person who remembers that the skies didn’t always look this way?

    Had a stateside visitor here last week, and as the “Petro” craft began spritzing the sky near sunset (ahead of an approaching cold front), I pointed up and askeed him “what he knew about contrails.” For what it’s worth, this guy is a degreed engineer and the drilling manager for a major US oil exploration firm.

    His reply was “it has something to do with the heat of the engines.”

    To which I replied: “Indeed, contrails are formed by the hot aircraft engines colliding with moist air within a specific range of temperatures and correspondent altitudes (and yes, I do actually talk like that). My question is why those trails right there (pointing) persist after the heat source is long gone.”

    When I was a kid, growing up in Boeing country (Seattle area), I was fascinated by aircraft of all sorts — as most young boys are. It didn’t hurt that my engineer of a father was also an aviation buff, and as a result I saw many an airshow in my day. The only persistent aircraft trails back then were the ones emitted by fliers like the Blue Angels during a performance.

    When I saw my first obvious “chemtrails” in early 1997, just as I was relocating to California from the Pacific NW, I pointed it out (what the hell is THAT?) to a small group of friends walking with my future wife and me along the cliffs around Point Fermin one balmy summer evening.

    The response was somewhere between curious and tepid. Rather than kick a sleeping dog, I added “I just wonder what the hell they’re spraying on us right now” and moved on to other topics, though I kept an eye to the sky all the way home.

    Every time I get to feeling that the world as we know it can’t possibly be as evil and contorted by elite interests as all the circumstantial and not-so-circumstantial Gladio-style evidence suggests, I look up and receive yet another glaring confirmation that my “gut feelings” about such things are likely closer to some sort of truth than not.

    My more educated instincts suspect that a primary purpose of the spraying is atmospheric ionization. As in, the additional metallic particles allow for more efficient heating and cooling of specific (targeted) areas via systems like HAARP, et al. I’ll wager there’s a “cover story” offered to the fliers themselves, full of high-minded idiocy about “saving the planet” and so on. Meanwhile, sans tinfoil hat issues, the biological vector worries me most.

    Dessicated red blood cells? Soil and water tests revealing aluminum levels as high as 20x normal? Measureable atmospheric titanium content? Barium? No wonder they decided to play dumb and condition the affected populations slowly. Now, in the last couple years, we have the first textbooks out with such operations discussed and mainstream propaganda outlets like the “Discovery” channel doing their Orwellian best with the subject.

    Our personal strategy involves less outside work on heavy spraying days, as well as our lifestyle choices of a locally produced non-industrial diet and frequent detoxification efforts. Does it help? Is it enough? We may never truly know, but it seems worth the effort, considering the alternatives.

  4. Technofreak says:

    Scientists being gagged by the PTB….oh well 🙁

  5. Andy Shaw says:

    While the article exposes restrictions placed on scientists regarding a matter that might render our earth uninhabitable for humans, governments around the world are censoring their employees and anyone else they can control to put forth their masters messages at every level regarding nearly every subject.

    I am convinced the worldwide chemtrail program is the most sinister program ever undertaken by the Illuminati with the highest level of secrecy and deceit. The program costs BILLIONS maybe even TRILLIONS and undoubtedly has many nefarious aspects.

    I obtained my private pilot license in 1995 and still have the text books that show a CON-trail (condensation trail) which can only last a few seconds. The book published in 1994 does not show any chemtrail in any picture.

    The sheeple of the world are letting themselves get sprayed with chemicals just like weeds in a field. I live in Metro-Detroit and we have been granted only three chemtrail free days in the past year. I also have a place in Northern Michigan and that area has slightly less spraying activity with a few more clear days. I can’t stand it! Almost as much as I want them to stop, I want to know the real story of exactly why they are doing this. Imagine the daily cost to undertake this program, not only in the U.S. but around the world.

    I am trying to find an area in the world with the least amount of chemtrail activity (hopefully none) and when I do I plan to move there. Notwithstanding the fact we all breath the same air on spaceship earth and many people consider many factors for relocating, I simply want chemtrail free. I want to see real clouds and blue sky without chemtrails.

    If anyone knows of a chemtrail free zone please post it.

  6. PeakEngineer says:

    Speaking as an aerospace engineer, I can confidently say that contrails are the result of moisture from aircraft exhaust and ambient moisture accumulating on exhaust particulates. It is usually only jet aircraft that produce the long-lasting contrails because they are the only aircraft that fly high enough for the moisture to freeze. That said, contrails are not great for the planet as they contribute to the global dimming effect:

    Referring to this post, we government science-types are screwed. Every communique to you all on this site could be my last before I’m permanently muzzled and put in locked room to design killer rockets the rest of my life. In case that’s today, catch you all later ;P

  7. Kevin says:

    @ PeakEngineer

    If you look at that site and can come back here and say that it’s just “condensation,” I’d say that government censorship is the least of your worries.

  8. […] Cryptogon readers started discussing chemtrails on New Restrictions on U.S. Climate and Ocean Scientists: Any Scientific Statements “Of Official Inte…, post any chemtrail comments you might have over there. Posted in Announcements, Environment, […]

  9. Doug Mitchell says:

    With so much abundant evidence that semantic wrangling is the beating heart of the Bernays Style propaganda so beloved of other nice guys like Goebbels; the thought occurs to me, in a moment of so-called clarity:

    What if “global climate change” isn’t just a noun? Used as both verb and noun, it changes the “wee-ooo-wee-ooo” factor (cue sound effect) of the term and its real meaning a wee bit, no?

    “Welcome to the ASP website!

    The Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Science Program has as its long-term goal developing comprehensive understanding of the atmospheric processes that control the transport, transformation, and fate of energy related trace chemicals and particulate matter. The current focus of the program is aerosol radiative forcing of climate: aerosol formation and evolution and aerosol properties that affect direct and indirect influences on climate and climate change…

    …To a large extent, the success of ASP will be measured by its ability to disseminate information that is needed to address questions on ***global climate change*** [now read it again and try those last three words on in an active sense — see what I mean?]. It is a shared responsibility of all participants to help achieve this goal, and the hope is that this can be done in a way that is not overly burdensome to individual investigators.”

    What a great bit of reading this page is. It’s all hard science and deadlines, mind you, showing us clearly where the tax dollars that once funded libraries and repositories of knowledge are now spent. How we keep the “regular folks” of the MIC (death industries index) on the job, busy measuring things. I used to interview guys like Peak Engineer every week. Like Joe Bageant, I eventually found myself ethically challenged by what I was ultimately writing about.

    Crapola like the latest in massive project management techniques, via a monster multi-headed software project headed by Boeing. Which will become the silicon brains of the proposed Comanche helicopter. A real “peacemaker” that one.

    These guys & gals I’m talking to for these sorts of stories all over the country are a diverse lot, from old schoolers who learned FORTRAN and know the benefits of Ada to bloody Jack & Jill Engineer fresh from university, and almost everything in between.

    Ninety-percent plus were nice to a fault. A few even willing to go to bat for a story with direct superiors, the Central Scrutinizer or even — GASP — legal. Typically, the better the personal connection with the interviewee, the better the interview. I heard about pregnancies, divorces, et al. But not a one EVER, not even the most personable and open, expressed the slightest whit of concern or guilt that what they were designing/programming/testing was built for the sole purpose of eliminating the maximum possible number of humans from a single monstrous shot — or some similarly large bit of evil intent.

    What does that mean? Anything? Nothing at all? I’m still not sure. But like reading the business page to gain a better understanding of where who’s screwing who why, or why who’s shooting who where, you gaze long enough into the mouth of Moloch and you eventually get tired of his halitosis.

    Any attentive and intelligent individual with enough horsepower to grok the fundamentals can understand the difference (in principle) between a standard jet exhaust contrail based on engine operating temperatures and condensation of atmospheric moisture and the painted sky puzzles witnessed daily around the world.

    Why do so many so easily swallow the saccharin pill?

  10. Alek Hidell says:

    Don’t worry about jets. The Concorde is gone, and will never return. Even Kissinger and the Rothschilds have to fly subsonic now, an early symptom of petrocollapse. By 2020 jet travel will be a luxury unaffordable by 90% of the OECD population. By 2030, the jet set will be reduced to a few elites and the military. By 2040, the oldsters will have to explain jets to grandchildren who will never see one.

    After that? Any remaining heavy aviation would be via airships. Very interesting SF novel about a post oil anglophone empire:

  11. cheeba says:

    I’d always excused myself when the chemtrails talk fired up. Too many links seemed to lead to talk of ‘rods’ and invisible dragons populating our skies. And this comes from someone who has been right out on a RigInt-esque edge of paradigm envelope-pushing and come back slightly in order to be able to get up in the morning.

    Until this Friday, which in the UK at least is Good Friday and a public holiday (there may be Americans out there currently saying “Whaduh?”. Yes, amusingly enough, in many European countries we still get Easter Friday and Monday off on account of Jesus’ death. Welcome to the Old World). Went to the park to play rounders and frisbee with Friends Who Work. Place was packed, as a cloudless day and in the 20s. Great day, walking away at the end of it, we joked about the grid system in the sky – “plane pilots playing noughts and crosses”. Felt rubbish the next day, came home, looked at Cryptogon and found everyone talking about chemtrails. Have felt bad all weekend, and am starting to wonder if I have been poisoned from above.

    My conspiratological sub-program is already starting to think that just such a public holiday would be ideal for the mass dosing of a population, as they would all be out in parks and zoos and stuff. Anyway, does anyone know of a _really convincing_ site on the subject of chemtrails? Something more than just photos and idle speculation? I’ve already taken a look at the ones listed in these comments so far. I’m off to buy a ethylene-proof parasol. Cheers.

  12. fallout11 says:

    I must also agree with Peak Engineer, despite the interesting pictures found on Strange Days, Strange Skies. Combustion of hydrocarbons produces water vapor as a byproduct (steam from your automobile’s tailpipe on cold mornings is a perfect example). This condensation freezes into ice crystals at very high altitudes, and remains there, in much the same way as other precipitation forms do.
    Lengthy condensation trails can be clearly seen in WW2-era aviation footage of high-altitude bomber formations, as well as aviation test footage taken during the 1950’s and 1960’s. Surely no chemical spraying was taking place that long ago.

  13. George Kenney says:

    The Strange Skies link Kevin posted above had an interesting word ‘Cryptocracy’ written in it. Maybe we need a new party called the Cryptocrats or Cryptolicans to go along with the Democrats and Republicans.

    “Cryptocracy refers to a type of government where the real leaders are hidden. There may possibly be a fake government that appears to be in charge and this fake government might not know themselves that they are not in charge. It can also be used when referring to similar arrangements in organisations, orders, sects and cults.”

  14. Kristen says:


    Did you read this part of Kevin’s post?

    Anyway, the silly condensation explanation is easily dashed on most heavy checker-board days.

    First, show the person what a normal condensation trail looks like. You should be able to easily identify those during chemtrail spraying. Ideally, you will catch the checker board pattern mid way through its construction.

    Have the person watch the chemtrails being sprayed closely, and note the point at which the billowing spray is turned on and off.

    That’s when you say:

    “If it’s normal condensation, how does the aircraft manage to turn it on and off to form the grid pattern?”

  15. fallout11 says:

    Yes I did, Kristen.
    However, as an aircraft structural engineer by trade I’ve seen this occur in flight as the constant-altitude aircraft passes through intervening areas of both warmer, moister air (updrafts) and cooler, drier air (downdrafts). On “checkerboard” (sunny) days, you have lots of convection driving these airflows. A plowed field or urban area parking lot radiates more heat than the wooded valley next door. In short, it is the atmosphere, not the aircraft, that produces the variance.

  16. Andy Shaw says:

    Dear Engineers:

    Thank you so much for educating me about the workings of moisture and drafts at different altitudes that I mistakenly thought were chemtrails. I feel so much better now that I’m enlightened about updrafts/downdrafts and how they make checker patterns and hazy clouds on otherwise clear days. What a relief, I thought the government and its private contractors were spraying chemicals in the sky at an enormous cost and for untold reasons. Clarity is euphoric. Thanks again.

  17. Kevin says:

    What do the good condensation theorists have to say about the barium and the biogoo? HAHA This should be good.

    Or, maybe that’s stuff isn’t handled by your pay grade or compartment?

    And not much to say about the chemtrail patents?

    Or any of the other links.

    Nope. Just condensation, sir. Nothing to see here.

    Keep cherry picking guys. It does wonders for your credibility.

  18. fallout11 says:

    Looks like cherry (or is it nit?) picking goes both ways!

    I design aircraft parts for a living (easily confirmed), hardly X-files material. Veiled ad hominem attacks do little to advance your point.
    Nor am I saying “there is no such thing!”, merely pointing out an obvious and easily demonstratable physical phenomenon does exist.

    As for patents….look, millions of patents have been granted over the last two centuries for concepts and devices that do not even work, much less perform as advertised. It means nothing. Cloud seeding technologies, which one could argue are also in the chemtrails vein (since it involves spraying chemicals into the atmosphere) have been tried, without success, since the 1950’s. Again, nothing new there.

  19. Andy Shaw says:

    Fallout11, I think you fell out and landed on your head because your postings are untenable.

    Even if you really are an engineer and actually do design aircraft parts, your desperate attempts to disprove the existence of chemtrails are reminiscent of religious types attempting to disprove human evolution. You grasp at inane, incorrect and inconsequential points to reach a conclusion that is absurd.

    The chemtrails I’ve seen hundreds of times don’t have a damn thing to do with updrafts or downdrafts at 30,000 to 50,000 feet, nor the number of patents issued nor the percentage of patents that function or fail.

    The simple story is our government and other governments around the world are purposefully discharging chemicals into the atmosphere for a variety of reasons and the public has not been told what chemicals are being sprayed or what the real reasons are for undertaking this costly program.

    Since the truth has been withheld after countless inquiries to numerous government agencies, it is not a big leap to conclude that the public would not approve if they knew the truth. Keep in mind that these chemicals enter the air we breath, the water we drink and the food we eat. Complete contamination.

    Assuming you are not blind, it is not possible that for the past seven years you have missed the government filling the sky with chemtrails using large numbers of unmarked tanker jets that fly intermittent patterns (often outside normal flight paths) that are not natural in shape, quantity or composition and are not random.

    As it is not plausible that someone smart enough to design aircraft parts could be dumb enough to think chemtrails are condensation trails. I conclude while you might be an engineer, you are somehow connected with the chemtrail program and are attempting to advance their “hidden in plain sight” plan to continue with this covert program.

  20. Doug Mitchell says:

    I’ll second that emotion, Andy.

    Then again, our friend ‘fallout” may just be one of the simpler folk among the multitude of tiny MIC cogs who design every last details of the great wheels of the american war machine. Perhaps, he designs pats for commercial aviation craft sans security clearance, little more than a smidge of useful grease on the massive skids of industrial arrogance.

    Perhaps the parts he designs are nowhere near the onboard sanitary facilities, where the aerosol dispersal systems are rumored to be stashed. Indeed, the entire premise of plausible deniability demands a stadium full of
    “educated” folk like our ersatz engineer, steeped in the rigid culture of CAD, ISO standards and design review meetings. A swollen river in which the complicit few can float by unnoticed.

    What really gave me a snigger was the concept of “parking lot convection zones” at say, 30,000 feet elevation, affecting the narrow bands of his contrails in a formative way. Perhaps a Walmart parking slab several square kilometers wide on a blistering afternoon, but even that strains physical credibility to near-impossible levels.

    Of course, in his/her line of work, employers like Boeing and Lockheed-Martin seek out the most empirical of souls, non-heretical 1-2-3 types who work well within large systems and don’t raise any turbulence. Much like my own father, if you want to get really close to home.

    Thinking outside proscribed — or prescribed — lines doesn’t come easily, and denial is typically the first line of defense. After all, to consider the alternatives (and find something amiss) would undermine their entire raison d’etre.

    How would I feel having just found out my work was ultimately contributing not to some grand illusion of progress, but instead to the biggest lie ever successfully perpetrated by the Boys Who
    Love Bernays.

    Climb out of your comfy cubicle and finish your homework ‘fallout’. Contrails are temprature, humidity and altitude-specific phenomena. They are also non-periodic, unlike the controlled bursts of sky-writing we’re witnessing around the world.

    Here’s a final puzzle for you. Four jets, flying side-by-side, two-by-two and well below 20,000 feet, carving four perfect overlapping circles in the sky, while leaving no inbound or outbound markings.

    Standard aircraft holding pattern or questionable phenomenon?

  21. fallout11 says:

    You guys need help. Seriously. Next you’ll be claiming UFO’s are abducting inbred trailer trash and butt probing them, and that the world is actually flat and it’s all a big ‘gubbamint plot’ to make people think it’s round.

    I can walk outside the door to my office (20′) and see three different military transport aircraft and one fighter type in various states of disassembly.
    No where on them will you find mythical ‘chemical sprayers’. You’re welcome to come by for a tour anytime.

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