47 Large Core Columns, More Than a Dozen of Which Retained Dimensions of 54 x 22 Inches Through the 66th Floor

March 29th, 2007

For the most part, I stopped thinking about the demolition of the WTC towers about three years ago. I filed that one away right next to my JFK folder. While it’s not intellectually rigorous to be content with, “The usual suspects did it. I don’t know exactly how. But They did it,” I sleep well at night now.

I’d be interested to know, however, what proponents of the official story have to say about the massive steel cores, now that the suppressed WTC blueprints have been leaked to researchers and published online.

Watch some videos of those buildings coming down again and keep this in mind about each one: 47 large core columns, more than a dozen of which retained dimensions of 54 x 22 inches through the 66th floor, and tapered in stages on higher floors.

Via: wtc7.net:

A coalition of independent 9/11 investigators and journalists today announced the online publication of a set of original blueprints of the North Tower of the World Trade Center. The set is composed of over 200 never-before-published drawings, including plans, elevations, and details, given to physicist Dr. Steven E. Jones by an individual interested in a more complete analysis.

8 Responses to “47 Large Core Columns, More Than a Dozen of Which Retained Dimensions of 54 x 22 Inches Through the 66th Floor”

  1. Mark says:

    What’s your point? Are you covering your ears now and screaming “lalallalalalalalala?”

  2. Kevin says:

    Actually, I’m getting ready to engage in endless, pointless debates with idiot savants over nonsense until I feel like one of those vintage metal eggbeaters has gone through one side of my skull and out the other.

  3. Kristen says:

    Is this the Rigorous Intuition board?

  4. will says:

    Just one more proof that we’ve been Republif*cked.

  5. Tim Fuller says:

    It was an inside job. No doubt about it IMHO. But if you’re looking for something to impeach this administration then there is much more concrete EVIDENCE of wrongdoing in the fake war they started with Iraq using a network of toadie liars.


  6. George Kenney says:

    As a recipient of the RPI medal of math and science back in the day, I find it incredibly insulting that they want me to believe these massive beams turned to molten steel, and WTC7 just collapsed on it own.


    The following video is a bit sluggish in parts, but mind-blowing when you see all the dual citizens on the 911 commission.

    Iraq, PNAC, 911, Where do all the Roads Lead?


    Hey Kevin, let us know if you need any extra donations to pay for all the pay-per-use bandwidth down in NZ!

  7. Eileen says:

    Laugh if you want to while reading this post, please do. But please, Keep your tongue in cheek so you don’t bite it while you laugh! I watched the movie “The Towering Inferno” last weekend (my Mom was interested so I left it on). Made me wonder, how many times did the Illuminati shriveled-numbnuts, Skull and Cross Bones, CIA, Federal Reserve, NYSE, and other players, etal, watch this film to plan their attack on the WTC towers? The Towering Inferno is, ah, for lack of better phraseology – an extraordinary film (r)e(n)dition preview of what came to pass on 9/11. To a t. Except for one minor detail, and I hate to spoil it for u,if you’ve never seen the film, the building NEVER COMES DOWN. When I mix the visual imagery of the “Towering Inferno” and “Loose Change” together I come up with the picture of 9/11. With TI you get all the emotional goo, with Loose Change you get the tech.
    High explosives of the most malevolent kind were used bring down the towers and WTC7. Funny how the word malfeasance is right next to malevolent in my dictionary. Nuclear material in the u.s. is supposedly “secured.” Snark. Hey, buddy/buddess got a package in your car? Who cares? flash that badge. Nuke charges brought down the towers – no other way, Jose.

  8. Charlie says:

    Nuke charges! I like to see more thoughts on that…

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