Japan Moving to Allow Foreign Blue-Collar Workers
November 1st, 2018I guess the nappy changing robots weren’t going to come fast enough.
Via: Reuters:
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s cabinet approved draft legislation on Friday to open the door to more overseas blue-collar workers in sectors grappling with labor shortages, a controversial policy shift in immigration-shy Japan.
Immigration has long been taboo as many Japanese prize ethnic homogeneity, but the reality of an ageing, shrinking population is challenging such views.
Despite misgivings in Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), parliament is likely to adopt the revisions in the face of intense pressure from businesses battling the tightest labor market in decades, although opposition parties could delay.
Funny how when the Japanese oppose mass immigration, its just that they “prize ethnic homogeneity”. But when Europeans or North Americans oppose mass immigration, its “nativism”, “xenophobia” and of course “racism”.
Worst decision they could ever take!
Immigration won’t solve the problem. The Japenese don’t want to make babies. The native population will shrink with or without immigrants.
But if you bring them in, your will also lose your culture.
I used to say ot doesn’t matter if their population shrink by half and their economy crumble because of it. Because in 200 years they will still be Japnenese. I can no longer say that.
Germany, a cautionary tale:
This video is so frustrating
Inuendo seems to impress you quite a bit.
Cancelling monthly payment as soon as I figure out how.
With a more flexible labor market in departure countries (in part from diminished transfer payments), multinational corporations may a have a lot to win from this anti-migration rhetoric. Not to mention that the skilled immigration solution that comes as a response is yet another curse for emigration areas, for instance in the case of nurses.
Obviously you don’t have any interest in the fact that migrants actually have a positive impact on public finances in most cases (since they are on average younger and healthier that the host country population, the reason why they play a part in the equation for old age pensions), that they don’t compete for work with most nationals (although it is still a problem that has to be dealt with in a redistributive manner), that they provide demand as well etc., and I don’t blame you for not feeling cold-heartedly concerned about these economic issues.
What you fear is cultural decay and crime. Yet I don’t see a reason to spray me with this survival-of-the-white-race propaganda.
I know that in France, the extreme right gets the most votes where immigration is largely absent. This serves to show two things : there’s virtually no competition for work since the labor market is segmented (and these jobs are gone anyway since productivity growth is the only other option), and xenophobia is a real phenomenon.