Being a Cynic Linked to Tripled Risk of Developing Dementia, Finland Study Suggests
May 29th, 2014Via: National Post:
Cynics are three times more likely to develop dementia than those who have faith in humanity, a study has shown.
Believing that others are motivated by selfishness, or that they lie to get what they want, appears to radically increase the risk of cognitive decline in later life.
Rose colored glasses fend off dementia!!
Alternatively, paying attention to what’s going on around you simultaneously makes you cynical and tires out your brain to the point where you eventually develop dementia.
No worries, though – our tinfoil hats will keep the dementia rays out. 😉
OK, back to the teevee and the frozen GMO dinners. No more Cryptogon for me.
1) am a cynic
2) work at night
3) sitting down
So I should be dead about 100 times over by now.
(But I knew you guys would love this one.)
Well, as Ambrose Bierce put it in his classic 1911 The Devil’s Dictionary, “Cynic, n: a blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be.”
As a kid, I came to the conclusion there were two kinds of cynics: The noble cynic didn’t want to be cynical, but had seen too much of the dark side of human nature to go back to rose-tinted glasses. The other kind was cynical because it provided the path of least resistance and perhaps offered a sort of justification for their compromise.
It’s hard for me to imagine someone who tries to follow their conscience being of the second kind, though the difficulty of doing so, especially in some environments, may bring despair to their door.