Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez Dies Aged 58

March 6th, 2013

Via: BBC:

Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez has died, his vice-president has announced.

Mr Chavez had been seriously ill with cancer for more than a year, undergoing several operations in Cuba, and had not been seen in public for several months.

Nicolas Maduro made the announcement on Tuesday evening, flanked by political and military leaders.

6 Responses to “Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez Dies Aged 58”

  1. LoneWolf says:

    Interview With Lee Harvey Oswald’s Girlfriend Judyth Vary Baker mentions her research in weaponized cancer and the samples being transported to MD Anderson in Houston.


    Personal note:

    I worked at the MD Anderson Cancer research lab
    in Smithville/Bastrop, TX as a contractor, a few years ago. I worked in an office near the highly protected mouse building.

    Ironically within the first hour, I was told the facility actively gets funding
    from the Department of Defense. As well as the long standing ‘joke’ to never find a cure.
    Too much money is involved. And apparently a long relationship for developing
    weaponized cancer. Think about it; the ultimate assasination tool.

    Smithville, TX – The Virginia Harris Cockrell Cancer Research Center at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Science Park, Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis also gets funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The lab is located within the two state forests; the main one being the Bastrop State forest that burned a couple years ago during the Texas drought; for some ‘reason’ the lab survived. The place has its own armed security force 24/7

    Chapter 29, Page 517, “Crossing the Rubicon”, by Michael C. Ruppert

    “… There is another intriguing connection between three of the five American
    scientists that have died. Wiley, Schwartz and Benito Que worked for medical
    research facilities that received grants from Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI).
    HHMI funds a tremendous number of research programs at schools, hospitials and
    research facilities, and has long been alleged to be conducting “black ops” bio-
    medical research for intelligence organizations, including the CIA.

    Long-time biowarfare investigator Patricia Doyle, PhD, reports that there is
    a history of people connected to HHMI being murdered. In 1994, Jose Trias met with
    a friend in Houston, Texas and was planning to go public with his personal knowledge
    of HHMI ‘front door’ grants being diverted to ‘back door’ black ops bioresearch.
    The next day, Trias and his wife were found dead in their Chevy Chase, MD., home.
    Chevy Chase is where HHMI is headquartered …”

  2. djc says:

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  3. Eileen says:

    Interesting comments All! I have Dr. Tent’s video that Kevin posted here several weeks ago re the cancer re Jack Ruby.

    Hugo Chavez was one of my heroes. I sent my condolences to his family and country. We are all Hugo Chavez!

    Re Goldman Sachs – makes me wonder if they aren’t the banker for the CIA? Laundering the money for all of the poppies, as well as blackmailing, bribing, infecting people with cancer. Yes, it sounds like its all in days work for the CIA and their bankster friends at Goldman Sucks.
    Read this and follow his link at the bottom to the Frontline teevee progam “The Untouchables.
    Matt Taibi Rolling Stone

    Hugo – you rocked my world when you got up there in front of the UN and said you smelled Satan’s sulphur in the presence of George Bush. RIP!

  4. Eileen says:

    Correction: I meant to say I was thinking of Kevin’s post re Dr. Tent that went into quite a bit of detail re infecting people – especially Jack Ruby! So solly.

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