Countries by Current Account Balance

January 26th, 2007

Cryptogon reader David submitted a comment that contained an interesting link to a map that depicts each country of the world in terms of current account balance.

See the data in a table to get a feel for the numbers! Everyone knows who’s at the bottom of that list, right? You know, the country that’s trying to squeeze another carrier strike group into the Persian Gulf

Red = deficit, Blue = surplus, Grey = no data

Posted in Economy | Top Of Page

8 Responses to “Countries by Current Account Balance”

  1. Scrod says:

    A nice accompaniment to this map would be the BBC article on various countries’ ecological footprints, particularly this image:

  2. David says:

    What matters more than each countries’ ecological footprint is the current footprint of each individual, and what resources he or she has at his or her disposal to increase or decrease their rate of consumption.

    The average commoner utilizes far less resources than the average man or woman of significant means, and is thus less responsible for the current state of depletion of the global resource pool than the wealthy.

    I argue that the real purpose of the proselytizing surrounding ecological footprints, global warming, recycling, green energy, peak oil, peak water, peak grain, peak whatever is:

    to put the majority of the world’s population, remaining after genetically-engineered pandemic virus plagues and other Malthusian schemes bear their fruit, into technologically-primitive, hut-like communes, where they are forced to recycle and reuse the sliver of resources they have been given

    (which they will have produced, yet will pay for many thousand times over, as any surplus products born of their labor will be siphoned off and used by the wealthy, never to be seen again by those that produced them)

    over and over and over, while only the wealthy are allowed unadulterated and mostly free

    (since the costs of production and/or acquisition will be born by those inhabiting the communes)

    access to the world’s oil, grain, food, water, new products and services, etc.

    How else can you explain the contradictory nature and sheer absurdity of these two facts, juxtaposed:

    And is this fair or acceptable; I say fuck no; and I will never, ever live under such conditions!!


    The world has already been reordered,

    we simply await its glorious manifestation, which will be unlike any other in the ENTIRETY of human history.

  3. David says:

    I’d like to qualify my previous comment; our communes will be technologically primitive in the following sense:

    1. Every commune &/or each member will be issued:

    a. One 15 person van with an EEstor engine, to be used only when the public transportation system is down, or for emergencies.

    b. Five genetically engineered dairy cows, each producing milk laced with “uppers,” to get you wired for the day’s labor.

    c. Weekly access to the community meat farm, where beef, pork and chicken is not organically raised, but grown in petri dishes.

    d. Various plant and vegetable seeds, all patented and owned by Monsanto, & all genetically engineered (GE) to produce plants that produce seeds that will only sprout if sprayed with another patented Monsanto chemical.

    e. Clothes made of GE hemp and cotton, of which the fibers get stronger each time they’re hand-washed in a patented P&G chemical solution.

    f. Biometric RFID chips, accessible at all times by security agents of the elite via a totalitarian web of wireless, digital surveillance technologies, and containing every minute detail of your personal and consumptive behaviors. The chip will be implanted, and only removable by you/me upon pain of death.

    g. Access to a bed in the commune’s green, 100-person living quarters–quarters powered by wind, hydro, and solar energy, complete with a community garden growing franken-food (and bio-pharmacueticals to supply each commune member with reality-distorting drugs; the drugs will be ingested by simply eating the narcotics-growing plants–this way less resources are used to power our consumption).

    2. And how is the aforementioned situation technologically primitive: even though we’ll be surrounded by advanced technologies, we’ll be denied the ability to understand and use them to our advantage in an independent fashion; therefore, the post-modern commune inhabitant, which we will all become if the ruling class has its way, will, in reality, be as technologically avant-garde as the caveman of 100,000 years ago, even though he or she will be surrounded by a web of the newest, cutting-edge technologies.

    Want proof that this is what THEY have in store for us:,1518,373796,00.html

    This madness is driven by the desire of a very few individuals to own and control everything on the planet.

    This includes the weather; I believe the weird weather phenomenon we’re seeing is of human origin, but not quite the way it’s being sold to us:

  4. David says:

    Here’s more on weather modification:

  5. Kevin says:


    That’s great stuff. I’ve been harping about clean green fascism for years on Cryptogon. I had a deeply profound, ‘Oh Shit’ moment the second I saw the “sustainable” WalMart:

    Friendly suggestion: You should seriously consider starting your own site to properly showcase your writing. is an excellent free option. If you want total control, consider a hosting package with Blue Host (I use them to host Cryptogon and Farmlet).

    This Blue Host link would pay me a $65 comission:

    If you want to sign up with BlueHost, but not pay me the commission, just remove the parts after .com. The price of the hosting package doesn’t change, one way or the other. Obviously, I’d appreciate the $65, though, if you went with them.


  6. David says:


    If I had any financial resources, I would immediately sign up with BH so you could receive the $65.00.

    Believe it or not, I’m on the verge of homelessness, and about to undergo an experiment in survivalism, so I may have a chance at successfully navigating the upcoming armageddon-like calamities; as such, I don’t have anything to spare, as I’ve used my last dollars to purchase the supplies (Ever visit Cabela’s while you were in the states?? It’s an outdoorsman’s heaven) I need for my new life as a world wanderer.

    But if I ever again decide to render my brain and/or my labor to the corporate beasts who’ll simply use me to help them enslave my fellow man (and woman), I swear I will send you no less than $100 as of my first paycheck.


  7. Kevin says:


    I’ve been there, believe me. I know what it’s like. When I got to that stage, it became a weird moment of opportunity.

    You’ve obviously thought about what you’re going to do. I hope it goes well! Keep us updated, when you can.


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