Staying Off the “Electronic Plantation”

January 22nd, 2007

Via: Harper’s:

Dale C. Carson, a former FBI agent and now a criminal defense lawyer in Jacksonville, Florida, authored the new book, Arrest-Proof Yourself. Funny and very politically incorrect, the book is a how-to guide for staying out of jail—which Carson says should be of concern not only to career criminals but to “people with lapses in judgment, bad manners, a taste for marijuana, and no knowledge of how the criminal justice system operates.” Being arrested might not necessarily lead to a prison stretch, but it will lead to permanent placement in the “electronic plantation,” the term Carson uses to describe the growing web of federal and state criminal databases. Once you’re on the plantation, he says, you can look forward to a lifetime of low-wage jobs and trouble with authorities. In the old days, Carson writes, “All anyone had to do to escape youthful indiscretions was blow town. Nowadays, that doesn’t work. Once you’re in the ‘puter, my friend, you’re there for life.” I recently spoke by phone with Carson about the many pearls of wisdom contained in his new book.

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5 Responses to “Staying Off the “Electronic Plantation””

  1. scottc says:

    former cops and prosecutors turned defense attorneys are even worse scum than cops and prosecutors. he is correct though, once the sysytem has you in it’s clutches, you are severely screwed. say you want a job in the tampa, fl/hillsborough county area. the employer simply plugs your name in the online sheriff’s database, and bam, there’s your ugly mug with all the lurid details. this is also a great passtime for nosy mothers.

    this guy apparently set records for florida felony arrests. instead of writing books, the man should be hanging from a rope. think opf all the lives this monster has ruined. now he wants to make even more money telling how to kiss the man’s ass. boycott this pile of evil rubbish.

  2. Kevin says:

    Maybe, get the book used, learn what the pig has to offer, then give the book away, or sell it to a used bookstore.

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  4. I ordered this book off the web (Amazon), and I read it all in one day. With all due respect, it is my opinion that it is of little to no help whatsoever to anyone with the slightest amount of common sense.

    For an alleged officer of the law with countless felony arrests to his credit, his advice reads like something paranoid white-bread virgin college students would whisper to each other late on a boring nothing-to-do Saturday night while taking turns toking on a blount. His advice is basically that, if you “stick out”, that is, dress and drive and act like an irresponsible minority – black, hispanic, whatever – you’ll get less favorable treatment that if you are and act like a college-educated white male who dresses well and drives a clean newer car and speaks respectfully to the police when pulled over.

    Also, cops are “predators”, and are looking to “make their numbers to look good and be promotable”. I guess he has first-hand experience of that, given the countless felony arrests that he made in his career, eh?

    Oh, and, if you’re going to do drugs, “do them in your home, instead of out in the open”. Hey, thanks, Einstein, I couldn’t have figured that out on my own.

    I was thoroughly disappointed with this book.

  5. Larry Glick says:

    I have over 30 years in law enforcment and I can tell you this: The Police are NOT your friend. Their job is to make a case whether one exists or not. Your biggest enemy next to them is your mouth. Never volunteer information. You do so at your peril.

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