British Government UFO Files on ‘Rendlesham Incident’ Missing

March 3rd, 2011

Via: BBC:

Intelligence papers on a reported UFO sighting known as the “Rendlesham incident” have gone missing, files from the National Archives reveal.

The missing files relate to a report of mysterious lights from US servicemen at RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk in 1980.

The disappearance came to light with the release of 8,000 previously classified documents on UFOs.

Officials found a “huge” gap where defence intelligence files relating to the case should be, the papers show.

4 Responses to “British Government UFO Files on ‘Rendlesham Incident’ Missing”

  1. realitydesign says:

    Luckily, all the cats involved are on record already and it’s all over the net.

    ‘Lost files’ does not erase all that has been testified to already, on video much of it. There was a triangular probe in the forest that day- that guys got right up next to and touched it. Full-on hieroglyphs on the side, shot off at ‘impossible’ speeds…

    They can keep their lost files, we heard from the guys that were there 😉

  2. shoe2one says:

    UFO’s don’t exist.

    Or rather little green/yellow/red or whatever don’t exist. Sorry its just us boring humans. But I’m not a big Jesus or reptilian fan either.

    If they do actually show up. I want DNA :-0

  3. Kevin says:

    @ shoe2one

    300 sextillion stars in the universe and, “It’s just us boring humans”? Just us? In the entire universe?


  4. Miraculix says:

    @ Kev…

    …and the whole UNI-verse thing isn’t exactly on solid ground anymore either.

    And as what we see/hear/sense are only thin slices of what’s emanating across the grand spectrum of frequencies, from 0Hz all the way up to ???, it isn’t a very big stretch in a post-Heisenberg world to see our entire empirical pyramid of self-reinforcing language as a memetic house of cards.

    @ Shoe…

    Of course they don’t. If YOU have never personally seen such a thing, how could they?

    And if you HAD seen something ineffable and airborne, and I insisted that it didn’t exist, irregardless of your experience? How might you feel about that particular approach on my part?

    For my own, I observed some odd things against the blasty blue at a distance of many miles while adventuring in the high Cascades many years ago, but never anything up close and personal.

    Conclusions? I “know” nothing. I have seen weird s**t I couldn’t explain then or now, based on current scientific DOGMA. I remain uncertain. Uncertain about “grays” and underground bases and moon landings and modern science.

    Perhaps what lay beyond the desperate grasp of our empiricism simply exists, without our allowing it one way or another?

    And with a little less certainty comes a LOT more wonder.

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