Apple iPhone Development: Deception Tactics Used to Maintain Secrecy and Control

January 11th, 2007

I looked at the news about Apple’s new iPhone and felt a bit like Gollum. I felt the evil pull of that thing reaching out to me. I closed the browser window and went on to something else. Later in the afternoon, I was at a house with a TV and saw a news piece about the iPhone. Thousands of nerds were gathered around an illuminated obelisk thing, trying to catch a glimpse of the iPhone, taking digital pictures of it, mouths hanging open. It was like a scene out of Dawn of the Dead.

It just doesn’t appear that we can wield this stuff in any good way. If you doubt it, look at what the creators of the iPhone have become! Working at Apple seems eerily similar to working for the evil three letter agencies and their cutouts. It’s pure fascism.

Via: CNN:

Even so, Apple didn’t show Cingular the final iPhone prototype until just weeks before this week’s debut. In some cases, Apple crafted bogus handset prototypes to show not just to Cingular executives, but also to Apple’s own workers.

Pillow talk was a challenge at the other end of the spectrum. Keeping secrets from loved ones is especially hard. Those stresses were amplified by the frantic race over the past half year to get the iPhone ready for launch. As Macworld approached, dinners were missed, kids were not tucked in properly, and family plans were disrupted, especially over the holidays. And for what? “Sorry, that’s classified” is not considered a satisfactory answer in many households when Mom or Dad misses the school play or the big wedding anniversary dinner.

Phil Schiller, Apple’s head of marketing and one of the few Apple executives involved with the project from the start, said he had to keep the iPhone development secret even from his wife and children. When he left home for the official unveiling yesterday, Schiller said, his son asked, “Dad, can you finally tell us now what you’ve been working on?” Jobs paused during the keynote to acknowledge the strain and sacrifices that the past months have brought not just for the employees who kept the secrets so well, but also for their families. “We couldn’t have done it without you,” he said, with obvious sincerity.

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Posted in Technology | Top Of Page

3 Responses to “Apple iPhone Development: Deception Tactics Used to Maintain Secrecy and Control”

  1. Mark says:

    I have to admit though, I like that thing. I will buy it the moment it comes out, and I could care less about its phone capabilities. It’s an uber-gadget, the phone capability is the last thing people would care about 🙂

  2. Kevin says:

    Sure, millions of people will buy it “the moment it comes out.” HA Those freaks at Macworld would have sliced their nuts off in exchange for an iphone. It was one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen. Maybe I’ll go look for a pic that shows them looking at that thing, mouths hanging open… HAHAHAHA

    Here you go:

    All religions are lame, but people seem to need to bow down before something…

    Go figger’.

  3. Mike says:

    It’s a phone that plays music. What is the big deal here? This seems to me a re-inventing of the wheel. What a lame, moronified world we live in today.

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