Fascism: Satanic Christian Style

January 4th, 2007

Becky and I watched Jesus Camp last night. Oh man… Believe me, you don’t want to miss this one.

The article below picks up where the film leaves off.

Via: AlterNet:

The drive by the Christian right to take control of military chaplaincies, which now sees radical Christians holding roughly 50 percent of chaplaincy appointments in the armed services and service academies, is part of a much larger effort to politicize the military and law enforcement. This effort signals the final and perhaps most deadly stage in the long campaign by the radical Christian right to dismantle America’s open society and build a theocratic state. A successful politicization of the military would signal the end of our democracy.

During the past two years I traveled across the country to research and write the book “American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War on America.” I repeatedly listened to radical preachers attack as corrupt and godless most American institutions, from federal agencies that provide housing and social welfare to public schools and the media. But there were two institutions that never came under attack — the military and law enforcement. While these preachers had no interest in communicating with local leaders of other faiths, or those in the community who did not subscribe to their call for a radical Christian state, they assiduously courted and flattered the military and police. They held special services and appreciation days for all four branches of the armed services and for various law enforcement agencies. They encouraged their young men and women to enlist or to join the police or state troopers. They sought out sympathetic military and police officials to attend church events where these officials were lauded and feted for their Christian probity and patriotism. They painted the war in Iraq not as an occupation but as an apocalyptic battle by Christians against Islam, a religion they regularly branded as “satanic.” All this befits a movement whose final aesthetic is violence. It also befits a movement that, in the end, would need the military and police forces to seize power in American society.

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12 Responses to “Fascism: Satanic Christian Style”

  1. cryingfreeman says:

    The Hyper Evangelicals of the far right are often about as Christian as Satan himself. They know or care nothing about the struggles for liberty true Christians endured in the past when faced by tyranny, especially religious tyranny. They are like the Anglican clerics who subscribed to Erastianism (the teaching that the king has the right to tell the church what to do) who persecuted peaceful, conscientious, freedom-loving Christians in the England and Scotland. Those persecutors zealously equated blind allegiance to the ruling authorities with religious piety; the same seems true of these Neo Con “Christians” today.

  2. Kevin says:

    Indeed, the Jesus Camp movie takes place at “Devil’s Lake,” and the camp itself is called the, “Kids on Fire Summer School Ministry.”

    I said to my wife, after watching the thing, “If anyone needs proof of the existence of Satan, this is pretty convincing.”

    But what are non evil Christians doing to stop it?

    The non evil Christians I know just keep quiet about the lunatic behavior that is being done in their name.

    What’s the difference between the extreme lunatic Christians and the extreme lunatic Muslims? Not much at all. It seems pretty obvious that the big religions are being used in a macro scale setup that’s part of some kind of depopulation scheme. That’s my best guess.

    Or, maybe there’s no master, sinister plan, and this is just the standard religious lunacy humanity has witnessed for millennia.

    Take your pick.

  3. montysano says:

    Welcome to my life here in the sunny South. Meet some of my customers.

    “But what are non evil Christians doing to stop it?” I dunno, Kevin. What would you suggest? We do have freedom of religion, after all. My instinct is that the pendulum has almost reached it’s apex and is about to swing the other direction. Let’s hope….

    The strangest thing to me is that these folks, who dominate religious life in much of the USA, feel the need to portray themselves as victims, as marginalized, as being “under attack”, as needing to “wage war”.

  4. Kevin says:

    >>>What would you suggest?

    How about telling people, who believe this nonsense, in a point-by-point manner how they’re building hell on earth and serving Satan? You know, use terms these people can understand. Quote from the Bible. A lot. Although, I must admit that there is no greater waste of time than attempting to engage in conversations about religion with people who freely and proudly admit that God speaks to them.

    For others, suggest a cult survivor / deprogramming organization? If people can survive Scientology, they can survive any form of Jesus / Allah cult.

    My experience with the deeply whacked out “Christians” is that they are totally beyond any help and are better left to self destruct. Their behavior does more to damage their Satanic cause than anything outsiders could do to stop them. Same with Muslims. Get out of the way and draw the line at the gate on your land. Our neighbors find that their big dogs are affective at keeping Christians away.

    The sum of all fears would arrive if these people learn how to appear sane to the rest of us. Presently, they come off as visibly nuts and many people recoil in shock as soon as the God/Bible/Jesus references start flowing freely.

    The best thing concerned people could do to turn the tide on this crap would be to simply let the cameras role. Most people have no idea just how frightening this stuff is, and it’s going on all over the U.S. Just post videos of some of it on youtube or google video. Get people to watch Jesus Camp!

  5. vincent says:


    Give these people a few more years, and they’ll be burning books in the streets and denouncing their parent to the secret police…

  6. Kevin says:

    A few more years?

    Which Books Would Jesus Burn?

    A youth group at First Assembly of God church held a burning Wednesday night by burning anything they wanted to get out of their lives that they feel is hindering their relationship with the Lord.

    Some of the items burned included CDs, DVDs, magazines, books and anything else they could think of. But unlike the negative connotations burnings are generally associated with, this burning was intended to be a positive event for everyone involved.

    Mary Johnson, leader of the college and career group at the church, summed up what the burning is about: “Getting rid of junk in their lives that would hinder (their) relationship with the Lord.”

    The group has been studying the Bible, looking for ways to strengthen their relationship with God.

    “We’ve been going through the Book of Acts looking at the early church,” Johnson said. “(We’ve been) asking God ‘would you do again today … what you did in that early church.”

    The people participating in the burning included students and parents. Johnson said the burning wasn’t the first burning that she has attended. She was at one several years ago in South Dakota and about two years ago was at another one here in Minot.

    Johnson stated that a young man from the Air Force asked for the burning, and the church agreed.

    The fire, which was contained in a wide metal bin, was on the outskirts of Minot on church-owned property. As more members of the church gathered around the fire, they started clapping and singing along to an acoustic guitar.

  7. montysano says:

    Although, I must admit that there is no greater waste of time than attempting to engage in conversations about religion with people who freely and proudly admit that God speaks to them.

    Right, so I cash the checks and move on.

    As I noted before, the pendulum always swings, and if the center holds, then I think the Christofascists will go back to being a fringe minority.

    However, if things begin to fall apart, the national Fear Level (already elevated) will rise even higher and more and more people will go looking for answers. As always, they will look in all the wrong places, i.e. churches, and then it could get ugly.

  8. George Kenney says:

    Hi Kevin, EO Wilson used your technique of using their terminology to get through to them in this book ‘The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth’.


    Also, any way to prevent the movie from auto-playing when you get to cryptogon?

    Finally, are any of these worth watching?


  9. Kevin says:

    Hi George,

    Thanks for suggesting that book. It looks excellent for those who are willing to take on the immense challenge of engaging the extremists.

    I use a flashblocker tool for firefox, so I didn’t know the video just started playing automatically. I removed the embedded object.

    Re: those videos. I liked a few that aren’t on that list, believe it or not:

    “Who Killed John O’Neill?” was pretty damn good. It’s more of a narrative/doc hybrid.


    I also liked:

    Fiat Empire


    America: Freedom to Fascism

    I’ve been wanting to watch the Power of Nightmares for a while. It’s supposed to be pretty good.

  10. […] In a comment on Fascism: Satanic Christian Style, GK suggested a book called, The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth by Edward O. Wilson. […]

  11. Dennis Foster says:

    That’s a very disturbing video. It reminds me of material I’ve seen aimed at glorifying martyrdom to Muslim children.

    I think that behind the ideology we see manifested in these weird displays there lies a false idea of the self instilled and reinforced through generations of confusion between the religious, the political, the cultural, the patriotic and God knows what else – like maybe a little of the pride we all know and the toxic shame that it often attempts to cover. This is encouraged and helped along fabulously by a world system that accomplishes many of its goals through the principle of ‘divide and conquer’. (In Australia they call it ‘wedge politics’. In the U.S. it’s par for the course.) That’s why it’s very hard to talk to many of these people: they see any challenge to any one of their hopelessly entangled beliefs as a threat to their very identities.

    What are ‘non evil Christians’ doing? That really got me thinking. I think a lot are disturbed by what’s going on. Many are leaving mainline denominations. Some end up in small fellowships. Some remain in their denominations and become thorns in the collective side of their unquestioning/ignorant/accepting ‘brethren’. You might as well ask what the public in general are doing.

    As far as this book burning business goes the biblical precedent is Acts 19:19 – “Many of those who practiced magical arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. They counted the price of them, and found it to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.”

    Don’t know about you pure ones but I remember burning some porn I didn’t want in my life anymore. Didn’t feel like a crime to me. The point I’m trying to make is, as far as actions go, I did exactly what those you mention did except they did it collectively. Did they hurt anyone else in the process? Did they deny liberty to anyone by their actions?

    Yep, there’s plenty in the bible to throw at those who claim God’s a capitalist neo-con in whose image they must believe they are made. Beginning at the end there’s Revelation 11:18 – (God will) “…destroy those who destroy the earth.”

    I am certainly not saying all who say God speaks to them are trustworthy but on the topic of communication with God, logically, if God exists and is the creator of all, and if consciousness comes from God, and if conscious beings can communicate with one another, shouldn’t communication with God be a possibility?

  12. Ang says:

    Okay, so, when we go out and march for peace, we get thrown in jail. But when they go out with the stated mission to take over the country and infiltrate the military and the police to get it done, that’s fine. Somebody’s on the wrong page, help me out with this?

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