Zombie Breeding Program in New York

August 30th, 2007


Paying kids for good grades is a popular (if questionable) parenting tactic. But when school starts next week, New York City will try to use the same enticement to get parents in low-income neighborhoods more involved in their children’s education and overall health. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has raised more than $40 million (much of it from his own money and the Rockefeller Foundation) to pay families a modest amount for small tasks—$50 for getting a library card or $100 to take a child to the dentist—that could make a big difference.

The idea behind Opportunity NYC is called conditional cash transfer, and the program is the first of its kind in this country. It’s also the exact opposite of traditional social services for the poor, which hand out money without demanding much in return. In order to find out whether this reversal works, the city is enlisting 5,000 families to take part in the social experiment. They are being chosen randomly from lists of people getting housing assistance from the city. Half will receive the incentive money and the other half won’t but will function as a control group, similar to clinical trials where some patients get a drug and others get a placebo.

5 Responses to “Zombie Breeding Program in New York”

  1. Alek Hidell says:

    “I’ve got a right to welfare. I was born on welfare and I’ll die on welfare” – Holly Woodlawn in Andy Warhol’s movie “Trash” 1970

    Having said that, New Zealand is the world champion of zombie breeding and out of control benefits. NZ even imports a thousand new zombies a year from Somalia to further swell the benefit rolls. When the economy crashes, this is going to flip in a very nasty way.

  2. Kevin says:

    @Alek Hidell

    How is NZ the world champion of out of control benefits?

    Maybe your world excludes places like: UK, France, the Scandinavian countries…

    Also, New Zealand has some of the lowest unemployment numbers in the world.

    I’m curious to understand more about what motivates you to make such a ridiculous statement.

    Note: I live in one of the highest dole recipient areas in New Zealand, so I see the insidious paralysis that the dole perpetuates here. But “world champion”? No. Not even close.

  3. Alek Hidell says:

    Ok, France is bad, may be tied with NZ for 1st place in parasite burden.

    I am cynical because I am currently working in the system – looking forward to quitting in a couple of months and seeking my own Northland farmlet. Despite a booming economy and free hospital care, 300,000 people, 15% of the working age population of NZ is on some sort of benefit. WINZ (unemployment/welfare) is only part of the story. The government likes to keep the WINZ numbers down by channeling people into often bogus sickness/invalid benefits. You can get on the sickness benefit if you say you are a P addict for example, or depressed, or have headaches, or PMS, no proof required. WINZ counselors tell people to do this sickness benefit fraud, it is their working strategy. And there are a lot of people who just enjoy milking the system.


    Sickness And Invalids Numbers Head Skywards Again:

    And that is just part of the story. Just as US taxpayers must support the millions of parasites who work for the Pentagon, Halliburton, Lockheed, etc., the NZ government is almost entirely parasitic. An amazing 260,000 people, 13% of the working age population, in NZ works for the government. This in a country with almost no military. Most of those people are zombies (really seriously stupid people) themselves or worse, actively harassing the productive workforce lowering morale and productivity. Either that or wasting money on social engineering experiments. Now NZ is going to pay people to rank foods as to obesity risk and require additional food labeling. I am convinced this skit was about NZ:

    Then there are the career criminals in gangs not on benefits. Even though NZ has a very lenient justice system, the incarceration rate (155/100K, ranked 7th in the OECD) is double the Scandinavian countries, quadruple Iceland. I haven’t seen any attempts to fully census the NZ gang population, but it is large. The innocent people injured in assaults/rapes/child abuse get on an ACC victims benefit (often chronic due to PTSD), which is technically insurance and counted separately from the other NZ govt benefits. No contest, I would rather walk around Stockholm at night than Mangere.

    Kaitaia is just a little place, where many people still do honest farm work. The real dole hot spots are in Manukau, Christchurch, Whanganui, Rotarua, Hamilton East. There you find multigenerational benefit families whose youth are the gangsters.

    There really isn’t any good answer. I would guess that the roughly one third of the working age NZ population is socially parasitic, tax supported, and not providing any goods or real services. (And we aren’t even counting mortgage bankers and realtors, HA!). But this may be true in any population. I have a brother who is a useless dumbass US local government zombie. Maybe 1/3rd of all people are useless. What to do?

    China: shoot them or enslave them in sweatshops
    India: let them starve or sell their kidneys
    Brazil: let them be homeless thieves
    US: put them in expensive jails or the army or airport security
    NZ & Scandanavia: hire them for clerical government busywork or just pay them to stay home

    Certainly the NZ solution is the most humane as long as resources are unlimited. The bad news is that it encourages benefit recipients to breed excessively, and what happens when the government (taxpayers) can no longer afford to keep paying them off? We are going to find out pretty soon.

  4. sharon says:

    I can’t really blame anyone for avoidin employment.

    In order for employment to work out well for you, the chief requirements seem to be an incandescent enthusiasm for lies and bullshit, a strong aptitude for multiplying the existing structure of lies and bullshit on your own behalf, a happy penchant for sucking ass, and an unconquerable belief that this will lead to material advantage–usually in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The workplace, I’ve discovered, is unfriendly even to the diligent worker who is unskilled in and unconvinced by the above. In fact, it’s unfriendly to the diligent worker who does not actively and enthusiastically embrace all of the above.

    As a result of a long and checkered career, I am now marginally employed at a job that is not very well paid, but allows me a lot of freedom. I use this freedom for growing much of my own food and working towards self-sufficiency.

    Friends sometimes suggest other employment opportunites for me–presumably better ones, and certainly better paid ones. Although I’m frequently tempted, somehow I rarely get around to applying. The reason, I think, is that I no longer want to live my life like that. I’d rather be poor than be constantly immersed in and battered by the deadening, demeaning, and prehensile culture of the workplace.

    An all this, in a nutshell, is why the objective of every sane person in this society is to avoid regular employment whenever the possibility presents itself: get that unemployment comp, workman’s comp, SS disability, or whatever.

    While this is probably not an option for people with families to support, crack habits to support, or shopping habits to support, I heartily recommend avoidance of the traditional workplace–and preferably any workplace at all–to all others. What’s the point? As most will freely admit, they are working their asses off at jobs that ocmpromise or offend their basic values–and doing it for a pittance.

    The poorest people–characterized here as parasites on the productive classes–are, in fact, frequently people who have, themselves, been parasitized nearly to death as workers, in work situations in exploitive and degrading work situations.

    When people don’t want to work, it’s because work offers them no dignity, no self-determination, no sense of meaningful and valuable accomplishment, and very little in the way of material compensation.

    We’ll see people actually desiring work and enjoying work, when there are some jobs out there that don’t involve pretending to teach children while really stultifying their intellects, pretending to heal the sick while actually poisoning them, pretending to “liberate” people in other nations while actually committing genocide, pretending to build houses while actually engaging in speculation, pretending to produce food while actually producing cardboard, etc.

    Hell no! Of course people would prefer not to work. I figure that, while it’s not particularly productive to lie on the couch playing video games, it is probably less destructive, overall, than being involved in what passes for “work” in today’s world.

  5. Aaron says:

    Geeze Alex you’ve got a grudge to bear. Did you know that it is an unnanounced treasury policy to have an unemployment rate of 6% to help restrain wages? There’s a guy who’s made a couple of movie’s – Someone Else’s Country and In a Land of Plenty, who obtained some treasury papers describing this.

    The hilarious thing is that treasury has so little control over the economy that unemployment has dropped in the last few years – mindyou they kept it high for a good 20 years.

    I’m so sick of people raving about dole bludgers and sickness beneficiaries in this NZ. Sure there are some people ripping the people off but it’s small change compared to the profits that Telecom (to name just one company) repatriates every year.If you want to talk about parasites surely you should be looking that way first

    Plus you can’t get the sickness benefit unless a doctor signs a form to say that you’re sick. Given this fact I am forced to conclude that people think that the nation’s doctors are colluding with people to committ benefit fraud, I hope they’re getting a decent cut.

    Actually what amazed me is that you can read Cryptogon and and not draw any connections about what is happening in your own country. Has it never occured to you that the elites have a plan for this country too and that things might actually be going according to their plans?

    It’s like Aaron Russo says, forget about fighting amongst ourselves, forget about black v white or in this case benficiary v wage earner, this is a battle of good versus evil and it pays not to be distracted by their propaganda.

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