Steorn Orbo Demo in London

July 4th, 2007


Still nothing. They’re saying that the camera lighting is causing a problem with the Orbo machine, or some bullshit like that. Well, folks, there you have it.

Skeptics: 2

Steorn: 0

Via: Steorn:

“We are experiencing some technical difficulties with the demo unit in London. Our initial assessment indicates that this is probably due to the intense heat from the camera lighting. We have commenced a technical assessment and will provide an update later today.

As a consequence, Kinetica will not be open to the public today (5th July). We apologise for this delay and appreciate your patience.”


HAHA. Well I think we all know where we can go for more information if and when anything happens.

Via: Steorn:

Due to technical difficulties we will now be live from London on the 5th July.

Free Energy Tracker has several pictures of the display windows at the Kinetica Museum in London. They are definitely gearing up for a three ring circus.

If you need any calliope music to play in the background as you wait for updates, or even as a soundtrack once the show begins, here are some tracks that I’ve played in several different IT departments when systems crashed, people were pissed and millions of dollars were going down the gurgler.

“Re-fire the boiler and check for loose cotter pins, boys, the show must go on!”

– – – – –


The demo is not up yet…

Guys, tracks Steorn full time.

– – – – –

I was looking for official confirmation on this, but couldn’t find any. I decided to call the Kinetica Museum in London to ask WTF is going on?!

I spoke with a Kinetica Museum employee.

I asked, “Is this Steorn thing really going to happen today?”

“Uhh,” * pause * “We can’t say anything until 6PM.”

I’m going to try to sleep now, but if any of you in London want to check out the antics, go for it!

Guys, this news just started breaking, so I’m going to provide a link to Google News on this below, sorted chronologically. I’m sure the picture will change rapidly as Steorn releases official information this evening: Google News Steorn Orbo Sort by Date


An Irish company will today reveal controversial technology that allegedly defies basic laws of physics to produce free power.

Steorn, which is based in Dublin, claims to have discovered a method of creating clean, constant energy, which it claims could end the global fuel crisis.

Called Orbo technology, it is based on the interaction of magnetic fields and has yet to be conclusively proven.

Last year, Steorn placed an advertisement in the Economist magazine and challenged the world’s scientists to test its claims.

The company picked 22 of the world’s leading scientists from Europe and the US for the review, which started in January and is not expected to be completed before the end of the year.

Steorn is contractually obliged to publish whatever the scientists conclude in full.

Today the invention will go on public display for the first time with a live working demonstration to be streamed on the internet from 6pm tonight.

Steorn Chief Executive Sean McCarthy has said the demonstration will involve a ‘very simplified version’ of the technology and it will be open to the public from Thursday 5 July to Friday 13 July at the Kinetica Museum at Spitalfields Market in London.

Sceptics can view the device lifting a weight from four different camera angles online.

Mr McCarthy said the company had decided against using the technology to illuminate a light-bulb as the use of wires would attract further suspicion from a scientific community that has already dismissed the device.

NOTE: Obviously, no matter what kind of show the boys from Steorn put on here, it’s not proof that Orbo is real. We’ll have to wait a few more months to find that out. What’s interesting is that the self confident skeptics were sure that this event would be postponed.


Posted in Energy | Top Of Page

31 Responses to “Steorn Orbo Demo in London”

  1. Matt Savinar says:


    The Kinetica site is an experimental art museum. From their site:

    “Kinetica is the UK’s first museum of kinetic art. It will actively encourage the convergence of art and technology, providing an exhibition space in central London where the most important examples of kinetic, technological and electronic art . . .”

    A bit suspicious that the demonstration is at an art museum, don’t you think? It’s 5:30 am california time as I write this. I supposse we’ll know if this is bs or not pretty soon.

  2. Loveandlight says:

    I know this is shallow, but I hope it’s true if only because I would love for their to be something that would give us power for air-conditioning for global warming that wouldn’t at the same time further spew more CO2 into the atmosphere. I live in Wisconsin and as someone who really suffers when the dew-point temperature (humidity measurement) gets up into the 70’s, I dread the idea of my home state developing a climate such as Mississippi has now.

  3. Kevin says:

    The entire Steorn thing is a bit suspicious.

    Like I said above, no matter what they do today, it doen’t mean anything. Once people can get their hands on it, then we’ll see.

    We’ll have to wait a few more months for that.

  4. Big Gav says:

    Have you noticed any connection between BP and Steorn ?

    (hint: check your logs)

  5. Tito says:

    I hope it works, is solid and practical. I hope they license it cheaply and broadly. It would create a host of new problems (already discussed heavily here), but would cut a bunch of old problems (currently killing us). At least it would create a more dynamic situation until the PTB absorb assimilate.

  6. Kevin says:

    I wonder why they picked the Fourth of July, Independence Day in America… And why London?

    Britain was tossed out of both America and Ireland (except for the six counties in Northern Ireland). Now you’ve got Irish guys supposedly demonstrating a free energy device in London… on America’s Independence Day? America, the most obscenely energy addicted country in the world…

    What is that? Something? Nothing? Coincidence?

  7. Freddy says:

    The live online demo stream is apparently going to be available from here:

    Nothing at that url at the moment – an hour and five minutes to go…

  8. fafhrd says:

    Event followed by a free lecture titled “Cake: How to have and eat it too!”

  9. Loveandlight says:


    At the very least, they want people in the USA to pay attention, that’s for sure.

  10. Well, since the enforcement duties of the British Empire devolved to the U.S., but the managerial duties are more or less divided between the two, one could arguably say that Britain is the seat of Empire as much as the U.S. In any case, Britain is closer, and has historically been at odds with Ireland. Perhaps its Ireland’s way of saying its independent.

    I’d be more concerned about the technology mysteriously disappearing after the demonstration, and then skeptics denying it ever worked in the first place, but I’m sure, if the thing is legit, Steorn has contingency plans for that.

  11. Jon says:

    Demo page still shows an error:

    WTF! Is that their idea of a joke? As if they couldn’t use a portion of the $8million investment money to make sure their website was set up correctly?

  12. esteban says:

    well it’s 8.37 “local” time (local to RTE) and no show. Tomorrow will be interesting.

  13. Anonymous says:

    “defies basic laws of physics”

    Yeah, right. Let’s see who are the morons that will put money in this one this time. There are some that are fooled each time. This is not the first claim of this kind, and unfortunately not the last.

  14. DrFix says:


    Its indeed symbolic, but one of the things I’ve noticed when it comes to “salesmen”, regardless of industry, is the build-up, the slow sizzle, without any steak, for all of the “smoke”. We can only hope that an actual physical device gets into the hands of people who’ll tear it apart. That’ll be the real proof in my mind.

  15. EdQ says:

    Even if true only the wealthy would be able to afford it. How many patents are there for perpetual machines that produce energy, that Never went to market? The reason: They cant make Money off of it in the long term. And thats what this world is about,screwing the people instead of helping them. Free renewable energy, Not in my lifetime.

  16. EdQ says:

    6:30pm Eastern time in the US ans I don’t see a damn thing from their stream. Benn watching on 2 boxes with multiple windows opened since 530pm so as Not too miss anything. Anybody know anything? I have always been able to view streaming video before 🙂

    Speaking of, I will have my own video posted later of this no show. If they do stream, I’ll post it instead.

  17. EdQ says:

    Now they say due to technical difficulties it will happen tomorrow 5th of July

  18. AlienSpaceBat says:

    latest on the site:
    Update 4/7/07 23:30

    Due to slight technical difficulties we will now be publishing the live stream as of Thursday 5th July.

  19. DrFix says:

    Hey!… That caliope music would piss off stuffed shirts from here to doomsday. But that was the purpose, wasn’t it? (insert evil laugh). I used to feel the same way about our computer systems in a company making billions. They wouldn’t, or couldn’t, be bothered to spend a little bit o’ moolah to make things “work”… but by god their CEO needed that forty million exit package. Dammit!

  20. A pragmatist says:

    I’m going to invoke Occam’s Razor here and instead of assuming that a machine with an extremely vague description can produce energy out of nothing and defy all the laws that hitherto have reliably predicted behavior of all matter in this universe is going on the market, I’ll make the much smaller assumption that it’s nothing but snake oil.

    The timing of the demo is an easy one. There’s no symbolic significance of July 4th. It just happens to be shortly before Al Gore’s little environmentalist hootenanny. Steorn knows that if they can put out a BS demo that -looks- like it works, then the big money (as easily fooled as the poor) and idealistic college girls might talk about it at this big convention. That means a lot of publicity. Blogs. Word of mouth. Maybe even a blurb on ABC news. Publicity means investors. Investors mean money.

    Steorn becomes publicly traded. People put their money into it. The company founders sell off their stock and make millions in the process.

    It’s nothing we haven’t seen before. It’s the same principle as the internet bubble in the 90’s. If the smoke and mirrors are convincing, people will assume that some substance is behind it.

    I expect the demo to -look- real, but I’d bet money that Steorn is riding the green wave for all it’s worth.

  21. Loveandlight says:


    I’m actually more partial to Joe Satriani’s Surfing With The Alien instrumental. Nothing like a raucous 80’s-metal tune to add an unwelcome element of hilarity to a first-class debacle. 😀

  22. Eileen says:

    I get a lot of free energy from gazing on my belly button. This exercise leads me to where I need to put the energy in my body to work next.

    This announcement has more to do with diversion than it does with something really happening – sheesh. Its like the Weather Channel in the US telling you all freaking day long that your area is under massive attack from tornadoes. Then you see the local news and its just a rain shower.

    YAWN. Anyone hear the word IrAQ this weekend, or Scooter Libby. YAWn.

  23. fallout11 says:

    Full on vaporware and empty promises, as I commented in the earlier post concerning it. Defy the laws of physics, indeed.
    Yet another “perpetual motion” scam to con gullible investors and wow the unthinking masses. In days past, such charlatans were called ‘illusionists’.

  24. Anonymous says:

    “How many patents are there for perpetual machines that produce energy, that Never went to market? The reason: They cant make Money off of it in the long term.”

    Nope, the reason is that they do not work. Simple as that.

  25. tito2 says:

    Personally, I do not have a problem believing that a thing like this COULD work. I am willing to accept that what I hold to be concrete truths (here, the so called laws of physics) might not necessarily be infallible.

    The concept that someone could create a machine or technique that is outside my understanding of the way things works, is acceptable.

    But, the proof is in the pudding eh?
    So far, no pudding .

  26. Former says:

    I agree w/tito2.

    It’s very odd that they supposedly discovered this effect by accident.

    One would think that a machine that violates the “laws” (!) of physics would be the result of careful research…

  27. DrFix says:

    Agreed. After all this time the device can’t stand up under the “heat”? Thats a pretty lame excuse.

  28. EdQ says:

    WoW! just got home 8pmET and thought I missed the mastur…er, demonstration. Guess not. I didn’t even bother going to their site as my Kinematic energy told me there was a lighting problem.

  29. Jason says:

    Well I feel like a dink. I actually had hope that Steorn had a verifiable product. I’m just trying to understand the motivation, why would anyone make such a claim if they knew it was not verifiable? To bilk investors, maybe. But this is pretty high profile to be swindling suckers. I don’t know.

    As Kevin stated in a previous article, free energy would probably only exacerbate consumerism and the by products that come with it,(for those who follows the consumerist ethic anyway).

    This is where I split from the primivitist solution, they want to pretend that ethics don’t play a role in the survival of the human species. But for any group of people to live together, even just two people, a valid ethical code is required. Sorry, but I want to use my neocortex.

    So, this leads us to question, what is a valid ethical code?

    I, prefer the evolutionary ethic, which is to maximize the creativity of every living (and non – living) thing in the universe.

    I consider this to be the most important philosophy of our time. If you’re willing to listen to a guy like Derrick Jensen ramble for a thousand pages, then please the the time to read this.

    Qualifications of the author:


    Creative Transformation:

  30. Jason says:

    Whoops, almost forgot the most popular waiting song of all time:

    Just don’t seem the same without flourescent lights.

  31. fallout11 says:

    “Surprise! Perpetual Machine Demo Cancelled”
    By Charlie Sorrel | July 06, 2007 | 7:17:40 AM
    The world changing technology/art project/prank known as Orbo has taken a rain check. The demonstration of the magnetic free energy machine was due to start a couple days ago, but various delays caused by “hot lights” meant that nobody has seen either the exhibit or the live, streaming video feeds. Steorn, the people behind Orbo, have packed up and gone back home to Ireland.

    Cry me a river.

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