More on What Kent Kresa Might Bring to GM

April 1st, 2009

What technologies might someone like Kent Kresa be tasked with providing to GM?

Obama Fired GM’s CEO; What’s Stirring Behind the Black Curtain?

Not only did the Obama administration fire GM’s CEO, the Los Angeles Times reports that they also installed Kresa as Chairman.

Via: Bloomberg:

Alternative Energy, Technology

Kresa will probably help steer GM toward alternative-energy fuels and technology investments, based on his record and interests at Northrop, said Jim McAleese, a defense industry consultant with McAleese & Associates in McLean, Virginia. “Speed will be of the essence” as he focuses on cost cuts, McAleese said.

6 Responses to “More on What Kent Kresa Might Bring to GM”

  1. realitydesign says:

    Considering his background…I smell ET tech on the horizon.

  2. pdugan says:

    This does have clean green fascism written all over it huh? I´m reading blank spots, a bit dry but really interesting information and methodology. At this point I can´t even rule out crazy shit like underground maglev trains connecting geofront cities. Brought to you by GM-Fed(tm).

    I remember when I was in 6th grade this guy from NASA came and talked about some of the R&D they do, things like the Blackbird ect. He non-chalantly mentioned that the cutting edge of technology is several years ahead of what is publicly known or available, because “people wouldn´t be able to handle it right now”. I remember thinking that was a bit presumptuous and forgot about it, but shit man, this secret tech theme is being paraded in plain sight in public schools since at least the 90s, there´s gotta be something to it.

  3. kristofer says:

    Nice observation, Kevin. Though, I am skeptical any significant black technology would be implemented in a product available for mass consumption.

  4. waldo says:

    I read an article a few weeks ago where the author speculated that all of those automobile plants are ready for exploitation by the state i.e. preparations for a new major war. What was the product that Detroit manufactured between 1942 and 1945?–war materials: tanks, jeeps, troop transport trucks, everything war related. Getting an insider that’s been in bed with the Pentagon brass scares the hell out of me. Are they getting ready for the next big cash cow, a world war? A world war will resolve all the criminal financial actions that have been engineered up to this point. The winners of the war can wipe their debts clean. Who’s going to challenge them to pay up?

    Anyhow, I don’t think that this idea should be dismissed. This could be one sign, one bread crumb, that we should all be following. If this is the plan, they’ll show their hand in due time.

  5. Kevin says:


    Though, I am skeptical any significant black technology would be implemented in a product available for mass consumption.

    HA. Where do you think the Internet came from? Night vision? Certain mobile phone technologies (GaAs chips for example)?

  6. AHuxley says:

    ‘He turned it into a global leader in networks, sensors and information technology. It was a complete remake of the company’s product lines and culture.””

    Made me think of:

    “Driven: Shai Agassi’s Audacious Plan to Put Electric Cars on the Road”

    “And when customers couldn’t wait to “fill up,” they’d go to battery exchange stations where they would pull into car-wash-like sheds, and in a few minutes, a hydraulic lift would swap the depleted battery with a fresh one. Drivers wouldn’t pay a penny extra: The ERGO would own the battery.”

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