Scientists Cast Doubt on Kennedy Bullet Analysis

May 17th, 2007

Watch out! Red flag!

Excuse me for not having more optimism about this… But I find it interesting and ominous that this story is breaking within days of E. Howard Hunt’s death bed confession that, YES, They did it.

Where was that story in the mainstream press?

Why doesn’t this bullet fragment story mention Hunt’s recent confession?

Never mind the Oklahoma City bombing and TWA Flight 800 coverups that the lead investigator/propagandist was associated with.

Maybe They can get the crackpot jet fuel World Trade Center collapse / 47 steel core column disappearance / magic passport theorists in on the JFK bullet fragment study!

Wouldn’t that be special?


In a collision of 21st-century science and decades-old conspiracy theories, a research team that includes a former top FBI scientist is challenging the bullet analysis used by the government to conclude that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in assassinating President John F. Kennedy in 1963.

The “evidence used to rule out a second assassin is fundamentally flawed,” concludes a new article in the Annals of Applied Statistics written by former FBI lab metallurgist William A. Tobin and Texas A&M University researchers Cliff Spiegelman and William D. James.

The researchers’ re-analysis involved new statistical calculations and a modern chemical analysis of bullets from the same batch Oswald is purported to have used. They reached no conclusion about whether more than one gunman was involved, but urged that authorities conduct a new and complete forensic re-analysis of the five bullet fragments left from the assassination 44 years ago.

“Given the significance and impact of the JFK assassination, it is scientifically desirable for the evidentiary fragments to be re-analyzed,” the researchers said.

Tobin was the FBI lab’s chief metallurgy expert for more than two decades. He analyzed metal evidence in major cases that included the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and the 1996 explosion of TWA Flight 800 off Long Island.

9 Responses to “Scientists Cast Doubt on Kennedy Bullet Analysis”

  1. alek hidell says:

    Perhaps this is just about various long past irrelevant old men wanting to put in a last word (honest or otherwise) before they pass on? The people who were aged 21+ in 1963 are all aged 65+ now. (of note, the JFK assassination was not a boomer event, the oldest boomer was aged only 17 at the time, the youngest boomer was still in utero). The time is quickly approaching that no one living outside a nursing home will have a strong personal emotional connection to this historical event.

  2. Kevin says:

    I was born in 1971 and I think that I have more of an emotional connection to the event than my dad does now…

    On the flip side, when I have spoken about this to young people (20s to 30s), oh man… The lights are on but nobody’s home.

  3. the stranger says:

    I think I was in a cafeteria lunch line, second grade, all the adults were crying and older students too; freaked me out. I knew it was important but of course I couldn’t comprehend the significance – I’m still trying to comprehend the significance. Today I consider it America’s ‘Crossing the Rubicon’ moment.

  4. Kevin says:

    @ the stranger

    I had the same epiphany when I read The Secret Team by Fletcher Prouty:

    I set the book down and thought, “They rolled this thing up long before I was even born!”

  5. 916 says:

    The whole JFK/RFK assassination is such a goddamn pandora’s box it’s not even funny. Seems to me that the same people who were involved then are the ones who are pretty much running the show now. Anyone ever read The Assassinations: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X?

  6. Angelo says:

    JFK was a firmly entrenched elitist, his death by public display was an overt power show designed to send a message to other factions while at once causing deep trauma to the fragile American psyche. Were JFK to have continued his reign the control grid we now observe would be no less pervasive, though it would quite likely look more benevolent – thus, less likely to arouse dissent. The mythology surrounding JFK and MLK among others are fabrications for social control, the modern equivalent in political circles of granting sainthood status, the meme of the Great Martyr, which holds great fascination for human beings.

  7. I suspect Hunt’s “deathbed confession” was just another red herring. Yes, he admitted his involvement for the first time, but his hypothesis that LBJ orchestrated the whole thing doesn’t hold water.

  8. tmb says:

    JFK was assassinated b/c he was becoming a wild card – – he was not controllable in light of his old man’s stroke and dropping LSD w/Mary Meyer and refusing Operation Northwood etc. – – Meyer, who was keeping a diary which was later seized by the CIA’s counter-intelligence chief, and complete fascist, James Jesus Angleton, was dispatched quite professionally w/a bullet soon after the Kennedy cross-fire murder and a violent homeless guy was blamed/patsied and then found not guilty later on . . . RFK also starting out as one of “them” was also not controllable and the fact there is good evidence he intended to reopen his brother’s murder was enough for the same people to kill him also . . .

    The old guard and Johnson hated Kennedy. Even Kennedy’s secretary knew he was murdered by his enemies not the ex-cia agent Oswald . . . her husband heard conversation on the topic at a hotel in the days before the murder – – read the letters:

    Nixon’s calling the Warren Report the greatest hoax ever on the Watergate tapes is also of interest . . .

  9. Jake says:


    Sorry, but I have to disagree with most of your analysis. First off, let me state that I’m not a huge fan of the Kennedys, esp. Joseph for selling his soul during Prohibition to become a player in the elite’s big game. On that point, I agree with you – The Kennedys were part of the establishment – even bigger than the Bushes back in the 20’s given that Joe was given advanced warning of the coming collapse in ’29, while the Bushes lost most their holdings and had to be bailed out by their Harriman cohorts.

    That said, there is ample evidence that JFK (and RFK) got whacked, not to set an example to keep the rest of the elites in line, but b/c they were biting the hand that fed them. Any one of the following, all of which were being put in place by JFK, threatened the elitist order and necessitated his elimination:

    Reducing the oil depreciation allowance

    Breaking up the CIA

    Putting the US on the silver standard, when the US was already on its way towards breaking the Bretton Woods Agreement (which Nixon eventually did).

    Pulling us out of Viet Nam and cutting off the cash cow that the MIC depended on.

    Civil Rights

    Taking on the mob, which has long served the needs of the elites in our government, military and corporations

    Of course, it’s impossible to know the true intentions of the family, but given the continued attacks on the family (Chappaquidick, JFK, Jr. assassination), it’s clear that this family posed a threat to the world order. If JFK was simply meant to be an example, nothing beyond the RFK hit (meant to avoid a true investigation and keep us in VN) would have been necessary.

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