Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Be Under Martial Law in 2009

March 4th, 2009

I was going to ignore this, like I did the last time it came up, but the emails are already rolling in…

I just don’t think that it’s going to go down this way.


Because Americans are like mushrooms. In general, they like being kept in the dark and fed bullshit. They’re absolutely content to bathe in official PSYOP and .gov will give ’em what they want.

As long as someone else is willing to buy U.S. Treasuries in ever larger amounts, the vast, dumb horror show will play on.

My guess is that the next major false flag event will occur at some point after U.S. Treasury auctions begin to fail and the Fed starts buying the paper. It’s game over at that point, so why not light off a nuke?

It would be like hitting a reset switch. It would induce total and instant amnesia in the small, neural swellings between the ears of the zombie sheep.

“A catalyzing event that calls on all states to create a New World Order,” or some similar nonsense. There can be camps, two minutes hate, re-education, etc.

I don’t see any breakup of the U.S. into six antonymous regions, and a global nuclear war would engulf the Earth before Alaska returns to Russian control.

Via: AP:

If you’re inclined to believe Igor Panarin, and the Kremlin wouldn’t mind if you did, then President Barack Obama will order martial law this year, the U.S. will split into six rump-states before 2011, and Russia and China will become the backbones of a new world order.

Panarin might be easy to ignore but for the fact that he is a dean at the Foreign Ministry’s school for future diplomats and a regular on Russia’s state-guided TV channels. And his predictions fit into the anti-American story line of the Kremlin leadership.

“There is a high probability that the collapse of the United States will occur by 2010,” Panarin told dozens of students, professors and diplomats Tuesday at the Diplomatic Academy — a lecture the ministry pointedly invited The Associated Press and other foreign media to attend.

The prediction from Panarin, a former spokesman for Russia’s Federal Space Agency and reportedly an ex-KGB analyst, meshes with the negative view of the U.S. that has been flowing from the Kremlin in recent years, in particular from Vladimir Putin.

Putin, the former president who is now prime minister, has likened the United States to Nazi Germany’s Third Reich and blames Washington for the global financial crisis that has pounded the Russian economy.

Panarin didn’t give many specifics on what underlies his analysis, mostly citing newspapers, magazines and other open sources.

9 Responses to “Russian Scholar Says U.S. Will Be Under Martial Law in 2009”

  1. smarks says:

    Kevin: I agree, this is plausible if not probable, the other likely scenario is that the U.S. defers to the U.N. or some new Western Hemisphere Union.

    Bonds go to hell and then something bigger happens.


  2. anothernut says:

    2 things:
    1) “small, neural swellings between the ears of the zombie sheep” — love it!
    2) I agree about the break up. Lots of hard-core doomers seem to think (from what I read from those sites) that the military-industrial complex doesn’t have the resources to keep some form of control, that “any day now” there will be chaos in the streets, and the control-freaks who’ve been running the show since forever will just pack up their tents and move to Costa Rica. But with the economy the way it is, filling the ranks of the “police” in order to keep the gov’t in control will be easy. And we already know they’re not picky about whom they recruit. I wouldn’t rule out a civil war in the next few years, but it’ll take more than just massive unemployment to make it happen. And like you said, another 9/11 event will make us all “unite against the common threat”, not to mention enable TPTB to turn us completely into a war society.

  3. thucydides says:

    To play devil’s advocate: would someone have said the same things about the French bourgeois or peasants around, say, 1787? They’ll keep on taking their abuse, the Bourbons have stayed in power forever and will keep the throne come what may, and anyway the Church will keep any troublesome meddlers in line or in their graves.

    It’s not that I expect some violent outbreak of sunshine and love and understanding, or bankers and Fortune 500 CEOs holding hands and singing Kum-Ba-Yah with their immigrant Haitian and native Iroquois brothers and sisters in perfect harmony.

    It’s that maintaining the current mental model of reality among the majority of American citizens is relatively easy when business-as-usual persists; but when people realize they’re broke, their children will starve, and thieves have carted off articles of the Constitution like pillaging 9th-century Vikings, TPTB will at least need an alternate mental model to substitute in its place.

    Huge powerful centralized governments always look impervious and inescapable and inevitable and unstoppable, right up until the point when they’re aren’t.

    And then events proceed very quickly.

    “…. and a global nuclear war would engulf the Earth before Alaska returns to Russian control.”

    I’ll buy that. The same forces that would push the US over the edge of collapse threaten the Russians and Chinese, and I could easily see any attempt at military adventures on their part ending this way. Especially if what’s left of the US government feels power slipping through its fingers; what better way to show that you still matter than reducing cities to radioactive cinders.

  4. Druff says:

    So it sounds like what you’re saying, Kevin, is that despite all the civil unrest concerns you’ve been linking to, civil unrest will ultimately be a moot point because people will generally stay asleep until the next big event, at which point the strength of their hypnosis will just be renewed instead of weakened? In other words, civil unrest on a significant scale won’t be allowed to happen before it’s preempted by a “unifying” event? (The “reset switch” that more or less eliminates any brewing popular unrest?)

    If so, then I guess your monitoring of civil unrest stories is more geared towards establishing a timetable of when the reset will go down rather than any concern over an actual threat of widespread unrest. Am I interpreting that right?

  5. remrof says:

    The collapse of the american federal state would be a boon to the world’s people, but it won’t happen because americans actively identify with the state and want it to continue. The prevalence of lincoln worship, praised as he his for preserving “the union,” is a good example of this sentiment. Igor doesn’t understand america’s political culture (assuming he even buys what he’s selling, of course).

  6. il says:

    “Because Americans are like mushrooms. In general, they like being kept in the dark and fed bullshit.”

    Did you come up with that? It’s brilliant!

    And I’d say it’s not just Americans – unfortunately, that comparison sums up most people I know as well.

  7. Kevin says:


    In the U.S., a full time COINTEL infrastructure is in place to manage “the street.” By “manage” I don’t mean “control.” If management efforts fail, and the shit really starts hitting the fan, or looks like it’s about to, yeah, my guess is that they’ll try another stunner to shift the focus.

    “Widespread unrest” isn’t an unmanageable problem, as long as the crowds stay stupid and only focus their anger on symbolic, worthless targets. Storefronts, the cars that rich people drive etc. If a handfull of people start cutting fiber, and/or blacking out cities (which could very easily be done), then .gov has no choice than to conflate the entire thing into The Global War on Terror.

    Then all the malcontents instantly join the ranks of al Quaeda. You can already see the CNN special reports. “How the Economic Crisis Fanned the Flames of Domestic Terrorism” or something like that. Maybe “the terrorists” received training from Bin Laden himself! The PSYOP payload is: I don’t want people to think I’m with “the terrorists” so I better not complain about the economic situation too much.


    Unfortunately, I can’t claim that one as my own. I used to work in an IT department with some crusty, crusty older dudes. One of these guys described our department that way. “We’re like a bunch of mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed bullshit.” I laughed so hard that I had to ask him where he learned that one. You’ll love this:

    He was in U.S. Army Special Forces during the Vietnam War, and that’s how they described being in special forces back then.

    He had another good one:

    “How ya doin’?” Someone would ask him.

    “Well, I’m busier than a one legged man in an asskicking contest. Other than that, pretty good.”

  8. cryingfreeman says:

    I believe the nuke option, aka 9-11 2b, remains on the cards for when the civil unrest kicks off. “They kicked us when we were down”, will be the rallying mantra. If that doesn’t get the proles lining up for their vaccinations, implants, ration cards and a massive draft, I know not what will. Further, it will give Anglo-America carte blanche to wage pre-emptive aggressive nuclear warfare against any other nation on earth.

  9. tochigi says:

    i personally cannot see a scenario of how the US federal govt. will survive after the USD loses reserve-currency status (bond auctions fail, blah, blah). seriously, without their funny money, how does it work? after sovereign default (de facto or de jure) all they have are the nukes, no? but will these remain operable? maybe i have been brainwashed by mr. orlov 😉
    but it just doesn’t seem viable for too much longer.

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