Readers Keep Cryptogon Going in June

June 6th, 2014

Wow, look at this. The situation for June is looking a lot less grim than it did a day ago.

Thanks very much!

JK $20
JB $20
DS $50
DR $25
KM £40
CB $20
BS $20
TB $50
KH $50
PW £10
RH $10
ML $10

2 Responses to “Readers Keep Cryptogon Going in June”

  1. erth2karin says:

    Now if we can just remember to *not* wait til you’re going under for the third time, before we pitch in… It’s so easy to forget when you don’t get a bill. 😉

    I wonder if you could arrange some sort of ongoing, automatic-withdrawal sort of support system. 5 or 10 bucks a month from a couple hundred people – painless, forgetproof,and a lot less skin-of-your-teeth for you.

    I hope enough people see the value in what you do to not let you have to pull the plug. Cryptogon is our one-stop-shop for real information.

  2. Kevin says:

    Hi Karin, I’ve created a recurring donation option with PayPal.

    The widget is on the Support page.

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