Future Wars ‘To Be Fought with Mind Drugs’

August 14th, 2008

This is so 1970s.

I’m delighted to learn that Operation Mind Control, by Walter Bowart is now being distributed via BitTorrent. I think that I paid $19 for a photocopy of the book in 1992, and was glad to have it! This book is rare. (Never mind the limited research edition that came out in 1994, of which only 500 were printed. Hint: There’s one for sale on Amazon for $600 right now.)

Anyway, read Operation Mind Control and then check out this story below.

Via: Telegraph:

Future wars could see opponents attacking each other’s minds, according to a report for the US military.

Landmines releasing brain-altering chemicals, scanners reading soldiers’ minds and devices boosting eyesight and hearing could all one figure in arsenals, suggests the study.

Sophisticated drugs, designed for dementia patients but also allowing troops to stay awake and alert for several days are expected to be developed, according to the report. It is thought that some US soldiers are already taking drugs prescribed for narcolepsy in an attempt to combat fatigue.

As well as those physically and mentally boosting one’s own troops, substances could also be developed to deplete an opponents’ forces, it says.

“How can we disrupt the enemy’s motivation to fight?” It asks. “Is there a way to make the enemy obey our commands?” Research shows that “drugs can be utilized to achieve abnormal, diseased, or disordered psychology” among one’s enemy, it concludes.

Research is particularly encouraging in the area of functional neuroimaging, or understanding the relationships between brain activity and actions, the report says, raising hopes that scanners able to read the intentions or memories of soldiers could soon be developed.

Some military chiefs and law enforcement officials hope that a new generation of polygraphs, or lie detectors, which spot lie-telling by observing changes in brain activity, can be built.

“Pharmacological landmines,” which release drugs to incapacitate soldiers upon their contact with them, could also be developed, according to the report’s authors.

The report, which was commissioned by the Defense Intelligence Agency, contained the work of scientists asked to examine how better understanding of how the human mind works was likely to affect the development of technology.

It finds that “great progress has been made” in neuroscience over the last decade, and that continuing advances offered the prospect of a dramatic impact on military equipment and the way in which wars are fought.

It also explains that the concept of torture could be transformed in the future. “It is possible that some day there could be a technique developed to extract information from a prisoner that does not have any lasting side effects,” it states. One technique being developed involves the delivery of electrical pulses into a suspect’s brain and delay their ability to lie by interfering with its neurons.

Research into “distributed human-machine systems”, including robots and military hardware controlled by an operator’s mind, is another particular area for optimism among researchers, according to the report. It says significant progress has already been made and that prospects for use of the field are “limited only by the creative imagination.”

Jonathan Moreno, a bioethicist and the author of ‘Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense’, said “It’s too early to know which, if any, of these technologies is going to be practical. But it’s important for us to get ahead of the curve. Soldiers are always on the cutting edge of new technologies.”

5 Responses to “Future Wars ‘To Be Fought with Mind Drugs’”

  1. il says:

    Spooky… I woke up this morning with the name “Browart” on my mind for no apparent reason. I know I did read an excerpt from his book, but that was probably a year ago or more.

  2. Kevin says:

    That’s weird.

    That kind of thing happens to me too, on occasion, but there doesn’t seem to be any consistency to it.

    Other times, something will pop into my head, and I think, “Ahha, I’m going to encounter this somehow,” and then… Nothing.

    How can we tell the random thoughts from genuine precognitive/intuitive events?

  3. Miraculix says:

    “How can we tell the random thoughts from genuine precognitive/intuitive events?”

    Near as I can tell from my own experiences, you can’t for the most part, short of those true moments of “awakening” that occasionally present themselves like a universal ‘fait accompli’; but they are few and far between.

    To my mind, it all comes down to cultivating what is usually referred to as “mindfulness”, which isn’t always so easy when you’re in a state of concentrated effort, etc. Still, with practice, simple Taoist/Qi Gong breathing techniques can go a LONG way in a very short time.

    For what it’s worth, when I suddenly find myself toe-to-toe with something that feels like it might be inspiration or wisdom standing at the door, I make a point not to focus down on what has my attention. Rather, I attempt to keep the idea dead-center in the mind’s eye while pulling my focus wide and letting the periphery enter the view. Often what you seek does not lay dead center. No joke. Give it a try, if you’re a visualizin’ kinda guy K.

    That out of the way, what REALLY nukes me about the linked story is the blatantly obvious “rebranding” campaign underway: what exactly is a “war fought with mind drugs?”

    Well, for starters it’s a snazzy new way to sell CHEMICAL WARFARE to the public.

    It has never failed to boggle my mind how truly easy the bulk of folks are to reprogram, but then I can still very clearly remember the set of feelings and observations that forced me to kill the television in my early twenties. And the answer lays down before me like coke-addled diva on Oscar night.

    Those poor sons-o-bitches in uniform. So powerful and trusting and yet so fragile and ignorant, all at once. But then balance and interplay (yin/yang) are everywhere, so long as we observe with open eyes and mind. But don’t take this from me on faith, I’m no guru. Just a survivor who takes copious notes.

  4. ericswan says:

    Don’t Drink the Water

    6/25/08 – I have been on the road now for a few weeks. I have seen the growing disruption that the increasingly unstable climate is having on people and the entire machinery of the “complex”. Flights are delayed and rerouted to go around the weather systems brought to us by the unprecedented build up greenhouse gases in our atmosphere (which retain heat) vs. Operation Global Cooling (which reflects sunlight into space). At the clash of the titanic weather fronts created by this subterfuge, monster “tornadoes”, fantastically strong winds, torrential downpours and flooding are sinking the American dream.


    It is a disaster in progress. A respite of even a few days and millions do what they can to go back to sleep. My writing has definitely not made me popular with either the republicans or many of the ever so compliant democrats. I have declared my Independence.

    It is amazing to me that the Democrats are so entranced. I was just conversing at a conference the other day and people were genuinely surprised to find out that the Democratic Party in Florida had not been “bad” and was not in need of the punishment meted out by the DNC.

    Like millions of Americans they had somehow misconstrued the fact that the Florida republican state legislature and that state’s republican governor made the decision to move the primary date to a time that was contrary to Democratic Party rules. These people are so dumbed down that they don’t see that they are being herded. It really is Karl Rove’s Dream. All over the country and the world I see the increasing dullness of the inmates of the global Auschwitz. I tell people, “Don’t drink the water”. Tap water is the Kool-Aid of the cult of mediocrity. Fluoride was first used in the drinking water at Auschwitz and other concentration camps to tranquilize the inmates. It is said that just days after they ran out of Fluoride at Treblinka the inmates rose up and seized control of the camp. Will we?

    Now the wardens have added Prozac, Zoloft and other mind control agents to the water. They synchronize entrainment through our televisions during all major media events like the NBA playoffs and the Super Bowl. HAARP, the ground wave transmission system and even the power grid, which reaches into our homes, are also used to enhance perception management. ??It is true that there are still brilliant moments. There are many lovely people who are not nearly as dumbed down as many Americans. I have seen many joyful beings who still feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit, the Buddha Nature and the seamlessness which transcends all systems of belief. There are rumors of plans afoot to eliminate eighty percent of this species. However, the “elite” who are directing the plan from safely behind the scenes are utterly insane. I am not speaking of the “rich” per se. Most of the prosperous have no more idea what is going on than the average wage earner. There is a very tiny and extremely wealthy group (not nearly as many as the “six thousand” now referred to as the “super class”) who are ordering and profiting by our collective demise. ? We have been offered every form of solution and yet not one has been implemented. The program for the destruction of Earth has such momentum that most attempts to help are insufficient.

    Politicians speak of hope but offer no true solutions. They exploit the despair of the People and whip up a messianic fervor in their followers. Then they proffer the same tired old technologies and stratagems. As a result their pantomime cannot save any of us from the chaos they create without conscience.

    Have you noticed the recent advertising campaigns in all major cities to encourage us to drink the water? Do yourself a favor. Don’t Drink the Water.

    Adam Trombly

  5. Eileen says:

    From what I can gather, CURRENT mind wars have been waging on anon for its seems a gazillion years via the television, and now the Internet.
    @ericswan – I can’t read everything you wrote tonight cause Mom’s over there coughing, but I think you should just relax a little bit. Really.Certainly, I am not going to drink the water from anywhere exceot from the well here at home, but then again we filter it here. And sheesh, a little bit of travel detention is like nuthin compared to what our brother and sisters in arms are up to their eyeballs in.
    Before we know it, the Ship Rock will be coming back to answer the cries for mercy coming from this planet. Its just getting too effin weird and I think intervention from the Ship Rock sorts are long overdue.
    Mercy. That’s what we need. HELP. SAVE US FROM OURSELVES.

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