Video from Inside Underground Government Food Storage Facility [???]

January 22nd, 2012

Update: It’s Probably Springfield Underground

Cryptogon reader goldenmudd posted a link to Springfield Underground.

Case closed, as far as I’m concerned.

—End Update—

Update: SubTropolis?

Several people are emailing to say that this is SubTropolis. And, yes, the video title mentions SubTropolis.

But if you look at the Wikipedia entry for SubTropolis, you’ll find this:

It has a grid of 16 ft (4.9 m) high, 40 ft (12 m) wide tunnels separated by 25 ft (7.6 m) square limestone pillars created by the room and pillar method of hard rock mining.

The facility shown in the YouTube video has a much higher ceiling than 16 feet. It’s easily double that.

In the picture below, the left half is from the YouTube video and shows a truck at a loading dock in that facility. The right side shows a truck at a loading dock at the SubTropolis facility (image source):

Same facility?

Same facility?

Other documents (example) mention a ceiling height of 16 feet throughout the SubTropolis facility.

The guy in the YouTube video is in a facility with a much higher ceiling. I’m not saying that it’s necessarily some secret facility, but it’s not SubTropolis.

—End Update—

Where is this facility? What is this facility? What agency operates this facility?

How big is that thing? We’re only seeing the loading docks.

Via: YouTube:

7 Responses to “Video from Inside Underground Government Food Storage Facility [???]”

  1. afterhours says:

    Some of the comments on YT suggest it might be an old salt mine, used by various companies for long-term storage, perhaps in the Kansas City area.

    I’m intrigued by the logo above the loading bay doors though.

  2. Mike Lorenz says:

    I’m not trying to call BS on the video, because I’ve seen enough info about DUMB’s to convince me that they’re probably real (Denver Airport?) That said, I’ve been inside of some pretty run of the mill warehouses here in St.Louis that were carved into limestone bluffs down by the river, and they looked just like this. Really big and impressive as hell, but not part of some top secret government storage facility. Of course if things start going all batshit here in December, I know where I’m going to hide. 🙂

  3. goldenmudd says:

    i’m with mike. i have been in this underground storage facility when i used to work for fed-ex freight:

    and it looks the same. not saying the military doesn’t use it as well, but it’s used by a wide variety of companies for storage. this also happens to be about 30 minutes from the enormous home built by the defense contractor down here in the ozarks that you linked to one time.

  4. Kevin says:


    I think you got it. That looks like the place to me.

  5. pessimistic optimist says:

    glad people didnt fall for this, not much is actually worth “protecting” from prying eyes in this age of information technology. usually its just drowned in a sea of shit so deep youd never survive long enough to touch bottom, except when it isnt. the deliberate misinfo campaigns seem to be reserved for actual threats to the status quo, like d.u.m.b.s and ufos and 9/11 and jfk. not even very successful, except they smudge just enough to cast doubt. just some truck driver having a laugh.

    back to the caves, i was looking into these in s. australia for a time.,_South_Australia

    also anywhere w/ spongy rock like in the paris catacombs, soft to dig and hardens w/ exposure to atmosphere.

    decided against due to the british/masonic anti-gun laws in aus, still looking occasionally tho. mormons and masons in utah and colorado are scary people, with far too much power. denver airport and Cheyenne mountain are the only 2 im aware of, sure there are more.

    hehe stargate haha lol

    dont forget joss w. dollhouse series, whose main setting is in a no-chamber under a downtown la officepark a la frank herbert

  6. Dennis says:

    Springfield Underground?
    I see an episode of ‘The Simpson’s’ coming.

  7. Dennis says:

    Correction: “The Simpsons”

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