Indiana Court: No Right to Resist Illegal Cop Entry Into Home

May 14th, 2011

Via: NW Times:

Overturning a common law dating back to the English Magna Carta of 1215, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Hoosiers have no right to resist unlawful police entry into their homes.

In a 3-2 decision, Justice Steven David writing for the court said if a police officer wants to enter a home for any reason or no reason at all, a homeowner cannot do anything to block the officer’s entry.

“We believe … a right to resist an unlawful police entry into a home is against public policy and is incompatible with modern Fourth Amendment jurisprudence,” David said. “We also find that allowing resistance unnecessarily escalates the level of violence and therefore the risk of injuries to all parties involved without preventing the arrest.”

Research Credit: C

7 Responses to “Indiana Court: No Right to Resist Illegal Cop Entry Into Home”

  1. JWSmythe says:

    I really hate to see the continuing corruption of our rights like this. 98% of the US can say “But that’s Indiana, it doesn’t apply to us”. Guess what, if it works there, it’ll spread like a cancer.

    I really hope the ACLU picks this up, and fights it to the US supreme court. Even then, I hope the supreme court does the right thing and kills it.

    Our rights were corrupt enough, and I was hoping with the new administration (Federal level), we would see improvements. Unfortunately, that’s a mess of … well … politics, that manage to kill any attempt to do good things, or if there are good things, there are killer riders attached to it. Want to do something good? They’ll attach provisions for who knows what. Laws reinforcing free speech? We’ll attach a rider for a trillion dollars of military spending, and make swiss cheese out of the intended law.

  2. steve holmes says:

    For the elite to end the current order and create their NEW WORLD ORDER of absolute financial control of every transaction world wide, they must first create a police state that scares the hell out of everyone, otherwise people will simply tell them all to go to hell. But when the fascist/neo-nazi pigs can goose step right up to your door and kick it in for any reason and then arrest you for whatever reason they can pull out of their collective asses with full government approval, it won’t take long before most people will be scared shitless and will do whatever they are told instead of exercising the 2nd amendment rights that they were blessed with by pulling the trigger and blowing the head off of every warrantless prick that comes through the door.

    The Indiana court houses should be surrounded with every breathing citizen in that state until this is overturned. But they won’t be because nobody cares about anything but their daily rations of soylent green and reality TV. That’s why government is filled with psychopaths and criminals already.

  3. prov6yahoo says:

    There is a solution to MOST of peoples problems: don’t answer the door or the phone – that’s what windows and answering machines are for.

  4. RBNZ says:


    Screw trying to salvage the system. It’s f*&ked.

    Try to make a new one under-the-radar that is…

    Shooting cops that come into your house is gonna get you 1,000,000 years in jail making levi jeans for the man.

    Try to find somewhere where there are no cops… NZ is a good place. We have 2, maybe 3 cops, where I live. It takes them about a 1 hour drive to get to us.

    btw – local alternative & complementary currencies are the way forward…

  5. Larry Glick says:

    The worst cases come from what are called “911 hangups.” A child or someone in the home mistakenly or accidentally dials 911 and then hangs up. Cops come “code 3” and can theoretically break down the door because there “may be” someone in distress in the house. The 911 system has proven to be a boon for cops to break into your home. As often as not, the homeowner or family member gets charged with something just to cover the cops’ butt.

  6. prov6yahoo says:

    RBNZ is right – the more “pig free” your area – the safer.

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