Ideas for a Television Show About ‘Conspiracy Theories’

March 1st, 2011

The executive producer of a television show that deals with conspiracy theories emailed me. He stated that he reads Cryptogon and likes it. He then went on to ask me for ideas for his show. I responded with some ideas. For whatever reason, the person no longer wishes to communicate with me. That’s fine.

The reason I’m posting about this is because the people behind the show are definitely reading Cryptogon, so I thought I’d open it up to you guys to post ideas for a show that you would like to see them do.

Admittedly, while I’m aware of the show in question, I’ve only seen short clips of it online. That is, I haven’t seen enough of it to form a solid opinion one way or another. What I have seen is, uh, well, let’s be kind and say that it’s entertainment that’s meant to appeal to a wide audience.

Rather than assuming the worst, which is almost always the right course of action when it comes to mainstream media, for purposes of this post, let’s assume that the people behind this show are genuinely interested in presenting a more complete understanding of events. While they can’t/won’t go as far as we would like, maybe a little bit of this kind of information, widely distributed, is better than nothing.

I don’t know which part of what I wrote (below) switched this guy off, but at a minimum, it’s interesting to see how information (which is mundane by Cryptogon standards) freaks people out who are lashed to the mast of mainstream media.

Also, after re-reading what I’d written, I forgot to mention the biggest one of them all, the Federal Reserve. Ha. I guess I’ve been dealing with that one for so long that I’m numb to it, but, really, that’s one that pervades just about everything else. So, pay attention, conspiracy theory television show executives: The Federal Reserve/fiat currency/fractional reserve lending issues should be on the list too.

I’ve redacted some information from the emails I received from the executive producer of the television show to maintain his privacy.

Here’s the thread:

Hi Kevin,

My name is xxxxx. I’m the Exec Producer of the “xxxxx” on xxxxx. I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to see our show, but we cover lots of the same topics as on your site. We have been under constant attack from the power establishment, incuding US congressmen, the military and others.

I came across your site today, and was very impressed. Its really well done, and believe me, I look at a lot of them! We are always interested in people who know more about the “dark world” than we do. So I’d love to start a dialogue with you. If you’re interested, feel free to write, email, or vox call at your convenience.


[contact information followed]

I responded:

Hello xxxxx,

Yes, I’m familiar with your show.

Sure, a dialog would be fine. Just be aware that I deal with email when I can.


He responded:

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for responding. I understand that you are busy, so I’ll keep it short. Basically, we need leads to good stories. Our future hinges on the network getting excited about potential episodes.

So….if you have some ideas, I’d love to hear them. Thanks!


Here’s my email with the ideas:

Hi xxxxx,

I thought I’d take some time on the weekend to sketch out some ideas for xxxxx:

* Food / Monsanto / Genetic Engineering

* Big Brother – It’s not that bad, it’s worse

* The military’s interest in robots

* Energy

* Mainstream medicine / vaccines

* CIA drug running

In a bit more detail:

Food is one of the themes I keep returning to on my site, year in and year out. I refer to food as a “gateway issue” that has the capability of getting people to see the bigger picture. Everyone understands that they need to eat, but few stop to consider what they’re actually eating.

Industrial food production in the U.S. is an absolute nightmare. Monsanto is a public menace, with their FrankenpHood showing up everywhere.

People who respond by producing delicious, nutrient dense foods sometimes wind up having guns pointed at them.

Organic Co-Op Rawesome Foods: Security Camera Footage of Police (Guns Drawn) Raid

SWAT Team Conducts Food Raid in Rural Ohio

Anyway, there are a number of ways to look at the issue. Monsanto could easily fill an entire show. Here are just a few references from my site:

Here’s an entire documentary on Monsanto (must see): The World According
to Monsanto.

Monsanto / genetically engineered food / police state tactics directed against people who resist would make a great show. I doubt that you would be able to do this show, because Monsanto will get to you through advertisers on the network. But maybe it’s possible.

I know you’ve done a Big Brother show already, but the situation is much worse than that. Look into MAIN CORE:

The Last Roundup: MAIN CORE

NSA employee Russell Tice wanted to tell congress about some aspect of a covert surveillance program that was so off the rails illegal that he became a whistleblower. He wound up being fired and he never had his meeting with congressional oversight officials:

“In my case, there’s no way the programs I want to talk to Congress about should be public ever, unless maybe in 200 years they want to declassify them. You should never learn about it; no one at the Times should ever learn about these things.”

I suspect that part of the program entails full time geographical tracking of the targeted individuals via the mobile phone network. That’s just a guess, based on my overall consideration of the information.

Maybe Tice would talk to you guys:

I think he was involved in MAIN CORE.

See also: Wiring Up The Big Brother Machine…And Fighting It by Mark Klein.

The surveillance issue is much worse than most people know.

Another idea would be a look into the efforts of the U.S. government to build autonomous combat robots. This isn’t a conspiracy, per se. It’s happening. Slowly.

I actually worked for some people who were involved with this and it was so terrifying to me that I wanted to make a full length documentary film about it. I didn’t do it because I quickly realized that I simply didn’t have the money I’d need to travel around to conduct the interviews.

You could do a broader view of the issue of the increasing use of robots in industry, but the military side of this is particularly disturbing. They’re funding research into artificial intelligence and robotics at every major university, and many minor ones as well. I don’t even focus on it full time, but check out my Rise of the Machines category for some references:

This is the blog of a close friend of mine. Let’s say that he has a PhD in a relevant area of inquiry:

Next: Energy.

This may be much too complicated to handle in a single episode, but in short: It’s absurd that we are facing an energy crisis when you look at government funding for alternative energy research vs. the cost of the wars that the U.S. is currently involved with.

Chart: The Cost of the War in Iraq vs. Spending on Solar Energy Research

You could look at the fact that, for example, cold fusion is real.

See: 60 Minutes:

U.S. Navy Releases “Significant” Evidence of Cold Fusion

60 Minutes: Cold Fusion Is Hot Again

There are loads of other technologies as well:–_RD

I’ve been keeping an eye of two companies that have close links to the black world:

Terawatt Research

Questions, Questions: Terawatt Research



The king freak of the EEstor issue is this guy:

Probably nothing goes deeper than the energy issue. It’s absolutely fascinating.

There are many aspects of mainstream medicine that are ridiculous. It’s too big an area for me to even get into here, but if you’re interested in this issue, let me know which aspects and I could provide more information. The vaccination issue would be THE most explosive topic you could possibly deal with. You WOULD have problems going to air with this. Anyway, it’s a large and complex issue, but if you’re looking for the best possible source, look at the work of Dr. Russell L. Blaylock.

The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) by Russell L. Blaylock, MD


See also:

Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Edward T. Haslam

The issue of intelligence agency narcotics trafficking is an issue that has been around for decades. If you’re interested in this, let me know and I can give you more information than you’ll be able to deal with.

Well, these topics represent the low hanging fruit, in my opinion.

All the best,

So, that’s what I sent, and I didn’t hear anything back after that. A week or so later, I sent a follow up email with a copy of the information above, just in case it didn’t arrive the first time. Again, no response. For a moment, I thought that maybe I got punked by some trickster, so I called the number he gave for the production company in California, and I spoke to someone to verify the contact information I had been given. I hadn’t been tricked. I had definitely been contacted by the executive producer of that show. I didn’t feel like calling the guy’s cell phone number, which he provided to me initially.

That’s it. So, who cares?

Again, the only reason I spent any time at all dealing with this (and why I’m posting about it) is the almost certainly naïve belief that exposing more people to this genre of information (even via corporate television) might be helpful.

If you have anything to add, go for it.

13 Responses to “Ideas for a Television Show About ‘Conspiracy Theories’”

  1. tochigi says:

    kudos to you Kevin for patiently explaining your ideas to this guy. it is a pity he didn’t have the common courtesy to even reply to your, email. even if he didn’t think the ideas were usable, he should have at the very least, thanked you for your input. anyway, i imagine most of the topics were just too close to the bone for an MSM show. by that i mean they would expose huge chunks of the corporate kleptocracy to closer examination within an “establishment” medium.

    regarding the food thing, one possibility might be to significantly narrow it down, say “the US dairy industry” or “the corruption of USDA organic standards” or something along those lines. a separate idea is toxic house-building materials: “you are being killed slowly by your McMansion”, etc.

  2. Kevin says:

    Toxic building materials! Yes, that’s another good one. Toxic chemicals in damn near all conventional “personal hygiene” products.

    Fluoride in drinking water. That’s another huge one.

  3. Dennis says:

    I guess the Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP) stuff wouldn’t get the networks on board for this guy, especially the material on powerful and protected paedophile rings.

    And the alien thing on such a show probably wouldn’t get much past the Roswell song and dance to the deeper and much darker places beneath.

  4. Dennis says:

    By the way, apart from the likelihood he’s a busy dude, perhaps he hasn’t got back to you because he’s currently lost down the rabbit holes you’ve directed him towards!

  5. Are solar flares and their effect upon the Earth purposefully being withheld from the public?

    “2012 – Doom ain’t What It Used to Be.”

  6. realitydesign says:

    The Prison Industrial Complex

    America has the most prisoners in the HISTORY of world civilization…hmmm

  7. realitydesign says:

    The Nazi-Wall Street Bonanza aka the Nazi’s never lost the war, they just moved all their business around and changed names…

    hey wait a minute, that would implicate a bunch of major companies in the world today…oops.

  8. RMOHANX says:

    It was kind of you to help him, and you were
    extremely generous with your time, but…


    Some folks spend 10+ hours a week reading blogs
    and easily another 10+ hours reading books
    because the information on TV is crap. It’s
    been that way for years. What changed? “Nothing”
    changed, is the answer.

    I suspect the first/best “show on conspiracy” will
    be found on YouTube or animated in XtraNormal.

    The problem is not the producers and other
    mainstream johnny-come-lately types: they
    are well-trained to cater to the needs of
    the viewing public. “follow the money”, cui
    bono, etc.

    One who genuinely wants to explore and present
    conspiracy for the love of it, they’d be an
    independent blogger, or a Seymour Hersh, or
    some other kind of news pioneer. TV producers
    are not of this ilk. They’re selling Ford
    Exorbitants, Kibbles and Bits, and lawn treatments. And beer.

    …perhaps this is too cynical; perhaps @Dennis
    is correct and the executive producer is simply
    on his second week of learning about…the

    But I doubt that.

    He’s already flittered on, deciding which 5%
    of what you presented can be sprinkled with
    enough legal ointment and sexed up enough (but
    not too much!) to make “good viewing.”

    Again, not his fault: people in front of a
    broadcast tube mostly want to relax, tune out,
    be told what to do, fall asleep, etc. The last
    thing TV viewers want on a regular basis is to
    sustain thought and explore ideas on how people
    they’ve never heard of are using technologies
    they don’t comprehend to do things they can’t
    understand for motives they don’t share.

    ( Oh and FWIW, on vaccines, I definitely would
    have gone with Neil Z. Miller, too. Blaylock
    pretty much “gets” the adjuvant angle, but
    Miller gets the full epidemiological picture. )

  9. cgroove69 says:

    my two pents:

    War is a racket, Written by Two-Time Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient, Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC, Retired. Discusses why we are constangy at war.

    Tragedy & Hope by Carroll Quigley

  10. Zuma says:

    Rather than ‘conspiracy theories’, surely there’s a better label. Perhaps one that points to bodies of evidence and fact rather than seemingly insinuate conclusions or speculations. Let the questions arise for themselves sans framing.

    Along that same line of thought, I’d say such an opportunity as this is a time to simply deal first with actual history. This seems to be called for in the first place. So much of what is called ‘conspiracy theories’ revolves around revisionism vs. revelations, no? [Quick: What was Prescott Bush’s father’s name and what did he do? What did Prescott Bush himself do?] At present, it seems an actual outlay of actual history is more than enough grist for the mill.

  11. Josh says:

    I think the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve/the legal tender act (talk to George Selgin) would be good.

    I also tried to email the producers of this show before trying to get them to do an episode on: did the New Deal extend the depression? The New Deal’s success is one of the great myths in modern America. Somebody needs to diffuse it in the mass media so Keynesianism doesn’t get a stronger hold.

  12. soothing hex says:

    Sarkozy apparently lost faith in something. And I’ve got the worst conspiracy theory of all. Give me half the planet motherfuckers

  13. oelsen says:

    Kevin: heavy metals in cosmetics. I mean like wtf, they make dumb, duh! 😀

    Toxic substances in everyday materials and we have the year 2011!, that is the scandal. Then the FED and the dollar/oil empire. Further that nobody, NOBODY whatsoever on TV talks about the hidden slaves we westerners have working by burning fossil fuels. And how that links to expansion, globalization, inflation and fractional banking with extremly low interests. I really wonder what show it is, though.

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