December 10th, 2010

I’ve registered with the Swiss registrar Switchplus.

I don’t know how well .ch will hold up going forward, but it seemed prudent to at least have an alternative if I should lose control of the domain for any reason. At a minimum, .ch appears to be far, far more desirable than the U.S. controlled top level domains, where arbitrary takedowns and DNS hijackings are now occurring. currently points to a BlueHost box (inside the U.S.). If the shit hits the fan (the American fascist regime hijacks my domain name, for example, or the U.S. imposes some kind of Chinese-style firewall or something, who knows?), I can redirect to a host in a more free country.

I don’t anticipate any particular action against Cryptogon, but the fact is that it has already happened to some site operators. No due process. Arbitrary, fascist whims. That’s it. And if it can happen to _______ (fill in the blank) it can happen to me or you, or anyone who uses .com, .net or .org.

Anyway, this is just a quick announcement,, let’s hope we never have to use it.

8 Responses to “”

  1. ltcolonelnemo says:

    Switzerland is a police state where international oligarchs stash their loot. They pioneered omnipresent surveillance cameras that It was founded by the medieval equivalent of Blackwater. In recent years, it appears to be bending to U.S. demands with regard to people trying to hide themselves or their loot there. I also read somewhere that they weren’t very nice to Serpico when he temporarily relocated there.

    I would not rely on Switzerland in a worst-case scenario.

    That being said, I love that country; they were bad ass during WWII.

    I wonder if there is anywhere better….

    Iceland? Venezuela?

    Anyone have any ideas on this.

  2. Kevin says:

    It’s like I wrote already, I don’t anticipate any problems on my .com domain, and .ch is far better than the situation in .com.


    Come on. With Dear Leader nationalizing things all the time? haha.


    Well, they haven’t collapsed this year.

    We need something like the upcoming .p2p/bittorrent thing or wide adoption of Freenet, etc.

  3. y00h00180 says:

    In regards to Venezuela, I think his socialist policies would be the least of your problems. I’d be more concerned with the prospect of eventual invasion by the U.S.

  4. Kevin says:


    “if it can happen to _______ (fill in the blank) it can happen to me or you, or anyone”

    So, in Venezuela, what are the criteria for private property being seized by the state?


    I understand the allure of proletarian delusions. Unfortunately, as with the globalists, the endpoint is the same:

  5. ltcolonelnemo says:


    With regard to nationalization in Venezuela, they have gone after natural resources or large wealth-producing enterprises that were privatized for the benefit of foreign investors or an aristocratic elite with few social ties to the indigenous population. Gas fields, hotel chains, banks, etc.

    I don’t see what nationalization has to do with it. Your site doesn’t contain much direct criticism of the Venezuelan regime. It’s not a natural resource or a vast wealth-generating enterprise whose proceeds can be readily be redistributed into the hands of the “people.” I’m assuming you would be worried about the U.S. government asking Venezuela to bump your site off as a favor, which I doubt Venezuela would comply with. But who knows? At a certain level, there is probably cooperation between Venezuela and the U.S.

    I doubt the U.S. would directly invade Venezuela. If anything, they’ll probably try to get the Colombians to do it with U.S. advisers monitoring. Arms sales all around.

    Iceland is supposedly trying to become a data haven.

    I’m sure there may be other places; I was hoping other people had ideas. These were two that popped into my head.

    I don’t like Switzerland anymore as a supposed neutral zone because of how they kow-towed to the U.S. with regard to their banking secrecy, not that it’s so great that plutocrats stash wealth there. And to think that they gave Nazi Germany the finger. (Shakes head)

  6. ltcolonelnemo says:

    Well, it looks like Venezuela may be out:

  7. prov6yahoo says:

    How bout Hong Kong or Singapore???

  8. ltcolonelnemo says:

    Singapore is a police state; Hong Kong was taken over by China.

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