Today, I Want to Try to Sell You Some Soap

December 1st, 2010

I noticed that a reader bought a gallon of Dr. Bronner’s Unscented soap on Amazon via Cryptogon. Most of you probably know about Dr. Bronner’s soaps, but I want to do a quick post about this just in case you’re unfamiliar with these products.

Dr. Bronner's Unscented Castile Liquid Soap

Dr. Bronner's Unscented Castile Liquid Soap

Some of the things I do with the Dr. Bronner’s Unscented liquid soap:

All around body wash
Shaving cream
Brush my teeth with it
Mix with baking soda, scrub the bathtub/toilet with it
Laundry detergent

Oh, yeah, you can use it to get your sprogs clean as well.

In short: Not only can you use this soap for just about any cleaning/washing/hygiene purpose, the product contains nothing that will kill you or your children. (These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.) That’s it! That’s my sales pitch to you.

Now, we use the baby/unscented stuff you see above, and add essential oils as necessary, but there are a variety of options for those of you who want the oil in there to begin with. There’s peppermint, eucalyptus, almond, rose, citrus, lavender and tea tree.

There are a variety of bar soaps available as well.

Here’s my affiliate link to buy Dr. Bronner’s soap products on Amazon, and support Cryptogon at the same time.


Posted in Gear, Health | Top Of Page

7 Responses to “Today, I Want to Try to Sell You Some Soap”

  1. bloodnok says:

    Haha… when I saw the title of this post in my newsreader I thought “damn, Kevin’s been staying up all night, raiding liposuction clinics and developing an unhealthy relationship with Helena Bonham Carter”

  2. Kevin says:

    Funny story: I happened to walk by a movie theater in Santa Monica when Fight Club came out and a studio “street team” person was giving away Fight Club soap bars. I was pretty broke, so I sold mine on Ebay. Some maniac paid $37 for it, if I remember correctly. Maybe it was $57. Anyway, it was some ridiculous amount.

  3. Dennis says:

    Ditto, Bloodnok.

    Also good for washing veggies.

  4. anothershamus says:

    I have only used this as a body and hand soap for years now. I do use another shampoo that has neem in it but I mix it with Dr. Bonners. I can’t brush my teeth with it however, haven’t got that far. Glad to see you are promoting it. It’s fun to read the label as well, lots of crazy info.

  5. Kevin says:


    For shampoo, I use about 1 teaspoon of the unscented Bronner’s and a teaspoon of (neat) neem oil.

    I had what I thought was dandruff for about, I don’t know, the last twenty years.

    Well, after I moved to NZ, it got much worse. I had it medically diagnosed/biopsied and it turned out to be pityrosporum folliculitis. Essentially, that’s a yeast infection on my scalp. The warm and humid environment here causes stuff like this to bloom. The doctor I saw said it was very common here.

    Anyway… While not making any medical claims for anything, let’s just say that I like a little neem oil in my Dr. Bronner’s soap.

  6. j.biddy says:

    Dr. Bronner’s is great. I too have used it for many of those applications. The only one I found difficult to continue was brushing my teeth with it, which may have been a result of using too much or possibly the flavor (peppermint).

    I too experience what seems to be bad dandruff at times, I’ll have to try the neem/Bronner’s mixture.


  7. tochigi says:

    i would buy it at in a flash if they would ship it here. the retail prices in Japan are… extortionate. really. maybe i will get it shipped to a friend in NYC who could send it over. we’ll see.

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