Donald Trump Counting Sheep

September 4th, 2010

15 Responses to “Donald Trump Counting Sheep”

  1. brandon says:

    counting body’s like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums

  2. Georgia Washington says:

    Ok Kevin, you are going to have to help me understand this one! I get that Donald Trump = elite, but where does coincidence and false flag come into this?

  3. Kevin says:

    @Georgia Washington

    Watch it again.

  4. Georgia Washington says:

    Oh, I see it now! WTF?!?!

  5. Kevin says:

    @Georgia Washington


  6. Dennis says:

    If it’s not merely a coincidence and it’s not there simply as a cynical, subliminal, attention-grabbing advertising gimmick then…what’s it for? A fear booster-shot? But wouldn’t a few bogus fear-charged headlines do the job much more effectively?

  7. SW says:

    Holy cr*p! I only got it on the second viewing!


  8. dano5050 says:


    One of the things that becomes most obvious over time, is that those involved, or those in the know around these things love “playing” with the messaging and to some degree fucking with the masses… I also think that they get off on high-fiving one another via public pieces like this.

    There is an element of thrill involved. Why else would Rudy Guiliani just “happen to be” near Liverpool station when the bomb went off on 7/7. Just a coincidence?

    Another favorite is Dick Cheney’s ski cap during the 2005 Auschwitz ceremony, embroidered with the words “Staff 2001”.

    After a while you realize that this kind of thing is everywhere.


  9. JWSmythe says:

    That’s one of the things about paranoia. Once you start looking for them, you’ll see them everywhere. People obsessed with particular number will see it everywhere. I’m particularly fond of the number “42” and the time “4:20” (although I do not partake of the associated festivities). Numerology can be fun. You can find anything you want in them, if you try hard enough and ignore anything that doesn’t fit the pattern.

    But that isn’t to say that just because you’re paranoid, they aren’t out to get you. Maybe Trump was advertising that he commanded #1 (Bush or Bin Laden, your choice) to make the 11 and 9 sheep … ok, I’m running out of conspiracy stuff there, someone else can run with it. 🙂

    I found it interesting that September 11, 2001 is referred to as 911, just as the standard American emergency telephone number. I guess it will all be explained on 4/11. I keep calling them, asking for them to explain 42 (hmmm, 4, 1+1=2), but all they tell me is to follow the dolphins.

  10. brandon says:

    I believe this is how they communicate with each other. It probably contained some other message. The obvious one we can see just gets their attention.

  11. dano5050 says:

    No matter who you imagine was behind 9-11, it’s not hard to imagine that the date was selected on purpose. Other 9-11 dates? The assassination of Salvador Allende, ordered by Kissinger.

  12. Dennis says:

    It’s hard for me to grasp how such ‘product placements’ would be decided upon and by whom.

    Could there be Illuminati ‘sayanim’ in advertising agencies who report to their handlers on commercials being produced and then carry out orders unquestioningly? Or some kind of ‘Borg’ collective unconscious, perhaps operating outside of human hierarchical structures of command, that manifests this stuff without the agent being consciously aware of having done so?

    Of those two possibilities the second actually seems more believable to me because I think those who really had the power and intent to create the world in their image would have more productive things to do with their time and energy than put subliminal messages into TV commercials and it’s difficult for me to imagine them having some kind of marketing division to take care of that stuff.

    That’s my opinion so far but I’m open to and interested in hearing what others think about how this could work…?

  13. dano5050 says:


    Let me offer a question:

    Do you think that those who finance and produce movies, tv shows, the news and everything we generally consume online might be somehow influenced or interested to influence what we watch on tv by folks who do not have our best interests at heart, or who want to shift the collective mindset in a certain direction?

    I think that is the real question– either you see the evidence and understand the rationale for why that happens or you don’t. From there, the slight move over to whether or not that happens in advertisements specifically is a small one.

    For an excellent overview of this topic, I would recommend watching “The Century of the Self”. It is one of the most extraordinary documentaries you will ever see. And it explores the figures that have shaped the development of modern media in this country. Most particularly, Edward Bernays, the cousin of Sigmund Freud, who invented the field of and coined the phrase “Public Relations”.


  14. dano5050 says:

    I said “consume online” above, I meant to say “consume on tv”. The online world is a different animal, though an equally interesting topic.

  15. Dennis says:

    Thanks for that. I’ll check it out. In the interim, I do believe it happens but I’m not always sure about the ‘how’.

    Product placements in films are organised by people whose job it is do that. They negotiate price, exposure time and context with the client and get a paycheck and a job title that goes along with it. Some stuff ends up on screen due to very deliberate and conscious decisions made by people whose job it is to do just that and other stuff kind of seeps into things not because of a decision someone made but because of prior influences on the people involved. Some themes may be deliberate as when a team of scriptwriters include a topical or controversial theme in a story while others may be unconscious outpourings from individuals whose life history and personal issues influence their work. There may even be things that spring from the collective unconscious that are powerfully mythic, perhaps even prophetic.

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