Medical Doctor Retracts H1N1 Vaccine Advice After Reading Insert

November 15th, 2009

Multiple companies are producing H1N1 vaccines for use in the U.S. The inserts are available from the FDA for anyone who’s interested.

2 Responses to “Medical Doctor Retracts H1N1 Vaccine Advice After Reading Insert”

  1. tted117 says:

    Kev, I love cryptogon and read you religiously, so to speak. I’m a little concerned about this video link on the full disclosure front.
    “Know The Cause” is a healthcare show on Angel One the flagship channel of the Sky Angel Network (a Christian advocacy network of 75 channels) and the doctor we’re seeing is Dr Roby Mitchell, a doctor of “orthomolecular medicine” which is a recently coined field based on statements and practices of Linus Pauling. Of course Pauling was a genius but this particular branch of his thinking has little evidence of truth. Dr. Mitchell also has a syndicated radio show called “Keeping Fit with Dr Fitt”.

    I haven’t gotten the H1N1 jab and do not intend to do so. I actually share the concern brought up in the video about squalene. Still, I am concerned about the veracity of a crew like Sky Angel and Dr Mitchell. I find them a little “sketchy”.

    Thanks and please keep it up.

  2. Kevin says:

    Interesting first post, tted117, but not in a good way.

    The point is the content of the vaccine inserts.

    Just because people who are mentioning that information are Christian doesn’t change what’s printed on those documents.

    There’s much more to be concerned about than squalene.

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