Feds Cut Brown’s Power, Phone and Internet Access

June 15th, 2007

The Ed and Elaine Brown situation is getting really weird. The feds have now cut them off, but people are still being allowed to come and go from the property. Since the Browns have been inviting, “serious people willing to fight” to join them… Something is very wrong here.

When I first heard about this situation, I thought: Feds must be inside with the Browns.

The reason the feds don’t have the place completely barricaded is because they must have people inside who can report on the tactical situation. The feds might also be using this situation as a big honey pot to see how many people will actually show up.

My guess is that if the Browns asked everyone to leave, except for their lifelong friends and family members, the tanks would go in within hours.

For those of you who think you’re going to play Their game Their way, at least read Counter Insurgency for Dummies before going off half cocked like this. All of the 80 IQ fed knuckle draggers who are working this thing have. The Browns clearly have no concept of the counter insurgency tactics that states have been using against their own people for as long as there have been states.

What I’m seeing here is slow motion suicide.

Read the Wikipedia page on COINTELPRO and then review the Ed and Elaine Brown situation. Sadly, along with the help of the criminal, enemy collaborator press, you can already see the multiple ways that the corporate state will benefit from this.

By the time Joe and Jane Six Pack hear about this, they will be exhausted after working at some crappy job and then sitting in traffic jams for an hour of two on their way home. After popping some frozen dinners into the microwave, They’ll turn on their lobotomy boxes (TV) and hear about armed lunatic tax criminals and how the defenders of the homeland were forced to take brave action to protect themselves and the community. There will be images of smoke and fire and maybe injured government storm troopers. Joe and Jane Six Pack will then sit down to dinner and say a prayer to Jesus, thanking Him for giving the defenders of the homeland such strength and courage. (The smoldering remains of the Brown’s and the people who supported them will serve as subconscious reminders of what happens to people who don’t pay their taxes.) What’s for dessert?

I’m sad that this is the way it goes in the U.S. but people can learn from this situation and avoid making the mistakes the Browns have made.

Sun Tzu wrote:

So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak. Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing.

What happened when Saddam Hussein’s tanks and artillery met the U.S. military in the deserts of Iraq? The battle was over in hours, but the U.S. hasn’t won the war, all these years later. The U.S. might be winning most of the battles, but it is losing the war, one soldier at a time. Why? Because the insurgents learned Sun Tzu’s lesson about water.

Now, I’m not saying to selectively start assassinating the bastards and firebombing things, etc. It’s just not a sound strategy inside the U.S. because of the corporate state’s awesome PSYOP capabilities. The first rule of insurgency is that the insurgents must have the population on their side. Because Americans are, in general, docile followers who watch the television, they’ll do what CNN tells them to do. Armed insurgency has no chance of working under those circumstances. But keep Sun Tzu’s lesson about water in mind.

A long time ago, I looked at this and thought, “This is a tough one. If I make a list of the evil bastards and start shooting them, one by one, the corporate state will make me out the be the terrorist and just mint two more bastards for each one I eliminated. On the other hand, stupid hippy sign waving doesn’t accomplish anything…”

That’s when it hit me: The greatest danger to the corporate state isn’t armed insurgents, but people choosing to live simply and cheaply; below their means. It’s people turning their backs on the thing to the extent possible. That is Their sum of all fears. This would collapse the fiat money ponzi scheme plantation system that makes the vampire state possible.

For me, it seemed that living well on very little money was the exact opposite of what the command and control mechanisms of this society had been urging me to do from day one. Since it can’t rip me off for much, it’s probably not worth the effort it would take to kill me.

My guess, though, is that more people will decide to shoot it out, rather than change their ways of thinking about resistance. Shooting it out will accomplish about as much as protesting and sign waving. But for many, going down in a hail of bullets will be easier than trying to come up with smarter tactics. The corporate state will use these opportunities to expand its power and demonstrate to the rest of the sheep, via TV/PSYOP, that you’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists, which means you’re dead.

The vast majority of people are content to chase the myths created by media, which, as you may have noticed by now, enhances the power of the corporate state. This is the default setting. This is what constitutes “normal” most of the time. The corporate state, however, also loves it when people resist using violence because it makes the state’s PSYOP more effective. “YOU SEE! THERE ARE TERRORISTS! DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!!!” Just watch what happens to the Browns, what has already happened to them. This is proof, with mathematical certainty, of how beaten down and clueless the average person is. This is why tens of millions of armed Americans are doing nothing to stop what is happening in the U.S. They have already been defeated, in their minds.

Via: SeacostOnline / AP:

Federal officials have cut phone, power and Internet service to the property of a couple who’ve been convicted of tax evasion and have refused to report to jail.

But it’s uncertain whether that hinders things for Ed and Elaine Brown, who have been holed up in their fortress-like home and have solar and wind power generators and reinforced concrete walls.

Officials say they don’t think the Browns’ equipment is sufficient to keep the home running for an extended period of time.

U.S. Marshal Steve Monier said that authorities are aware that waiting out the Browns could take months, but he said time is on his side. He said he hopes that after a summer without air conditioning and possibly a winter without heat, serving prison terms will seem like an agreeable option.

The Browns were sentenced in April to 63 months in prison. Last week, authorities showed up in force near the property, and this week, they cut the utilities going to the home.

“We have seized their phone and Internet service, and two days ago, we cut their power,” Monier said. “It’s a continuing effort to move them along to understand they need to do the right thing, and this is to surrender to us.”

24 Responses to “Feds Cut Brown’s Power, Phone and Internet Access”

  1. pookie says:

    Unlike most Americans, the Browns understand the Constitution and the limits it places on the federal government. How fitting that New Hampshire’s motto is Live Free or Die. Molon labe.

  2. Anonymous says:

    the sum of their fears is expressed in the two words “power vacuum”.

  3. amanfromMars says:

    //MOD Your comments won’t appear anymore unless you try to make coherent statements. Rambling gibberish wastes everyone’s time. Thanks, Kevin.

    Actually, Anonymous, their quite righteous fear is that they be exposed as being the architects of misfortune to maintain their fortunes. Parasites living off the fat of the land…. which is why they like to think that they can control the Message/Words…… which is quite clearly delusional should the words merely question such madness.

    Between a Rock and a hard Place, what other to do than to start again with another, altogether different perspective with the self same AIM. The Catch 22 being, that the Intelligence that they have missing is that which they need to See.

    And if IT be offered elsewhere because of their Blindness, who would be the Fool if IT didn’t work well for them because IT worked Better in more capable hands/hearts and minds.

    If the cap fits, it would only be fitting that they wear it, with the pride that it deserves and 42BTrue as a Fool is bad enough in exalted company, but for to be an embarrassing Fool is bound to be worse. It always is.

  4. Alek Hidell says:

    Unfortunately, I do understand Ed Brown deep in my bones. He isn’t trying to change the world. He is aged 65. The only future he has is prostate cancer, Alzheimers, or worse. He just wants to be somebody (get his 15 minutes on TV) and go out with a bang:

    Ed Brown’s Personal Background
    The following are the facts according to Ed Brown and the Court Record.
    Statements attributable directly by Brown are in quotations.

    Born: 1942

    1959 (Age 17): Joined the Navy. Dishonorable Discharge. Assault with a deadly weapon.
    Spent Six months in jail. “Promised myself never to break another law.”

    1963 (Age 21): Married

    1965 (Age 23): Governor’s Full Pardon

    1967 (Age 25): Divorced from first wife

    1967-1979 (Age 25-37): “A job a month”

    1971 (Age 29): Married second wife

    1979 (Age 37): School for cosmetology.

    1979 (Age 37): Divorced from second wife

    1979-1984 (Age 37-42): “Homeless”

    1984 (Age 42): Exterminator. “Credited with completely eliminating termites and roaches at the Long Beach Navy Yard”

    1985-1993 (Age 43-51): Exterminator doing business in New Hampshire

    1991 (Age 49): Married Elaine

    1992-1993 (Age 50-51): “I was deeply disturbed over Waco. I was paranoid for one year. I read a lot. I learned about the illuminati and the new world order. I determined there was a criminal element within the Administration, the Executive Branch.”

    1994 (Age 52): “I formed the Un-American Activities Investigations Commission. We petitioned the FBI for redress of certain criminal acts by people in the administration, including the flow of drugs from South America into America through Keesler Air Force Base. The FBI did not respond. We also petitioned the State Police in Massachusetts regarding the flow of drugs into America through Cape Cod. The State Police did not respond.”

    1996 (Age 54): Stopped filing tax returns.

    2000 ( Age 58): “I received a commission from the United States Continental Congress Constitution Rangers of 1776 whose mission is ‘To protect and serve the Constitutional Republic of the several states and the People thereof under the Creator.’ The Constitution Rangers was founded in 1980 by Lawrence ‘Pappy’ Robertson, Jr., now living in Phoenix, Arizona. I became the national leader of the Constitution Rangers in 2003.”

  5. cryingfreeman says:

    @ pookie… I despair, I really do. Molon Labe? Utter fantasy.

    The most imminent danger facing Americans is not collapse due to peak oil, or a pre-emptive nuclear attack from a Soviet Union redivivus, or some kind of NWO engineered UN takeover where all the patriots can stand firm and “fight them on the beaches” – or in the Rockies. No, the clearest and most pressing threat to the American citizen is the emerging fascist state and all the paraphernalia thereof.

    Americans who persist in fantasies about standing firm will receive a very cold awakening when this thing decrees that every citizen has to be tracked, tagged and chipped (time to start seriously considering the consequences of the next big event). “They” will not allow a bunch of idealists (i.e. “terrorists”) to live off the grid in remote areas. In any case, the leadership of all the militias will have already been targetted / infiltrated long ago by intelligence agencies to ensure any attempted insurgency is ultimately directed by “them”. The spooks won’t have been doing their jobs otherwise.

    Of course, there will always be some people who will quote resistance movements in places like Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan as proof that the US military might can be defied. The problem with that is that in America, you have a nation riddled with subservient sheeple and lobotomized flag-waving, blood-thirsty neocons who would just love to turn defiant idealists in. In short, the ground is not secure enough for an armed stand – remember Sun Tzu and his commenst on ground.

    Now consider, if the Highlanders had their weapons forcibly taken from them and their lands stolen during the infamous Clearances, in an age of relatively low technology and in a wild, mountgainous region, what chance have your inevitably infiltrated militias on compromised ground today?

    The only answer to this is personal sovereignty, i.e., set one’s own personal affairs in order by relocating to a safer environment (that’s out of the USA, friends), studying privacy and turning your back on the debt slavery system by pursuing the kind of lifestyle advocated on this site. True, this has to mean “giving up on America”, but the cold reality is America is already dead, and all these notions to stay and fight it out, etc, are like holding candles around a corpse in the hope that somehow life can be extended a little longer.

  6. Snowden says:

    Sun Tzu was nobody’s fool. “Lure the Tiger out of the mountains.” If you cant kill it, make it commit suicide. Support the immigration bill, with all your heart. Let your congressman know you love the idea of getting rid of Social Security. H-1B visas for everybody on earth who went to college. Z visas for every Mexican ever born or ever to be born. Outsource everything, let robots make the hamburgers, but only if the robots are controled via fiber-optic links from a server-farm in New Delhi. Tell your senator that selling highways to Spanish for-profit companys is a great idea, and if he votes for it, you will vote for him. The NAFTA corridor will be a boon for this country, it will make all of us rich by making the things we buy so much cheaper – it is a brilliant idea! Oh, and one more thing, all of them down-south mouth breathers can’t really be trusted to have guns. To scary and dangerous, when I think of all those guys running around with machineguns and camo jackets I get the willies – and hear banjo music. The second amendment should be struck from the constitution, and all private weapons should be taken by the state, by force. Then, mister congressman and senator, we can be safe. This is a riff on some old military wisdom. “The easiest way to prove your commander is a complete fool and not to be trusted is to do exactly what he orders you to do, smartly – cheerfuly – and instantly.”

  7. hermesten says:

    The problem is Snowden, all those things are being done, and signs are, the great majority of Americans love it. Maybe I’m misreading you, but I think you’re kidding yourself if you believe all the 2nd Amendment types won’t line up to turn in their guns if someone like Mr. Bush tells them that having guns helps the “terists.”

    I just listened last night to a coworker, a college graduate whose wife is a college professor, tell me how if we don’t fight the “terrorists” in Iraq they’re all going to come over here and wipe us out and take over the country. This is what the TV tells him and he clearly believes it. He’s not ignorant. He knows about all these things you mentioned and he doesn’t care: he told me so repeatedly. He’s afraid.

    I think Kevin has it exactly right. This country is ruled by television. Most Americans spend most of their free time parked in front of a TV, and most of them are not watching The Daily Show. All the people I work with have college degrees. Out of maybe twenty I know one, my boss, who ever reads a book. Every time the subject of TV has come up in a conversation with anyone outside my family, people are astounded to the point of disbelief when I tell them I don’t watch TV. Several times people have told me they wish they could stop watching TV, but they just can’t.

  8. pookie says:

    @cryingfreeman Don’t make pat assumptions about the Pook. I salute those, like the Browns, who purposefully defy the oppressors and choose to stand and fight, but that has not been my choice. I ran as fast as I could out of the Land of the Free, feeling very lucky and very grateful to my new country, who has given me permanent residency. The move has not been easy on my family, but they have been supportive. But there may come a time when there is no where else to run for safety and all possible avoidance strategies have been exhausted, and then I hope I have the courage to scream MOLON LABE to those who expect me to lay down my arms to make it easier for them to enslave us. But I actually don’t think it will come to that, as I suspect Their plan is simply to eliminate billions of us Useless Eaters via viruses or other large-scale bioweapons or electro-magnetic (scalar) weapons, all the while blaming the Terrists for the dieoff.

  9. Boccegalupe Jones says:

    There is a simple answer to income tax avoidance. Since the tax applies to money, stop earning money. How, you ask, does a person with no income pay for cell phones, new cars, 10 types of insurance, overpriced land, etc?

    Answer – you don’t. Change requires sacrafice, but not the thoughtless type the Browns are engaging in. One key to defeating an enemy more powerful than you is to be unexpected (remember Hannibal?). The Browns are approaching this problem in the very way the atate is expecting them to. Thus, the Browns have already lost.

    It takes alot of imagination, hard work, luck, and even a little charm to live (as I do) near Santa Barbara, California on less than 6K a year(and yes, I live in a house and drive a nice car). I’ve come from a long line of tax avoiders, and believe me, it is VERY VERY tricky to earn large amounts of money and not pay federal taxes. Soon it will be impossible.

    A more efficient use of time and energy would be to formulate unexpected plans. Use of alternative (and extremely localized) currencies/methods of payment is a good first step in avoiding the system.

  10. Iorwerth says:

    Yes, Hermesten, tele-vision is indeed addictive, and it has become the soma of the Industrialised World.

    Here is a link to a Scientific American article addressing this addiction:


    And, like soma, tele-vision has “All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects.”

  11. DrFix says:

    Television was called the great wasteland over forty years ago when there were only three major networks Now that there are hundreds of channels (never mind if you don’t watch them on your “super” package – you’re still paying for them) you realize that the wasteland has exploded in size.

    Having said that the true wasteland lies between the ears of every lobotomized individual drawn like some idol worshipping crack head. The hold it has on people is insidious. Everyone who has ditched their TeeVee addiction has come out a more cogent and intelligent individual. Remarkably they seem to have found the gift of intelligent conversation, reading, and thoughtful meditation.

    What’s the downside to all that? I can’t see any other than the corporate and governmental “mind-slavers” are irritated by losing some bodies. But thats no big deal in the big picture because plenty of fresh ones willingly minted every day.

  12. DrFix says:

    Man from Mars… I swear! Dude! Reading your posts is like trying to interpret unibomber screeds or L. Ron Hubbard.

  13. snorky says:

    First let me say Kevin your site is wonderful and I’m glad it is updated as often as it is. Keep it up!

    Okay, now, many here say we need to leave the US. Kevin has gone to New Zealand. I am afraid NZ is not an option for me and my partner…we don’t have that kind of money and will be seniors pretty soon. However, we have been living below our means for about 25 years in a remoter area, own our land, water well…basically we have no debt, and we built our house ourselves (no mortgage ever). I also believe “have no fear.” Also: be a ninja of sorts, that is, practice the art of invisibility. And, while Carlos Casteneda was a fraud some of his ideas make sense, such as “stalking,” where you make THEM think you are one of them. We have been doing that since a certain situation we had out here several years ago. In other words, be clandestine without appearing to be so. Hard to do unless you’ve been doing it, but not impossible, because, like I said, some of us simply don’t have the means or the opportunity to leave the country. I totally agree…armed struggle is out of the question. Yet, if many Americans do get so pee-o’d that they do start taking to the streets, THEY will be so focused on those involved with social unrest that they may not have a chance to “get” to those of us who know better. Finally, didn’t Sun Tzu also say that when fighting an enemy one has to know how THEY think? Just as it is true that THEY use the same tactics over and over again, almost telegraphing THEIR punch, don’t you think THEY’LL make the same mistakes? Now is the time to prepare to think like cammellians act.

  14. 916 says:


    Land of TV

    Home of the $lave

  15. DrFix says:

    hermesten… I used to work with people who could tell you everything there was to tell about “24”,”CSI”,”Survivor”, football and baseball stats stretching back into infinity, or whatnot. If you wanted to move the conversation, if you could call it that, to something more relevant then all you’d get were blank stares. The term “deer in the headlights” suddenly became flesh.

    They couldn’t relate to anything of any substance because it was outside their reality matrix. Far easier to guffaw and yuk it up over meaningless shit than to discuss what is truthful. I catch myself doing the same thing after years of deprogramming. Its like post traumatic stress flashbacks. The thousand yard stare bubbling up through memories time and again.

    I haven’t seen any of those shows, they tell me they’re popular, because for the past two years there hasn’t been any television in the house. Still, even once they knew I never watched the tube, I heard comments that painted me an outsider while they were keepers and high priests of some sort of magical fire. I wasn’t in the “club” so to speak. Thank God!

  16. DrFix says:

    cryingfreeman… I love the last paragraph. How very true! I’ve contemplated the stateside-hide in the remote corners-idea, but thought that as long as I was “here” then they’ll just have an easier time reaching me. So there have to be alternatives. I’m not looking to die in a hail of bullets because, really, who would give a damn! Some armchair pounding “patriot” sitting in his gated community? My family needs me alive, not martyred, and its primarily because of them that struggle on. Me? I can take care of myself, but they need and rely on me. Thats a responsibility I’ll not shirk.

    What makes me laugh even more was your last bit… LOL! God! I’ve pictured in my mind time and again how there are folks out there who will dance and leap wildly about the American corpse, waving their constitutional totems, screeching through foam flecked lips and beg the Almighty to raise raise it from the dead. Never mind the rot, the stench and utter corruption. Its because of our “sincerity”, our “faith”, that it has to be reborn! They use “God bless America” as though it were an incantation. My answer to that is simply, “Why should He?”

  17. Glenda says:

    My family has been in “America” since they landed in what is now New Haven in 1638. Their great, great, great, grandsons fought in the Revolutionary War. If anyone thinks the Browns are gonna beat these people, they’re delusional. This situation will now be used as a psy-op to further “their” agenda.

    The government doesn’t really scare me. I mean, what are they gonna do, strafe my house with an f-16? Living in the midst of one huge thought experiment that could go very wrong at any time is what does. Maybe it’s time to leave.

  18. bob m says:

    @ hermesten, zombies. i worked, and will likely continue to work with groups of people who really ‘should’ be smarter than they are. instead they drink like fish and wonder when the next pub crawl will be. the mention of topics from this perspective is soundly ignored or redirected. in 2 years at one workplace one conversation was had regarding only the briefest mention of most of these topics. the look on the person’s face during the conversation had ‘rabbit in the headlights’ written all over it. welcome to world war z, and keep your powder dry.

  19. cryingfreeman says:

    @ pook – thank you, I’m nicely scolded re assumptions but to be fair I did rather suspect you had already taken the necessary extrication steps. I’m just touchy about Molon Labe ideas… It’s a result of having lived through the failed attempts of patriots in another country to do something to save their homeland, and having witnessed a pretty spectacular “dirty war” waged against them by the intelligence agencies there. (PS – you do know what “pook” means in Russian?)

    @ dr fix – reiterating what I’ve just said to pook, I’ve seen patriots trying to “warm the corpse” in another place. Soul-destroying is the only term for it. In the end, the few left with any sense realised that “dulce et decorum est pro patria mori” and blind loyalty to the crown, etc., is nothing more than a delusional state of mind created by governmental propaganda. I know I’m labouring (or “laboring”) the point, but personal sovereignty alone is liberty. Our priority should therefore be with whatever set of circumstances conduce to that life-changing end, rather than indulging in self-harming loyalty to any particular country or scrap of ground just because we were born there or our ancestors lived there for generations or we get a lump in our throats and a tear in our eye when we see what “the scoundrels have done to our once great nation”.

  20. DrFix says:

    cryingfreeman – Exactly! I’ve told people that I’m not married to my country and, no, I don’t hate the Americans in the US because I happen to want to leave. For some reason they think I’m crazy because I won’t stay and “fix the system”… well, sorry mate, but standing in front of a speeding train will have the same results and besides suicide is not in my game plan.

  21. Mike Lorenz says:

    Hermesten & Bob M,
    I’m a high school teacher, and attemtpting to engage my students in meaningful conversation is usually an exercise in frustration. Virtually all of their cultural and social references revolve around TV. Despite my attempts to broaden their perspective, most of them can’t fathom that watching and discussing(ad nauseum) “Flavor of Love” actually makes them stupider, along with being a complete fucking waste of time.
    I’m also the buzz-kill who brings up “serious” and “depressing” issues at get togethers with friends and coworkers. A number of them are politically interested in the traditional sense (ie. content to take what they see on tv at face value), and most of them are conservative to one degree or another. The most difficult part is that they can’t break free of the conservative/liberal, republican/democrat mindset. As a result, we usually end up going round and round in circles. Of course, that’s the point of mainstream politics, isn’t it. When I point this out, I’m always met with “ummm…”
    – Mike Lorenz

  22. fallout11 says:

    Better to die on your feet than live on your knees, regardless of the outcome. Or so this nation’s ‘revolutionary’ founding fathers believed.
    If every ‘undesirable’ the Nazis (or substitute the militarist fascist police state of your choice) rounded up took one of them with him/her, the Third Reich would have collapsed in 1942.

  23. hermesten says:

    Hey Mike, Bob, DrFix, everyone, when I was young my father said to me: everything on TV is a lie. Still, especially as he got older, he would watch TV and these lies would ensnare him. Whenever I have the misfortune to be exposed to the rot that is television I am truly stunned by just how stupid it all is. But I don’t think even intelligent people can see this without distance and detachment.

    It’s a mix of course, but once you remove the promotion, the manipulation, and the conditioning, there isn’t much left. Cop shows, for instance, are obvious conditioning devices. In some cases, listening to what the creators of a show like 24 have to say, this is clearly intentional. But most of it, I suspect, is just serving up the pigs the slop they want to wallow in.

  24. david says:

    Sometimes you are better off dead than allowing the system to control you. If the Browns can bring enough attention to this situation maybe, just maybe a revolution will begin and the real, necessary changes will be made in this country. The majority of sheeple will not give up what they have until they perceive they have lost everything and have nothing else to lose. What these sheeple don’t realize is that time is aready here. It’s time for a revolution not just in this country, the U.S., but the reast of the banking-corporation controlled world. We would have been better off being a communist bloc – at least they are honest about controlling the sheeple. The powers that be now do nothing but lie, manipulate and steal in their attempt to control. We the people need to grow a pair and REVOLT NOW. Get your guns, gather in large numbers and start taking back this country city by city, locale by locale. We the people certainly out number the powers that be – we just have to stand up and do it!

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