Democrats in Oblivion

May 26th, 2007

The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.

—Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in our Time

People who think of themselves as Democrats need to look in the mirror and deal with reality. They want so hard to believe that their party isn’t responsible for this catastrophe (and offers a solution to it), but, deep down, they must know that there’s only one party allowed in the Legion of Doom. Democrats need to come clean with themselves. No more lies.

There are no Democrats. There are no Republicans. There are only fascists.

My unwavering cynicism toward the Democratic Party has NEVER let me down. That’s why, with total confidence, I wrote the following before the last midterm election:

Please understand: THERE ARE NO POLITICAL SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEMS THE U.S. IS FACING. The outcome of this election is meaningless, one way or the other. The more you keep grasping for glimmers of hope within the political system, the worse off you will be.

Will a big Democratic win calm people down? Maybe that’s what They’ll allow. It might ease the panic, so the ship of fools can sail on for another few months. If They were smart, that’s what They’d do.

I got emails from smart, kind, well-meaning people, telling me that I wasn’t “thinking positively” and that I should give the Democrats a chance…

Where are those people now? Why don’t I hear from them? Will any of you admit to sending me those emails now?

Well, it’s “another few months” on and the panic is setting in again.

Democrats are like victims of domestic abuse. They keep coming back, no matter what, until the abusers eventually kill them. That abuser/victim cycle is incredibly difficult to break, and I think that much of what motivates Democrats is misguided energy borne out of a subconscious realization that they are helpless in a time of increasing chaos. They have a desire to save themselves, but are running back into the arms of the abuser, the cause of their grief. The abuser offers solutions and protection, but, as we know, that just means more insults and savage beatings.

Embrace that desire to save yourself, but not the abuser.

Stop worrying about trying to “save the world.” Sorry, friend, but that me-too ego trip is going to get flattened under the weight of almost unbelievable ignorance, greed and what has become an endemic zombie consumer death urge. Besides, how can you save the world if you can’t even save yourself…

Want to learn necessary skills for the future, improve the environment and constrain the RepubliCrat vampire?

Drastically reduce your requirements for—and your pursuit of—money and the rest will follow. How? There are as many ways as there are people. Think about it. Turn off the TV, the radio. Take a vacation from the Internet for a while. Listen to yourself.

My wife and I offer an example, but ours is just one way. It’s not for everyone, but then again, what is? Hmm… Well, we all need clean air, food and water. Those are a few factors to consider in your plans, whatever they happen to be. Again, the Democrats and Republicans have nothing to offer you on these issues.

Realize that, while there’s no out of the Matrix, you can hack the thing in innovative, interesting and efficient ways. Politics, though, is a prison inside the Matrix. It’s a honeypot designed to trap your consciousness. There’s nothing useful or even interesting about politics. It’s a mechanism of formalized, legalized graft. Why look to it to improve the situation?

Turn your back on politics and take responsibility for your own life. Set your own priorities. Plan. Execute.

For the rest of the victims, there’s always the next election and another black eye.

14 Responses to “Democrats in Oblivion”

  1. daniel says:

    I think you’re pretty much right at this point.

  2. DrFix says:

    Since America is licensed and operated by a sole bi-factional party/entity, any hallucinations harbored by its slaves…er, “citizens” that is, about effecting any kind of change, are merely indications that said ingrates haven’t ingested enough cultural “programming” into their precious bodily fluids through the auspices of our glorious ministries of “truth” i.e. news/entertainment.

    That is all. Class dismissed. Damn it!

  3. Alek Hidell says:

    There were worthwhile democrats a long, long, time ago, just none in the last 30 years:

  4. sharon says:

    So true!

    Awhile back, someone posted a comment about apocoholics–there is presumably a 12-step program for us.

    Here’s what I think–and I’m an apocoholic myself. We are people who despise the “civilization” (slave state) we find ourselves in. We despise “all its works and all its pomps.” And we could choose another way of life for ourselves–if we had the courage of our convictions.

    Fact is, we don’t have the courage of our convictions, so indulge in idle apocalyptic fantasies, fantasies in which we are forced by circumstances to do what we should be doing NOW, by choice: Living in simple land-based economies, in communities that are working towards self-sufficiency. Embracing relative poverty.

    I, for one, don’t have the courage to do it because I still have one child at home who wants a cell phone and an MP3 player, basketball shoes, cheerleading camp, and high school band. And a future involving a college education. The other kids are already launched into jobs and/or college. They don’t know yet that they are being “sold south,” that the best this society can offer them is a somewhat more pleasant position of slavery, where they get to be “house n*****s” instead of mere field hands. That, economically, they will never have much more than subsistence anyway–probably a less satisfactory subsistence than they could have had in a land-based community.

    I don’t have the courage to leave the matrix partly because I don’t have the community support structure and could not, alone, afford sufficient land.

    But I think it’s about time we apocoholics got off our lazy duffs, stopped dreaming that circumstances will make our decision for us, and started taking the responsibility of making the choice to do what we know needs to be done.

    We need to get a backbone.

  5. Ann says:

    Good post, Kevin. I agree wholeheartedly.

    One thing I want to take issue with though, and this is just a bit of nitpicking, is on the issue of domestic abuse. One of the primary holds an abuser has on his/her victim is that he has convinced said victim that there is no place that to go, no way to get away, and nothing that can be done to save themselves. Its the oldest, most insidious form of brainwashing. Unfortunately, in many places, the abuser is in fact correct. Even when he/she is not, that hold is hard to break. The first part of breaking away from an abusive situation is for the victim to wake up and realize that there IS a way out, and something they can do to save themselves. They often require help along the way (i.e., women’s shelters) but the first step is waking up to the brainwashing. And that of course, is the hardest.

    Our culture has taken on the tendencies of a pathological abuser. (Just as corporations are psycopathic.) Most people are so brainwashed that they don’t even realize the toxic nature of our culture. Even among those that do, including the readers of this site, the majority have yet to fully realize that they CAN do something about it. They might say they do, but then they start making all kinds of excuses (just like an abused wife) that says loud and clear they don’t get it on a gut level.

  6. tmb says:

    Kevin is, unfortunately, right. The truth is that there is a relatively small, in the thousands not millions, group of interlinked, working together, conspiracists/psychopaths who are completely delusional as to reality believing it is “material” only i.e. “materialists”, who have been working together generationally (see comments by Pres. Woodrow Wilson etc.), who have most of the “assets/money” and control the “intelligence” and “law enforcement” agencies, thru key people (the rest just “follow orders”), while working hand in glove with certain parts of what is traditionally viewed as “organized crime” (drugs, murder etc.).

    Since the vast majority of the rest of the human population, in the face of very effective psychological warfare techniques (framing/repetition -“conspiracy theories” as to the truth ala WashPo etc.; brainwashing =television, movies, radio, newspapers, magazines, organized religion) refuse to even begin to confront this fact, there is looming disaster facing all as this group becomes more and more emboldened with new technologies for spying, controlling, and, finally, killing.

    The only response lies on a spiritual, vs. religious, response with knowledge of the fact that there is a divinity and in the end all receive the justice they deserve although it may seem at times delayed i.e. reincarnation in multiple lives/realities is a proven, but ignored, fact ( . . . Dr. Weiss, Dr. Woolger, etc.), and although the heavy stick of karma may not fall on some of these this time around (and the way it falls is not particularly easy to understand from human eyes), it will in fact fall on these “people” and they will, at that time, bitterly cry out against their fate as they experience what they did to others previously. So the true answer is to guard your own conduct as to others and try to help other people as much as you can and keep hatred and frustration out of your heart because it will only eat you up and produce nothing . . . regardless we are all going to physically die one way or another, thru war or cancer or whatever – (the Earth will also die and disintegrate at some point), and numerous people who have “died” and then reanimated have reported we all have a life review at that time as to our actions, feeling what we did to others . . . so we are in a testing ground here as to what we do in each situation before us based on what we did in the past, if it was easy then there would be no chance to improve and expand consciousness . . . it all depends on how you look at what is happening . . . in a “materialist” way or in a spiritual way . . . otherwise, it is all dread and fear and hate, you either believe you “are the physical body” or wake up to the fact that you are spirit/a being of light in a physical body having a material plane experience. . . it makes a difference and if you learn to meditate and concentrate some part of your life on a spiritual practice (not “religious” which is “believing” not experiencing directly) you will find it’s true. At the same time you oppose the “others” as best you can as you would delusional, insane people as deep inside they are exactly the same as everyone else, immortal passing thru multiple lives, just deeply ignorant and deluded . . . . but to go around in hatred and fear is self-defeating and useless . . .

  7. It may be that to support Ron Paul turns out to be more of the “leaven of Herod” but I’m hoping that he will get a listen and “We the people” will pull our collective heads out and scare the crap out of the mattoids at the helm.

    I do not expect him to be the Republican nominee, I expect him to have a voice in that venue for a few more months, only to illustarte to the people that call themselves Republicans that none of the candidates except RP are actually “conservative” meaning = willing to conserve the precepts given us by the Founders.

    Ron Paul is the only one that can defeat any of the Democrats, because he is the only one that does not have Jorge Busch and “Operation Iraqi Liberation” {OIL} hanging around his neck.

    The Democrats are going to make use of all the crap “W” has passed via Executiuve Order. There is no doubt they are sold out.

    I guess my reason for wishing Ron Paul well is to show, conclusively, that things are out of control. If the people finally get that much, perhaps we have reached a turning point.

    Unfortunatly, the American People no longer deserve a man like Ron Paul.

  8. Charlie says:

    I think Sharon explained it well: we really are getting what we really want, because the “matrix” tempts us to go along, and we simply don’t have the courage to resist, and we are also just too “integrated” into it. Just look at how the tax system bribes us – you can either give ALL your money to charity, or give 1/3 to leviathon and keep the rest.
    This election cycle would be business as usual if not for Ron Paul, and to a much lesser extent Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel. Because of Ron Paul this election is not totally boring. It will be interesting to see how they nullify him.

  9. Matt Savinar says:

    Check out Ron’s website. No mention of Peak Oil or Global Warming. This supports my theory that anybody who would run for prez at a time like this is either corrupt or ignorant. In Ron Paul’s case, it appears he is the later.

    Seriously, the two most important issues and there is NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of them on the “issues” page of his campaign?

    Come on . . .

  10. DrFix says:

    Matt. Are you serious? I used to work for an oil company and there is so much of it out there that it would make your head spin. The problem lies in the fact that those who “control” this commodity are a handful and those that sleep in the same bed, i.e. government entities, are more than happy to perpetuate the “myth” that there is limited supply, such as in peak oil, in order to milk as many golden goodies out of us poor schmucks who haven’t the connections. I’m not saying that we can’t do a better job of weaning off of this stuff, and we should, just that the scare-mongering is another tactic to control people.

    Its a crying shame that people believe the global warming scam. C’mon… we’re talking about bad science being pushed by (drum roll please) ta-da!…. Politicians! Woo-woo! Thats reason enough to head for the hills with your hands tightly on your wallet.

    Funny, how a few decades ago there were egg-heads squawking about “Global-cooling” and how we were headed for a hideous doom and gloom ice age. These weather-pimping climatologists can’t even get next weeks forecast correct and yet we’re to believe they’ve got it all figured out for the next hundred years?

    Lets remember that Greenland (it wasn’t false advertising folks) once had working farms and vineyards for well over hundreds of years before the ice sheets moved in and they moved on. Last time I checked they weren’t motoring around in SUV’s or jetting too and fro from Denmark.

    More than anything its pointing to Solar activity and I’ve the feeling that Sol isn’t going anywhere soon and isn’t moved by our petty concerns. And whats so bad about global warming? Heck! It would free up more land for food production and longer growing cycles…. Cycles? Ya, think?

  11. Fred says:

    There is a solution to America’s political problem alright. It’s called revolution, and the French advanced it with something called a guillotine.

  12. Excellent points, DrFix. I think that not having the scare topics on his site is a reason to get real interested in Ron Paul. He is a constitutionalist all the way. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were not written to limit OUR freedoms but to limit the power of the Federal Government. If Peak Oil and Global Warming are legitimate issues they are not the Federal Governments business, but ours. RP understands, as no other candidate, that the government has no authority to do anything other than what is explicity stated in our Founding Documents.

    These two issues are just a power grab. Scare the people, promise to protect and bill them later. More economic slavery to the scum of the earth that has risen to the top. Time for a shake-up.

  13. Steve says:

    Matt says ” the two most important issues”

    Matt remember how these became the two most important issues in your mind? If the elite can keep the masses focused on issues like this that “appear” to be the most important than that all is they need, their position is further solidified.

    Important certainly, the most important, you’d better check your inputs.

  14. DrFix says:

    MD… Ron Paul is an anomaly. The fact that he exists within the corrupt body of Congress tells me that he has yet to be surgically removed. He hasn’t thus far been viewed as a threat, a sort of “anti-cancer”, so he is left alone to benignly ramble on about the Constitution etc. He is an honorable man speaking the truth, but since when has the truth stopped our Parliament of Whores?

    I’ve told people around me that the only reason the American “experiment” even succeeded was due to the distances involved (the inconvenience factor) and weapons in the hands of the locals. When any government starts talking about doing things “efficiently” then its at the point of where its found no real opposition to its expansion and thus can focus its attention on “the little people”. Thats when you have reason to be afraid.

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