Gerber 22-01629 LMF II Black Infantry Knife

March 15th, 2009

A Cryptogon reader bought one of these. It looks good. Lifetime warranty. 43% off. Ships for free (U.S. only). Check out the reviews. I shudder to think what I’d have to pay in NZ for this.

Gerber 22-01629 LMF II Black Infantry Knife- 4.8 inch blade

Gerber 22-01629 LMF II Black Infantry Knife

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2 Responses to “Gerber 22-01629 LMF II Black Infantry Knife”

  1. thucydides says:

    These are awesome. I picked up a couple of these last fall, and they’ve held up well in wet, dirty and muddy conditions. Great to have for hiking, backpacking, around the house, or on walkabout.

    As a slightly cheaper alternative, the Glock 81 is also an excellent all-purpose heavy-duty field knife. It sports a 6.5″ blade instead of the 4.8″ blade on the Gerber LMF II, but doesn’t come with the sheath + built-in sharpener, and lacks some of the advertised utility features.

    [NOTE: I Changed the Glock 81 link to Amazon. —Kevin]

  2. tsoldrin says:

    Might I suggest a couple of links to books on flint knapping?

    While this blade appears excellent, it is way out of my price range, and even when I lived in the world and it wasn’t, it would still be deer enough to (adversely?) affect my use of it.

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