Spring Breakers Fail American History Trivia

March 24th, 2025

Via: Liberty Hangout:

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One Response to “Spring Breakers Fail American History Trivia”

  1. Snowman says:

    Here’s proof that indoctrination (aka education) leads one to associate, if not recall as fact, whatever the topic at hand is with whatever belief has been imprinted in their brain.

    “Who fought against the Americans in the Revolutionary War?”
    White college girl: “The Spanish?” (She seemed to know that the term, Hispanic, was not yet in use back then, so she got as close to it as she could. And Spain is not all that far south of Britain. So she gets a B.)

    “Whose face is on the 100 dollar bill?”
    Black college guy: “Lincoln?” (He named a president, and most of the bill faces are of presidents, so he gets a C. But he named the very, very greatest president of all time, who is indeed on some bill, so his C becomes an A-.)

    They aren’t sure their answers are exactly right, but they give the most appropriate answer, which is more right, right?

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