Apple Photos Phones Home on iOS 18 and macOS 15

December 28th, 2024

Apple privacy:

In case anyone thinks this is somehow an endorsement of Windows, see: Pointless Rant About Hopeless Situation.

Via: Jeff Johnson:

From my own perspective, computing privacy is simple: if something happens entirely on my computer, then it’s private, whereas if my computer sends data to the manufacturer of the computer, then it’s not private, or at least not entirely private. Thus, the only way to guarantee computing privacy is to not send data off the device.

It ought to be up to the individual user to decide their own tolerance for the risk of privacy violations. In this specific case, I have no tolerance for risk, because I simply have no interest in the Enhanced Visual Search feature, even if it happened to work flawlessly. There’s no benefit to outweigh the risk. By enabling the “feature” without asking, Apple disrespects users and their preferences. I never wanted my iPhone to phone home to Apple.

Related: ‘Appleā€™s Best Product Is Now Privacy’

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