The Secret Electrostatic World of Insects
October 29th, 2024Via: Wired:
Invisibly to us, insects and other tiny creatures use static electricity to travel, avoid predators, collect pollen, and more. New experiments explore how evolution may have influenced this phenomenon.
“humans unknowingly hinder the ability of animals to use these forces. ”
This was at the bottom of the article, but at least they said it.
Since Elon is the electric man, maybe he will figure out how to get around this problem. But he’ll be awfully busy already if Trump has him draining the swamp. Gotta find a way to do both.
Beyond bugs—Australian electric plasma legend Wal Thornhill writes about orbital adjustment and stabilization by electrical exchange between planets:
“Each planet acts as a small secondary cathode in this solar glow discharge and develops an invisible cometary plasma sheath, the tail of which stretches away from the Sun in the plane of the ecliptic. The cometary plasma sheath of Venus was found to stretch as far as the Earth during inferior conjunction. Researchers were puzzled by the coherent “stringy” nature of the Venusian plasma tail. [6] The stringiness is confirmation of Birkeland currents stretching between Venus and the Earth, which transfer charge between the planets. The same kind of electrical exchange takes place between Earth and Mars during opposition, giving rise to the ‘blue clearing’ of the Martian atmosphere and the electrically driven global dust storms on that planet. Many planetary plasma tails have been found to brush across the plasma sheath of the planet in the next outer orbit. This brushing constitutes an intermittent circuit for transferring charge between adjacent planets when they are aligned with the Sun.
It suggests the following mechanism for orbital adjustment and stabilization:”