Illegal Migrant Crossings at Northern U.S. Border Skyrocket 50X Under Biden-Harris

October 3rd, 2024

Via: New York Post:

The number of migrants caught crossing a stretch of the US-Canada border that includes northern New York has skyrocketed — increasing more than 50-fold under the Biden-Harris administration.

This year, illegal crossings surpassed the number for the last 17 years combined.

The Border Patrol agents in the Swanton sector — which includes more than 200 miles of land border between Maine and the St. Lawrence River in New York — apprehended more than 19,000 illegal migrants from 97 different countries in fiscal year 2024, the Border Patrol chief for the sector, Robert Garcia, said this week.

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One Response to “Illegal Migrant Crossings at Northern U.S. Border Skyrocket 50X Under Biden-Harris”

  1. Snowman says:

    “The Border Patrol agents in the Swanton sector… apprehended more than 19,000 illegal migrants.”

    “Apprehended”means processed into the US, right?

    At least once a week, a school bus and a greyhound-type bus come from Canada into the town of Presque Isle, pop. 8,641, in northern Maine. The buses carry about 75 passengers combined, according to passenger bus sizes online. That’s 3,900 illegals per year, almost half the town’s population. They are being hidden — you do not see them walking or riding bikes or scooters down Main Street — in a tent city in a forest behind the Walmart and in a duplex housing neighborhood next to an old military airfield that’s been turned into an industrial park. They might also be taken to a formerly-closed hotel-conference center that has at least 150 rooms. I don’t know how many remain in this area or how many are taken to other little towns or cities. If they stay right here, they will out-number us in 2 years, 4 months. The Maine newspapers, all owned by the same syndicate, never mention this.

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