The Horrifying Vaccine Injury Case of Alexis Lorenze

September 19th, 2024

WARNING: Graphic.

I was going to post images, but you should be able to decide whether or not you want to see this.

Via: Daily Mail:

A Florida woman claims she was left temporarily blind and with agonizing swelling and bruising after doctors forced her to take vaccines for a rare blood disease.

Alexis Lorenze, 23, was diagnosed with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) in January, a one-in-a-million autoimmune condition which causes the body’s immune system to attack her red blood cells.

Ms Lorenze traveled to California earlier this month for a transfusion to replenish the damaged cells, where she claims doctors at UCI Medical refused to administer it unless she received vaccines for tetanus, pneumonia, and meningitis ‘all at once.’

But she claims within 10 minutes, her vision went dark in both eyes, her jaw locked in place, and she started vomiting. She has also suffered hemorrhaging under her skin and severe swelling.

More: Forced to Get 3 Vaccines to Receive Medical Care, 23-Year-Old Alexis Lorenze Is Now Fighting for Her Life

3 Responses to “The Horrifying Vaccine Injury Case of Alexis Lorenze”

  1. cgroove69 says:

    Why the “she claims” constantly in the article? I had to stop reading, even though I knew about this already, because I get more infuriated every damn time I read “claims”. No, there is no claim, they gave her too many stupid shots, and her body attacked itself, period! They should have known better. Besides the fact they wouldn’t do anything without those vaccinations, which is absolutely infuriating!! And I would bet the farm nobody gets in trouble, just “following protocol”. SMH this poor woman.

  2. Snowman says:

    Not just following protocol, but just testing on an unwilling human who is desperate for relief. They do know what they are doing.

    It’s hard to read the morning news and not walk around in an infuriated state all day, every day. I make sarcastic or mocking comments to blow off a little steam, my tiny hit back at the Establishment. But some stories, like this one, are too much for me. You see I’m responding to you, not it.

    I don’t know what more we can do than what we are doing, but we mustn’t lose heart.

  3. cgroove69 says:

    Yeh Snowman, I keep trying to be optimistic. But the “leaders of democracy & the free world” *ahem* make it harder and harder.

    Kevin had the right idea years and years ago: get the hell outta dodge! Wish I had had that foresight & fortitude. I try and do my best and wake up who I can to the propaganda, but there are so many who just want to keep believing the mainstream/elite ideology.

    We do what we can, and find these little corners of the web I guess. who knows how long we’ll even have that.

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