The Amish: A Control Group for Technofeudalism

September 17th, 2024

Via: Brownstone Institute:

Life in the United States has changed drastically in the last several decades. Technology, pharmaceutical and medical interventions, dietary shifts, educational policies, and social trends have radically altered our way of life. Over the same time period, Americans have become fatter, sicker, and less happy. Chronic disease has skyrocketed, and our children suffer ill health at unprecedented levels.

Yet there is one group that has not experienced many of these same changes: The Amish and other Plain Sect churches. By opting out of a host of our modern social ills, they have avoided many of the negative outcomes impacting the rest of America, particularly our children.

The rejection of Big Pharma is particularly striking: Twenty years ago, a small percentage of Amish parents gave their children a few vaccines such as MMR and TdaP, but today that rate is likely in the single digits. Of course, there are no vaccine mandates for attending Amish schools. Autism, ADHD, and autoimmune diseases are almost unheard of in this population.

I was speaking recently at an Amish festival and asked the 400 Amish folk in the audience if any of them knew any unvaccinated Amish children with these diseases. The attendees easily knew 5,000 children in total, probably many more. Not one person knew an Amish child diagnosed with ADHD. Three audience members responded that they knew of an Amish child with autism, but upon further questioning, one of the children in question had received the MMR vaccine, and the two others were unsure of the vaccine status of the children.

Given the prevalence of these afflictions in wider society, it is startling to encounter a community that has been almost completely spared. Many Americans are starting to notice and are asking questions about this phenomenon – questions that pharmaceutical companies would rather we did not ask.

3 Responses to “The Amish: A Control Group for Technofeudalism”

  1. Snowman says:

    Amish are being pressured into closing their agriculture-related businesses by increasing govt regulations such as sanitation requirements that involve using more and more electric machines. Some Amish comply, but many don’t so lose their licenses to sell their products to the public or to each other. Where will they get money to pay the taxes on their property if they can’t sell their products?

    Also, periodically child abuse charges against them arise because of their physical punishment of their children or alleged sex abuse. Such issues traditionally have been dealt with among themselves, but the authorities in states that are quick to take children away from their parents could weaponize their laws or regulations against the Amish, as they have against parents who don’t want their kids transgendered.

  2. Leave the Amish alone.

  3. Snowman says:

    For those who hope to escape the US for a better country: the Amish have communities scattered all over the world. It would be interesting to see how those in Canada, Mexico, Peru, Russia, (they are or were in Ukraine), and wherever else are being treated by those govts.

    As for autism and other diseases/disabilities: they use modern materials containing toxins, consume some non-organic food products containing more toxins, and get sprayed with the same chemtrails as the rest of us. They may be healthier than the average person but aren’t supermen. They may get smaller doses of these poisons, but they are gradually affecting them, too. I wish they would all realize that.

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