Children of Big Brother: What It Means to Go Back-to-School in the American Police State

September 7th, 2024

Via: Rutherford Institute:

The message is chillingly clear: your children are not your own but are, in fact, wards of the state who have been temporarily entrusted to your care. Should you fail to carry out your duties to the government’s satisfaction, the children in your care will be re-assigned elsewhere.

One Response to “Children of Big Brother: What It Means to Go Back-to-School in the American Police State”

  1. Snowman says:

    If Trump becomes president again, I want him to eliminate the Dept of Education and eliminate federal grants to public schools. Without the big bribe for doing all the bad things they do, schools will need the parents’ money and will turn around fast and start giving parents what they demand in order to get it. Or so I hope.

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