Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’

September 2nd, 2024

Tell me another one, Professor.

Via: Armageddon Prose:

Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, promoting his very patriotic book “No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States,” recently penned an op-ed and appeared on MSNBC to float the idea that we need to toss out the United States Constitution — arguably the most eloquent and functional if imperfect governing document ever written, which every Western nation has modeled their own on — and replace it with something a little more Democratic™.

4 Responses to “Berkeley Law School Dean: Constitution ‘Outdated,’ ‘Threatens the United States’”

  1. Snowman says:

    It’s a movement that has been planned in advance. I first heard this sort of talk coming from law schools maybe 8-10 years ago. They were floating a trial balloon — it came, it went. Now it’s back in a bigger way. It’s Kamala’s “reimagining”.

    Canadian-Born NY Times Contributor Calls Constitution a “Threat to American Democracy” That is “Beyond Redemption”

    Human Rights Campaign President Calls for Rejection of “the Little Piece of Paper” of the Founders – article cites several other promoters of this idea

  2. NH says:

    “The Pew Research Center has been tracking public trust in government since 1958. It has gone from a high-water mark of 77% in 1964 to our contemporary 20%.”

    No, to be specific public trust started its crash November 22, 1963 when They killed JFK. Neo-Bolsheviks like Chemerinsky, in positions of power, are some of the primary foot soldiers in the war against the US constitution, which is probably the primary bulwark against World totalitarianism.

  3. Democracy is that thing which is attempting to convince us that we are not a republic.

    The Constitution lacks an enforcement clause which we find written in our hearts. That calling all must follow, into perdition and tyranny, through lack of will or on to christian liberty.

  4. Snowman says:

    Well said, messianicdruid.

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