Chicago: City-Owned Grocery Stores

August 31st, 2024

In related news: From Price Controls to Mass Starvation:

As cities clear of food, you’d need police patrolling parking lots and armed escorts on delivery trucks — perhaps you could even have government-run groceries like Chicago just announced.

Via: Chicago Tribune:

Nearly a year after Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration floated the possibility of opening a municipally owned grocery store to help improve food access on the South and West sides, a feasibility study created for the city describes a municipal grocery model as “necessary, feasible, and implementable.”

The study recommends the city pursue some version of a municipally owned store or stores — and finds such stores could even turn a profit. It also suggests the city not attempt to operate a supermarket itself, but rather partner with a for-profit operator, a non-profit operator or a co-op.

Private grocers have shuttered a number of supermarkets on the South and West sides in recent years, leaving many residents with significantly diminished access to fresh groceries.

In an interview with the Tribune, city policy chief S. Mayumi “Umi” Grigsby said internal and external working groups will now work on finalizing a proposal for a store or stores. The city would then be ready to apply for funding for such a project, including from a new $20 million state grocery initiative.

One Response to “Chicago: City-Owned Grocery Stores”

  1. Snowman says:

    During the Cold War, the US nightly tv news, (ABC, CBS, NBC), often showed video of people grocery-shopping in Moscow. It went like this: Word would go around that a certain butcher shop, for example, would have a certain type of meat for sale on a certain day. Customers would start lining up outside the store long before it opened. When it opened, a limited amount of meat, maybe 3-4 pounds, would be sold to each customer till all was sold out, which was within a few hours. The people still in line would go home without. It would be a week or two before the store was open again. Whatever the food being sold, meat or bread or cheese or potatoes, this is how it was sold. Our newsman wouldn’t say, “Aren’t we glad we don’t live in a socialist country,” but we viewers got the message.

    I think one-world government means taking from each nation’s political system and culture what works best for the global governors to control the people while enriching themselves and applying it/forcing it on all nations. The West is addicted to passive entertainment such as video games and movies, so those will be made widely available but produced under govt control so that they will promote only the atitudes and beliefs the govt wants us to have, like Hollywood does. On the other hand, individual or group personal communication, like X, will be very heavily censored and trolled, perhaps available only for limited times or denied altogether for those who say the wrong thing, like X in Brazil.

    But all this is merely reviving the past with new technologies, like bugs instead of meat. The ‘new’ in new world order means obliterating any aspect of the past that does not contribute to the comfort and pleasure of the governors. They are aiming for the day when everything they can think of is provided by robots and androids, so that they no longer have to maintain and control any other humans at all.

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