Government Report Links Excessive Fluoride in Water to Lowered IQs in Kids

August 24th, 2024

Via: U.S. News and World Report:

High levels of fluoride in drinking water may dim the intelligence of children, a new U.S. government report shows.

Based on an analysis of published research, the potentially controversial report marks the first time a federal agency has determined there is a link between drinking twice the recommended amount of fluoride and lower IQs in kids.

“Since 1945, the use of fluoride has been a successful public health initiative for reducing dental cavities and improving general oral health of adults and children,” the report stated. “There is a concern, however, that some pregnant women and children may be getting more fluoride than they need because they now get fluoride from many sources, including treated public water, water-added foods and beverages, teas, toothpaste, floss and mouthwash, and the combined total intake of fluoride may exceed safe amounts.”

Related: Australia: ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Drinking Water

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