Statins Are Pharma Trash, Research Mounts

August 23rd, 2024

Via: Armageddon Prose:

On a long enough timeline, most medical scams — even the most persistent ones — have a way of unraveling.

To facilitate more statin prescriptions, the industry developed calculators for adult-child doctors to use, into which they punch in a bunch of numbers and the computer then tells them whether their patient needs statins (they always do, somehow). It turns out — you’ll be shocked to learn — the calculators overestimated the risk of heart disease by 600%.

More: The Great Cholesterol Scam and The Dangers of Statins

One Response to “Statins Are Pharma Trash, Research Mounts”

  1. Snowman says:

    I never know who to believe anymore. But I guess it’s better to believe no one, be interested but hard to convince, and stay alive, than otherwise.

    I used to think RFK Jr was trustworthy. But then I heard the story of the bear in Central Park. Having lived for four years in the area he says he found the bear in, I can point out several questionable elements in his story. My best guess is that a young relative pulled a prank, and RFK Jr decided to cover it up with this story so the fellow wouldn’t get in serious trouble.

    Tucker Carlson once talked about how he’d do anything to protect his brother, no matter what his brother was in trouble for. I think people should accept responsibility for their own actions, not hide behind rich relatives. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

    The decision-makers in the mainstream medical industry are all people protecting each other and their large incomes while their scams and frauds kill us off.

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