ICE Agents Arrest Illegal Alien Serial Killer Wanted For 23 Murders In Peru After Initially Releasing Him Into U.S.

August 16th, 2024

Via: ZeroHedge:

ICE Buffalo arrested a Peruvian gang leader yesterday who is wanted for 23 murders in Peru & was caught and released at the US border in May. Gianfranco Torres-Navarro, leader of “Los Killers”, was arrested by ICE in Endicott, NY, about 145 miles northwest of NYC.

ICE tells FOX Torres-Navarro was caught by Border Patrol on May 16th near Roma, TX in the Rio Grande Valley, but was released into the US with a Notice to Appear.

It took almost two months before federal authorities learned he was wanted in Peru for nearly two dozen murders. After being informed, Buffalo based ICE deportation officers found and arrested him yesterday. He is now in ICE detention.

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