More Audio Analysis of Trump Shooting

July 25th, 2024

Via: Peak Prosperity:

One Response to “More Audio Analysis of Trump Shooting”

  1. Snowman says:

    Whatever it may or may not prove, this info sure is taking up a lot of our time. It’s presentation over days and weeks reminds me of the pace of a soap opera. If I had staged the entire event, I’d be doing this to cover my tracks, mixing a little truth with a lot of lies, doing some collateral damage among the innocents to give the show authenticity. Their show being very effective election interference is bad enough, and that they’re doing it with my tax dollars is worse, but it’s the collateral damage that is unforgivable.

    At what point does a cover-up become a distraction? What else is happening in the world that we aren’t paying much attention to or not even noticing?

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