Dr. Peter Hotez: Use Homeland Security and NATO to Fight Anti-Vaccine Aggression

July 24th, 2024

3 Responses to “Dr. Peter Hotez: Use Homeland Security and NATO to Fight Anti-Vaccine Aggression”

  1. Snowman says:

    They aren’t trying to “fight anti-vaccine aggression”. They are trying to stop people from spreading factual information about vaccines that reveals their flaws.

    They also are looking for excuses to unleash against us all the military-trained staff and weaponry that the many and various govt agencies have acquired, like the Commerce Dept.

    What will Commerce’s SWAT teams do, break into our houses at 3:00 a.m. to check our wallets for counterfeit bills? Hmm, no, that’s the Treasury Dept. Commerce will check our homes for any appliances older than 3 years: if they find any, they’ll confiscate them and require us to go buy a new one and show them the receipt within 7 days, or they’ll confiscate the next-oldest thing we’ve got, not including our kids or ourselves, or not until all the appliances have been taken first.

    NATO troops could be the long-anticipated foreign militaries that would attack us, since our own military is restricted to action abroad. We’d trade our troops taking over Europe for Europe’s troops taking us over.

    Where do all the illegals who happen to have military or gang training fit in? Is the US supposed to become the battleground for the West vs. everybody else? That might be why billionaires have bunkers in Hawaii instead of the lower 48.

  2. Dennis says:

    Before his death, Gonzalo Lira suggested Victoria Nuland’s hawkish stance towards Russia was rooted in her family’s traumatic experiences under Soviet rule.

    Is Hotez’ push for an enforced global regime similarly his denial vaccines could possibly have played a part in his daughter’s autism writ large?

  3. NH says:

    Regarding Russia, it does seem there could be an element of ancestorial revenge playing out with certain Neocons regarding past events in The Ukraine and southern Russia area–but how far back might it go? Dominant ruling ideology sure did change there over the last hundred and some years, going from Christian Tsarism, to the atheistic Bolshevik communism under Trotsky who massively persecuted Christians, to somewhat different persecutions under Stalin, back heavily toward a Christian orientation under Putin.

    Or could a grudge possibly go back much further, to the Khazarian empire? The Khazars were dominant in a large area north of the Black Sea from the sixth thru the tenth centuries, and they had strong ties to the Christian Byzantine Empire(one of the progenitors of Russia) in the first portion of their reign, with both Justinian II (704) and Constantine V (732) having Khazar wives.

    The Khazars income over the centuries relied to a large extent on extracting duties on goods passing through their lands, on trade between the far east and Byzantium. Svyatoslav of the Kievan Rus(another progenitor of Russia and located between Khazaria and Byzantium) launched a campaign in 965 and crushed Khazaria.

    It’s not unheard of for grudges to last for millennia, but, there’s always the tribalism and lust for power angle too.



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