“Lab-Grown Living Skin Created by Scientists Hoping to Make More Human-Like Cyborgs”

June 27th, 2024

It looks like they’re off to a great start. (Prepare yourself.)

Via: New York Post:

It’s the face of the future.

A team of scientists unveiled a robot face covered with a delicate layer of living skin that heals itself and crinkles into a smile in hopes of developing more human-like cyborgs.

The skin was made in a lab at the University of Tokyo from a mixture of human skin cells grown on a collagen model and placed on top of a 3D-printed resin base, the New Scientist reported.

Scientists on the project — who published their findings in Cell Reports Physical Science on Tuesday — believe the living skin could be a key step in creating robots that heal and feel like humans.

One Response to ““Lab-Grown Living Skin Created by Scientists Hoping to Make More Human-Like Cyborgs””

  1. Dennis says:

    Gumby meets ‘Silence of the Lambs’.

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