Meet the Australian Media

June 26th, 2024

3 Responses to “Meet the Australian Media”

  1. dale says:

    Thanks for posting this one. He’s on a roll.

  2. NH says:

    That was awesome. Although he’s said he doesn’t want it, Australia needs to offer he and his family a second passport–if not, maybe New Zealand?

  3. Snowman says:

    With apologies to those who have second passports for good reasons —

    The system has been altered so that having two or more has been made necessary for (1) long-term residence in another country, and so that, (2) if the country whose passport you hold goes out of int’l favor, you have a backup country’s passport to get around with. It also (3) enables crooks to hide behind one country when they commit crimes in another. I don’t know how this works, but you know it’s happening when nearly every US Congressperson has quietly obtained dual Israeli or Middle Eastern citizenship.

    Up till recently, being an American or a Brit assured anyone of unrestricted travel and unlimited residency in many countries, though paperwork was required. And immigration of foreigners into the US or Britain was restricted by their passport status.

    Second passports entered the picture basically as tool of globalization. They work to dilute the power and status of Western nations by diluting the citizen’s sense of who he is and what is his. Instead of feeling that he belongs to his native country and it belongs to him and taking responsibility for keeping it and managing it to his own and his fellow citizens’ advantage, his responsibility to it becomes optional. Becoming a supposed citizen of the world, (a popular phrase in my young adulthood), really means abandoning loyalty to any one nation. The globalists realize that nationalism is a major obstacle to their one-world govt. Creating alternatives to national identity and making then necessary is part of how they are solving that problem.

    It’s like encouraging a person who marries and has kids to leave that family for new adventures elsewhere. I don’t mean to attack anyone who is certainly not doing that, or to claim that all divorce is wrong, (I am divorced), but to point out by this analogy that (1) the convenient opportunity is there now when it wasn’t in the past, and (2) it’s become socially acceptable if not trendy to take advantage of it when it used to be a crime, and (3) the better alternatives we enjoyed in the past have been taken from us for bad reasons.

    I don’t recall that Tucker has ever spoken specifically on nationalism, but his discussions of personal responsibility and the family and his comments on Putin reflect the principles that are its basis.

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